
Chapter 2: Outside the cave

Arriving at the entrance of the cave, Eren looks amazed at what he sees. Appearing in his vision was a huge forest, with a grass-filled meadow, towering green trees that pointed towards the sky, and a bright blue, partially cloudy sky.

Carefully touching and feeling the grass under his feet. He instantly falls down and lays on the grass while saying it with a voice full of pleasure.

"Charrrr charma (Ahhh, so soft, I could stay here for hours.)" 

As he was enjoying himself on the grass, a burnt smell entered his nose. Turning around, he sees his tail, and near it was the fire that had just started by accident. 

Holding out his left hand, he slapped hard instantly extinguishing it. 

Standing up from the ground, he turns his head and looks at his tail swaying on his butt while thinking. (Considering I will probably live with this thing for the rest of this life. I should probably start learning how to control it)....

4 Minutes later, after finally gaining a little control over his tail, he hears a strange sound coming out of the bushes in front of him. 

Hearing this made him tense up as he looked towards the thick bushes.

"Peep, peep" A small weird-looking mouse jumps out from the bushes and appears in his vision. The mouse had purple fur with a cream-coloured paw, face and underbelly. 2 Large teeth could be seen sticking out from its mouth, and behind its butt, was a long purple tail tightly curled at the end.

[Pokemon: Rattata (lv.2){Normal}]

Seeing this creature, Eren breathes a sigh of relief, but then becomes excited at its appearance and thinks to himself. (Rattata, so could it be that I'm actually inside the Pokémon game? If so, what will happen to me if I'm caught by some trainer? Or can I even be caught?)

While Eren was lost in his own thoughts, the Rattata that appeared let out a loud screeching sound and ran towards Eren, opening its mouth to bite down.

Coming back to reality as soon as he heard this. Eren sees the Rattata running towards him. 

Feeling helpless and speechless at this sight, Eren opens his mouth as an orange flame starts appearing from his mouth. 

(Ember: Releases a flame that may cause burns(10%) Eren then spat the flame out from his mouth towards Rattata. 

Seeing the incoming flame, Rattata's eyes were filled with horror, and it quickly tries to escape, but due to it's short distance and the accuracy rate of Eren's ember it failed and the flames hit it, engulfing its whole body.

[Ding, deals 16 damage]

[Additional burn damage +2/sec]

Feeling the painful burns of Eren flames, it squealed out in pain, but not long after its voice slowly died down, signaling the end of its life.

[Ding, Congratulations for killing/defeating a level 2 Rattata and obtaining 10 experience points]

[Ding, Congratulations for obtaining 14 gold coins]

[Current experience points: 150 (30 EXP. needed to reach level 6)]

Seeing the dead, roasted Rattata in front of him, Eren shivered, only now realising the horror of this supposed game world. 

The longer Eren looks at this scene, the more a familiar feeling surfaces in his stomach, causing it to grumble, It was the feeling of hunger.


He gulped down hard as his mouth started wathering. Realizing this, he wipes his mouth off, summons a few Oran berries, and starts munching down on them.

A bitter taste attacks his mouth, causing his face to turn ugly from the taste of the Oran berries.

"Chu cha char charma er (Urrg..if Iknew it tasted this bad, I would have never eaten so many at once)" Eren said with a look of regret, then turns his attention towards the game panel.

Only 30 more experience points to go before I can level up, but the most important thing now should be what to eat.. As Eren was in thought again, his stomach grumbled once more due to hunger, as Oran berries simply alone could not fill his stomach.

"Sigh char Charman der (Sigh, guess I got no say in this matter, Sis is probably going to hate me for this.)" Saying this, Eren walks towards the already roasted Rattata.

