
Volume 0 (34): Dread for a decadent civilization.

Chapter 34 : Clear Intentions Part 2.

The answer of the Tsarina towards her Youngest Daughter continues —With no options available, i was forced by the situation to have him to produce offspring …

Sarcasticly the Tsarina comments »—Who could have foreseen my longevity capacity being so high?, if i had known, i would never have been with him …

Her voice turns cold and detached »—But after learning that he murdered every possible candidate suitable to become my consort just to be inside of me one more time before i outlast my previous descendant …

Anger is boiling in the voice of the Tsarina »—"I" personally removed his Stamen!, so he would never enter my Gynoecium again, rather than creeping on others, he should have become better, worthy of me …

A more gentle and almost smirking voice is employ by the Tsarina »—Calling Garktesy "Sister-in-law" is to mock her decision of supporting the wrongdoings of her brother, i never marry someone, and that is going to be the case until i say otherwise.

With a serene and calm tone the Tsarina express nonchalantly while she observe her Youngest Daughter »— Disappointment is the only sensation he made me feel … , this answers your question and clarifies any doubts you had regarding the relationship i had with your Dead Father?.

—It does Mother; The young Jitaris responded downcasted, and the Tsarina orients her daughter —Good, correct your posture and regain control over your "Zohar", he can see your displeasure better than me.

The next moment an ephemeral flash is observed on the sky, the following instant, Marshack lands 32 Vul (16 meters) away from the Jitaris Wächters formation.

The Hûrngöth is displaying all his Traits and Evolution Branches as well the [Active Adarga], accompanied by an aqua green translucent coverage on his lower body belonging to the Kinetic Energy produced by the impact of his arrival.

The amount of energy on Marshack's body is enough to disintegrate the cohesive force in one sixth of the total particles of the planet, but him just absorb the Kinetic Energy while gets closer to the Receiving Delegation.

The Tsarina step up and open her long arms to command attention while speaking on Mathirn language ‡—Welcome to Jericho Absolute Apex of the Hûrngöth.

The newcomer Guest reply swiftly on Jitaris language with the usual stoic and firm demeanor he has —I appreciate the gesture, however it is not necessary, Tsarina C'lar'áhjar-Radmá-Ära'yon, we are in your domains and it is an opportunity for myself to practice this wonderful language.

The Tsarina skip a beat and the playful tone she has doesn't dissimulate at all her excitement —Oh My!, you are so bold saying my "Full Name", but start calling me "Cla'ryon" if you are as interested in me as i am in you …

—As you Desire Cla'ryon; Marshack doesn't shy away from the petition, if one thing he has learned, is the acceptance of the advances designated by those you want close to yourself, if is not the case, then you block their approaches or severate completely the interactions with the Individual in question.

Following the previous thought, he adds with gentleness in his voice »—I expect the same treatment, you can refer to me with just my Complement, "Bverxkka".

Cla'ryon smiles seductively hinting openly the connotation of this Meeting —I am going to do it, Bverxkka … ; With a more serious but still flirtatious voice and gestures, the Tsarina proclaims »—I hope you can overlook the unassistance of the Mathirn Empress, she is more infatuated with you than she can possibly express, but several raids by stealth ships across the 9 Galaxies of her territory have forced her to put duties before pleasure.

—Understandable … ; Marshack reply, analyzing the implications with the accelerate mental process allowed by the Quelizt.

»—These Stealth Ships, committed an aggression of this scale against the Mathirn Empire, this cannot be a coincidence, there is any assistance we can provide?, Or other parties plotting around, we should be aware of?.

—Garktesy; The Tsarina signals Marshack to accompany her inside the Palace while her Youngest Daughter and Sister-in-law walk behind them, the former take advantage of the moment to reply solemnly the questions of the Hûrngöth —That is the most strange about this situation, the attacks are deep in space controlled by the Mathirn, and the "Zionez Null Displacement" the Stealth Ships employ is untraceable to the Perpetrators, anyone with access to Zionez can utilize Null Zionez.

»—If they can't scape, self-destruct themselves along with all the evidence that could be retrieved, apart from the visual design, we don't know more about them.

Garktesy show an hologram above her left hand, Marshack doesn't turn around, is unnecessary for him, with the [Bicromy] he can observe everything in his surroundings.

The Apex informs nonchalantly —I destroy a few of this ships in my journey to Jericho, they are capable of distinguish the entrances of Natural Tubular Connections, their speed inside of them is laughable, but is the first Species aside the Integrants of my Civilization that show the capacity to travel efficiently on an "NTC".

—You know the responsibles?!; Inquire the the woman, Marshack dismisses the question —I don't know them, but this is the information i gather before striking them down with Neutronic Warheads.

The Hûrngöth links his Slaidt with the ones belonging to the 3 Females of the Jitaris, who receive the data, and a second later they say at unison with obvious anger —"The Lakyr"!.

The Tsarina is the first one to recover from the revelation —Garktesy, you have proofs now, admonish the Lakyr on the Commonwealth Assembly, if the Mathirn Empire goes to War, show our support, if that is not enough to middle down the conflict, we will have to deal with a transgalactic war …

The Tsarina's Sister-in-law reply with seriousness —You sending me there rather than going yourself is already knowing the outcome …

—Then don't do it; Said Marshack »—If the Lakyr are admonished by you, they become the new best option, they don't win anything from attacking tha Mathirn, but exposing them, is equal to acknowledge their prowess, which makes them an unparallel Ally, because not even the Mathirn can prevent the unrestricted circulation of this fleet and no one can trace them …

With horror the Youngest Daughter of the Tsarina express her preoccupation —They can commit murders, kidnapping, smuggling, stealing or false flag attacks with impunity …

—Not to that extent; The Tsarina promptly assure her Youngest Daughter »—We know the plot already thanks to Bverxkka, lets use it to our advantage.

—Indeed Cla'ryon, with the probabilitys we have, this war can be delayed by a couple of months or even a few Standard Years, as the Lakyr stabilize their connections, we are going to develop appropriate countermeasures, if not, i personally barren their territories with Neutronic Warheads, whichever be the case, we are the ones in control of the situation.

Cla'ryon has ragged voice and her Zohar, an Ice blue Crio Plasma brightness surrounds the contour of her silhouette —You are always this demolishing in your decisions Bverxkka?.

—Indeed … {I have to, in order to preserve my reborn Civilization and the two Species that integrate it}.

—Is the same on the bed?; The Tsarina coquettishly asks and Marshack response is quite the revelation for her —I don't have practice experience on that field, until recently, no female could withstood any sexual connotation from my part …

Cla'ryon gets really excited —Oh My!, Can i be the first?!.

Marshack negates the possibility —unfortunately, No, My Bride doesn't want my first sexual encouter be with someone with more than 250 "Hûrngöth Years" …

Marshack stops abruptly and the Tsarina notices immediately —Something happened?; She asked and he reply swiftly with a tint of curiosity —Not at all, i just realized that we said on daily basis Hûrngöth Years, not Hûlfhednär Years …

Marshack returns to his usual demeanor and speak with amusement »—My apologies for this ramble, usually, i am not pursued sexually, is quite refreshing and exilerating situation, i try to adapt to it as fast as i can, but this is new to me, seeing the happiness of others feels foreign, going through it myself is extremely pleasant.

Cla'ryon smiles with care —You are always this honest?.

—Always, we Hûrngöth can see lies, there is no point in using them, unless someone wants to discredit oneselves …
