
chapter 1

Chapter 1 The story begins here

  "A fool who does not belong to this era."

  "The great master who is farther away than far away."

  "Rooted in the ancient mystical gods."

  The sound of devout prayers slowly echoed in the basement. In front of a crude obsidian statue, Mr. A bowed his head, waiting for the god's response...or for his thoughts to slip into a dream.

  Since the end of the Fourth Age, the Church of the True Creator and the remaining Church of the "God of Mystery" have moved into the Southern Continent, supporting the establishment of the Second Empire of Trunsoest. The "God of Mysteries" disappeared, and no more formal oracles were issued.

  Although in the long five thousand years of the Fifth Age, there were always angels and favored ones who received revelations in their dreams, but more prayers came to nothing, so much so that the Church of the "God of Mysteries" no longer exists. Instead, it became a sect under the Church of the True Creator.

  Still no response... Mr. A opened his eyes and got up from the ground. His long hair that was scattered on the ground gradually straightened and finally hung down on both sides of his chest.

  "Tingen." Mr. A murmured the name of this inconspicuous city, becoming more and more confused.

  On February 16, 1349, His Majesty Pope Ouroleus saw the direction of destiny and predicted that the opportunity for the "God of Mystery" to revive would appear in the northern continent. The God of Thousand Faces would replace the fate of the heretics and regain power. .

  "When the end comes, dirty eyes will be cast from the stars to the earth, and the light of hope will awaken from history."

  Mr. A murmured the prophecy that had been engraved in his brain. Just as he was about to try to contact the nearest angel, he heard a steady sound of footsteps approaching. He quickly stopped thinking and looked up at the basement door.

  A gentleman wearing an exaggerated tie and oil paint on his face stopped in front of his eyes and nodded indifferently.

  "The punisher took the bait."

  "Where's the bait?"

  The oil-painted gentleman shrugged his shoulders and spoke with a smile.

  "Don't worry, we specially selected a few sacrifices that are not followers of the 'Tyrant'."

  "They're all silly-looking college students."

  Mr. A nodded slightly, thought for a moment, then skillfully drew a blood mark on his arm, and started writing quickly using his skin as paper.

  "Don't let your guard down."

  "You should know better than me. Compared with the arrogant arrogant, the heretic in charge of the secret is more cunning, and so are his followers."

  The bright red blood stained the overly fair skin. Before the characters written in the blood could dry up, Mr. A raised his other arm and cut off the elbow without hesitation.


  The gentleman couldn't help but click his tongue as he looked at the broken arm that was still wriggling on the ground that was ignited by the spirit.

  As a member of the Secret Order and a believer in the "God of Mysteries", even though he has worked with these "compatriots" who believe in the same faith for so many years, he has not been able to fully accept their style of doing things.

  The gentleman coughed.

  "The bait this time is a sealed item provided by the Antigonus family. It is said that it was made by His Highness himself."

  "If it weren't for the angel of the night or the high-level person carrying the sacred object coming in person, there would be no mistakes."

  Speaking of this, the gentleman instinctively wanted to liven up the atmosphere. The paint on his face moved with his muscles, creating an exaggerated smile.

  "If it weren't for the Pope's crown and the Lord's oracle, I wouldn't be willing to give it away."

  Mr. A's face looked very ugly.

  Just as the other party is not used to his style, he also looks down on these "clowns" who have been stationed in Trier all year round and have become infected with heretical, extravagant and dissolute habits.

  But now is obviously not the time to worry about this.

  Shadows surged under his feet, his body gradually sank, and all emotions were hidden behind his eyes.

  "Remember your confidence, Faceless Man."

  The gentleman opposite him suppressed his smile, looked at Mr. A who was almost submerged in the ground, and put his hand on his chest.

  "Of course, in the name of 'The Fool'."


  "Praise 'The Fool'."

  In the West District of Backlund, the "Dark Saint" browsed the flesh and blood words that appeared out of thin air on the floor of the carriage, quickly scratched his chest a few times, and said piously.

  He had received the report from Tingen, and immediately spread his spirituality to destroy the traces of blood stains on the carriage floor, and straightened his tie at the same time.

  On Jinwutong Road, the carriage was still moving, but the brightly lit mansion not far away could already be seen.

  The saint with an outstanding face rubbed his somewhat stiff cheeks, trying his best to make his temperament appear to be in line with his apparent age. Then he stopped the carriage and walked toward his destination alone.

  "Xma Chamber, this is my invitation."

  The manservant standing at the door of the garden calmly placed the invitation at the bottom, his smile still the same.

  "Viscount Hunter has been waiting for you for a long time."


  "Klein, I know you've been preparing for an interview recently, but you're too nervous!"

