
Damned sin (2)

The weather was cold and Ariana had just finished wiping the counter of the kitchen. Her head was hurting as she sniffed again and again. 

'Did I catch a fever?' Ariana muttered under her breath as she raised her hand and placed it on her forehead. But her hand was just as warm as her forehead and Ariana didn't sense anything amiss.

She sniffed and said to herself, 'I should go and use a thermometer.' 

With a flick of her wrist, Ariana threw the used napkin in the trash can before turning on her feet and walking away. 

Her feet felt heavy as she climbed the stairs and by the time she arrived in the room where she stayed, Ariana was certain that she was going to fall unconscious. 

'My head is killing me,' Ariana muttered as she pushed open the door and entered her room. With legs that were as stiff as her stuffy nose, she walked to the cabinet and opened the second drawer. 
