
chapter 48

''The family of rising business mogul Colton Winston has publicly confirmed his passing. He was said to have passed from a sudden heart attack and his body has long been transported to his hometown to be buried. We sincerely hope that the family and friends of the deceased find the will to move on from this tragic loss''

''Heart attack?" Liev scoffed, ''yeah right''

''A pity how he did ain't it missy?" the cab driver asked as he cast her a short glance through the rearview mirror. She was dressed in a long, red gown that reached her toes. The cab driver hardly met women who dressed this way except they were Muslim women or just really conservative like those Mormon folks but their kind was not too easy to come across in the city.

''You really believe that man died of a heart attack?" Liev replied with a question of her own.

''That's what they telling the public''
