
True Bloom Arena

[At the very center of Roronora City, outside of the previously named "Initiation Arena"]

There is a large white sheet covering the top/front of the old basketball arena.

The Takamagahara ambassadors, minus Dom and Jorm, along with Laban, Hathor and Princess Rebekah are standing around, waiting.

Drakaina looks worried and scans the crowd of citizens for her little brother. Her face lights up when she spots the spikey purple hair of Jorm pop out in the sea of people.

The two Izanami members jog towards the rest of the group, out of breath.

Saku with a smirk, busts their balls.

Saku: "Well gadahm, took you two long enough. Were you guys making out in there or what?"

Itsuka elbows him hard in the ribs and as usual, Saku goes down in pain.

Saku: "Oww, gahh. I friggin hate you!"

Jormy looks at his sister and smiles.

Jormungand: "Sorry Sis, that large soda went right through me."
