
Morning Watch

One of the twin mages woke Karl up a few hours before dawn to begin his watch, Gently shaking the net beside his head to get him motivated.

Karl smiled at her and whispered. "Did you learn that from Rae? She gets upset when people shake the whole net instead of just a small bit near the head to wake people up."

Danni smirked. "She woke me up that way. She's down below somewhere again, but she will likely come back up when she has caught whatever appeared in her net. 

We haven't seen any action so far, but the new wave of monsters should be here by morning, so keep your eyes peeled. 

Nobody really knows when they will show up, and it doesn't seem to be a set time, but we do know that there are new ones daily.

I'm going to get a bit more sleep, wake me up for breakfast."

Karl sat in silence and looked out over the hills and forests, letting time pass by as he scanned for signs of movement and life in the predawn darkness.
