
Chapter 4 Power of Discourse_1


Unfortunately, with her original husband present in the bedroom, she dared not make any unusual movements. She could only suppress her thoughts and wait with a sigh to eat.

Her children got up one after another, and Zhulan intentionally avoided them, unsure of how to interact, preferring to watch from a distance.

Lady Li had prepared breakfast, and Zhulan sat in the original owner's seat with a wooden expression. Two tables were set, one for men and one for women. The only two dishes were pickles and radish soup. At the women's table, she had to allocate the staple food, seriously doubting how she, who knew nothing about farming, was going to survive in this ancient pastoral life.

With that thought in mind, she felt that being a mother-in-law wasn't so bad either, at least there were people serving her and she had absolute authority when it came to speaking.

The children looked longingly at the limited amount of rice porridge. Zhulan sighed and served each one a bowl. In this era, eating rice was a luxury.

At the neighboring table, the eldest son, Zhou Changli, frowned, "Mother, why hasn't father gotten up? Is he feeling unwell?"

Zhulan then remembered, the original husband hadn't left the room at all. She frowned, knowing it was impossible for her to check on him, still not having figured out how to interact with the original husband. "Eldest, you go and check on him!"

Zhou Changli responded, "Alright!"

Zhulan, holding her bowl, had even less of an appetite. From her memories to the situation she observed, a divorce was impossible. In an ancient time with a strict hierarchical system and an unfamiliar environment, she really didn't know how to carry on daily life. She sipped the rice porridge, which tasted genuinely good due to being green and unpolluted, and found her appetite slightly returning.

Soon, Zhou Changli came back, "Mother, father isn't feeling well and is resting for a while."

Zhulan breathed a sigh of relief, glad that she didn't have to interact with her original husband. She imitated the original owner's tone, "Alright then, you all hurry up and eat. Those who need to go to the fields, go to the fields, and those who need to go to school, go to school."

No one else contested, in the countryside, it was normal to not feel well or catch a cold, so they were used to it.

During breakfast, Zhulan only drank a bowl of porridge, her appetite was small due to the worries in her heart.

Lady Li eyed the cornbread in front of her mother-in-law eagerly, her heart rejoicing. "Mother, aren't you eating?"

Zhulan twitched the corner of her mouth, the gaze on the food was as if she was staring at meat. She felt even more uncomfortable in her stomach as she noticed the second daughter-in-law Zhao's resentful and hesitant look. "Eat, eat, you all stare at food as if there's no tomorrow. I won't eat it, so just leave it, and nobody else should think about it."

Lady Li closed her mouth, and Zhao also looked away.

Zhulan, "....."

Life really was unbearable!

Out of sight, out of mind, she left the table with a cold face and didn't return to her room. Instead, she sat by the well, watching Zhao clean up the table after breakfast. Her somewhat restless heart felt a bit more at ease; at least she didn't have to do any chores.

Zhulan sat there for a while. The eldest son took the second to the fields, and the younger ones went to school, leaving the yard quiet. She remained seated.

"Mother, what's wrong with you? Are you feeling unwell?"

Zhou Xuehan had been observing her mother all morning. Her usually spirited mother had been sighing and daydreaming all morning, which was very odd. She had not dared to approach, but after overhearing the soft discussions between her sisters-in-law, she couldn't help but come over and ask.

Zhulan came back to her senses. She had been continuing to sort the memories in her head. She saw her mother's little girl, who was indeed beautiful, with hair long enough to be tied up into pigtails, a face still holding a bit of baby fat, and large, blinking eyes that were incredibly cute.

However, Zhulan's heart was complicated. She motioned with her hand, "Mother is just thinking about some things, there's nothing wrong. Come to mother's side."

Zhou Xuehan crisply agreed, her tone cheerful, "Okay."

Zhulan was not so pleased. She had thought she had crossed over to a parallel time space, hence the unfamiliar dynasty. But sorting through her memories, she realized she had caught onto a trend and became a transmigrator!

