
Calculations in the Shadows

Navigating the social labyrinth of the Academy of Arcane Arts and Martial Prowess was as challenging as mastering any spell. For someone like me, conversations were minefields, and friendships, a foreign concept. I didn't seek companionship among my peers; I sought tools—assets that could further my own ends. It was a cold calculation, born from necessity and the shadows that whispered constantly at the edge of my consciousness.

The practical exams were not just tests of individual prowess; they were opportunities to assess potential allies—or more accurately, instruments. My observations from the sidelines were dispassionate analyses, each participant evaluated for their utility in the grand scheme of my vengeance.


Elara intrigued me not for her sociability, but for the strategic mind that lurked beneath her controlled display of water and air magic. In her, I saw not a friend but a chess piece, one whose affinity for manipulation and misdirection could be invaluable. Her victory against a more powerful opponent was noted, filed away for future reference. Her approach afterward, suggesting collaboration, was met with guarded interest. An alliance, yes, but on my terms.

Lysander was a different kind of asset—a shadow that mirrored my own darkness, yet veiled in mystery. His mastery over shadows was undeniable, a skillset that aligned eerily with my own. His proposition for shared secrets and exploration into the depths of dark magic was tempting, not for the promise of camaraderie but for the power it could unlock. In him, I saw not an equal but a resource, one that could be tapped and perhaps controlled.

The duel between Leon and Viktor, while lacking in magical sophistication, showcased a raw determination that could be honed and directed. Their physical endurance and tenacity were qualities that could prove useful in the trials to come. Observing their brawl, I considered how best to mold such raw material into something sharper, more focused.


The formation of our group for the upcoming project was a convergence of convenience rather than genuine teamwork. Elara, Lysander, and the others were pieces on the board, each with a role to play in the pursuit of my goals. Our planning sessions were exercises in manipulation, guiding the conversation to shape the outcome in a way that served my interests under the guise of mutual benefit.

As we dispersed, the weight of the task ahead felt lighter, not from any shared sense of accomplishment but from the knowledge that I had successfully aligned these individuals to a purpose they had yet to fully understand.

In the quiet of my room, surrounded by the comforting embrace of shadows, I contemplated the path ahead. Each step was calculated, each alliance a move in a larger game. The academy, with all its challenges and opportunities, was a proving ground. And I, amidst the awkward exchanges and superficial alliances, was a predator in the dark, biding my time, gathering my forces.

The lesson of the practical exams was clear: power could be found not just in the spells we cast but in the alliances we forged. And in this game of power and vengeance, I was determined to be the one pulling the strings.