  Melissa, who had just come home from school, angrily closed the gas pipe valve, her thin cheeks full of seriousness and fear.

  "I know, I know." Klein did not dare to face his sister's stern gaze and scratched his chin in embarrassment.

  "I just thought that I haven't memorized many places yet, and I still haven't understood the key points highlighted by Associate Professor Cohen..."

  The more he spoke, the softer his voice became, and his eyes moved to the gas pipe that he had accidentally turned on just now when he wanted to turn on the gas light. He felt even more ashamed, and in the end he simply shut his mouth.

  Seeing her brother's appearance, Melissa, who had just returned home and found that her stupid brother was almost poisoned by gas, couldn't help but sigh. She couldn't find a place to get angry if she wanted to.

  Her brown eyes moved around, and after confirming that there were no other problems, she took out an envelope from her bag.

  "This is what I just saw in the mailbox downstairs."

  "The signature is Mr. Welch. I may want to talk to you about school matters."

  "Welch?" Klein took the envelope with some confusion, opened it and read it.

  Melissa was right, he should think about other things, the stress of the exam was already crushing him.

  Perhaps Welch found some interesting literature, which should help him adjust his mentality?

  "...Klein, I bought a notebook at the 'Evil Dragon Bar' today that seems to be related to the history of the Fourth Age...Although I only deciphered the very beginning, The shock these records have given me is unimaginable."

  Welch always likes to explore these rootless histories, but why should he buy books at the "Dragon Bar"?

  This sounds unreliable...

  Klein was a little worried that his friend had been deceived again.

  "As you know, there has been a blank slate in the research on the Fourth Age period in the current historical circles. In addition, the Royal Government has suppressed historical research before the Fifth Age... They encourage historians to study modern history and engage in If we want to understand the history before the Fifth Age, we can only rely on a few words from the Southern Continent."

  "...I may have gone a bit far, but you know what I mean, and unlike before, I certainly wasn't fooled this time."

  "This notebook comes from an ancient nobleman named Antigonus. In addition to the Black Emperor, Blood Emperor, and Night Emperor, who we only know by name, it even records a god I have never heard of. , a god who may be as famous as the current god!"


  "Klein! What's wrong?"

  Klein, who was startled by the content of his friend's letter, straightened his seat and hurriedly covered the name of the god he was about to see.

  Seeing that Melissa did not come out of the kitchen, he breathed a sigh of relief and responded softly.

  "Nothing, I, I just touched the table."

  His sister's scolding was still clear despite the barrier, but Klein was not in the mood to listen at the moment. When he looked down at the letter, he felt that Melissa's familiar voice seemed to be walking away, and only his friend's handwriting on the letter in his hand was getting closer. .

  These treacherous words, which could trigger the Inquisition if spread, aroused Klein's curiosity.

  Like magic, they are shouting through the ink and paper, bewitching the hearts of readers.

  Klein only felt as if...only these words were in the same world as him now.

  "Melissa is right..." He was usually a bit dull, but his brown eyes that looked clear gradually became cloudy. He stared at a few lines of text on the paper and murmured softly, as if he was hypnotizing himself. Own.

  "Melissa's right, I should think of other things..."

  "For example, this 'God of Mystery' and the history behind him."


  Loen Kingdom, Constant City.

  The sun has set, and the orange color is sprinkled on every chimney and blast furnace in this industrial city. From a distance, the afterglow that is constantly reflected between the iron sheets seems to put Constant in the middle of a raging fire.

  "Such a big fire?"

  "Damn it, those beasts from the Southern Continent, they even sent 'hunters'!"

  The Captain of the Punisher of the Church of Storms in Constant City opened his eyes wide and stared at the blast furnaces lined up in the factory, trying to see clearly which of the "clowns" bending over to greet him was not a phantom created by illusion. .

  But the situation at this time obviously did not allow him to do this. Feeling the increasingly hotter temperature around him, he could only yell in anger, then let the other person go first, and turned around to put out the flames.

  This is a steelmaking plant. If left alone, a series of explosions could blow up the entire western factory area.


  The "clown" standing on top of a blast furnace gave an exaggerated smile, his eyes full of sarcasm.

  "This is the price you should pay for obstructing the Lord's resurrection and return."

  These agents of punishment raided the factory they used to plan the coming of the gods, and out of a team of fifteen people, only the demigod who led the team was still alive to deal with the three major church bishops stationed in Constant.

  The "Joker"'s ring finger and thumb came together - he didn't intend to let the other party put out the fire so easily.

  "Stop it, Lord Garcia, let us evacuate Constant as soon as possible."

  The "Joker" who was about to snap his fingers and jump out from in front of the captain of the Punisher to shoot the opponent stopped, turned his head and looked behind him.

  "K, why?" His tone was serious, and the anger in his eyes behind the heavy paint almost overflowed.

