
Chapter 673 Jade Pendant_1

Following that, three thousand taels were set aside, "These two thousand taels are for the household expenses this year."

Of the remaining twelve thousand taels, Zhulan took out two thousand taels, "This is for the eldest to take to buy a residence and shops for Xue Mei, the rest will be used for ancestral worship."

Zhou Shuren looked at the final ten thousand taels, "How do you plan to use these silver coins?"

Zhulan fiddled with her hair, "I haven't thought it through."

Zhou Shuren, "Then just put it aside for now."

Following this, Zhou Shuren looked at the various boxes on the table, "We really did save quite a bit over the years."

Zhulan opened each box, "Yes, this box contains the deeds to the shops; this box holds land deeds and manor contracts; and the final box has the indentures of the maids and young servants."

Zhou Shuren pointed to the last box, "What's inside this one?"