  "Quite simply, we have failed and the Church's actions at Constant are a smokescreen."

  Mr. K looked at the starry watch on his wrist. There was a horrible scarlet color on his exposed skin.

  He was also suppressing his anger after his plan was ruined. He opened the fingers of his palm without the sealed object and threw another flaming spear into the sea of ​​fire.

  "This is an important industrial city in Loen. If we delay for too long, we may attract other demigods."

  "Your Excellency Garcia has retreated, and the only ones left in Constant are you and me."

  Mr. K calmly analyzed the current situation, just like when he was digesting the "conspirator's" potion.

  "There are only two Sequence Fives, you and me. Although I still have this 'Recorder Officer's' sealed item in my hand..."

  "In normal times, we might be able to disguise ourselves and hide in the city as before, but this time it's different. The other side's demigods won't stop so easily."

  "Your Excellency Garcia's order is that we do not need to make unnecessary sacrifices."

  He looked at his colleagues very sincerely, but the right hand wearing the watch was twitching uncontrollably.

  He had used Sealed Artifacts too frequently to hide his sequence before, and he could no longer bear the negative impact of Sealed Artifacts.

  "Praise 'The Fool'."

  The "Joker" finally took two steps back, came to Mr. K's side, and skillfully put his hand on the other man's shoulder.

  "Can you still use the sealed artifact?"

  "Haha, I'm not like you 'divinationists', who risk their lives to be promoted to Sequence Five and still get killed by a bullet."

  "Haha, we are not like you 'hunters', we always die on our own lips."

  The "Joker" slapped him back unceremoniously, looking at the colors around him that were gradually blurring and getting heavier. At the last second when he was about to enter the spiritual world, he flicked his wrist and threw out a card, UU read www. uukanshu.net was like a sharp arrow inserted into a high place where the fire could hardly spread.

  The next moment, thick lead clouds pressed down from high altitude, covering the sky at dusk.

  The collision between rainwater and flames made a harsh sizzling sound, spitting out a large amount of white mist composed of water vapor, covering the blast furnace and chimney of the steelmaking plant.

  The demigods who came in a hurry looked down at all this from a high altitude, with no trace of joy or anger on their majestic faces.

  While he summoned water to isolate the high-temperature steam and protect his subordinates, he controlled the airflow and flew to the highest chimney.

  The white playing cards were stuck between the cracks of the bricks, half wet from the heavy rain.

  The demigod surrounded by the wind raised his hand slightly, and the water soaked in the playing cards instantly separated out. The strong wind blew, and the useless water fell into the earth, while the playing cards passed through the heavy rain and fell steadily into the hands of the demigods.

  "'The Fool', the member of Abraham who defected to the Southern Continent, Eric Garcia...",

  If the information is correct, this is a favored person of an angel under the "God of Mystery".

  He stared at the rough Fool pattern on the card, and finally there was a hint of worry in his eyes.

  "Are they really planning to resurrect the evil god?"

  As far as he knew, this was the second terrorist attack in Jianhai County, but what he didn't know was that such "divine attacks" had also occurred in more than a dozen cities in the northern continent.


  The last such extreme action was during the Roselle era. Although it did not occur in Loen, the impact of the confrontation between several gods still affected the entire northern continent.

  As a former client and a newly promoted demigod, he was qualified to see part of the truth, but he never thought that the next time would come so soon.

  The life-threatening attacks by the cultists in the Southern Continent gave him a taste of divine warfare.

Chapter 2 Time to flow again

  As the heavy rain gradually subsided, the white mist composed of water vapor finally weakened and was dispersed by the airflow surrounding the demigod, revealing the blast furnace and chimney that were not too damaged.

  Surrounded by the wind, Lurmi looked down at the city made of steel, still holding the cards left by the "Joker" in his hand.

  At his feet, the revitalized "Punisher" was exploring the damage and contacting the "Nighthawk" and "Mechanical Heart" who had just arrived from the east of the city.

  Constant City is not a city with developed maritime transportation.

  Moreover, the relatively developed industrial base makes the city more ideologically active. Compared with the arrogant majesty of the "tyrant", the implicit tolerance of the night and the steam's support for technology and open-mindedness are more popular.

  But in the face of today's terrorist attack called God's Fall, the other two churches, which are more popular and have more believers, don't seem to be very enthusiastic.

  While Lurmi was thinking, he looked at the two black dots that were slowly enlarging at the edge of his vision. He hesitated for a moment and then stepped forward to meet them.

  "It seems that we have not left any believers in the Southern Continent."

  Two saints in gray and black robes, a man and a woman, stopped side by side and looked at each other.

  "Eric Garcia has the blessing of angels. He is a 'mystic' protected by angels."

  "After you left, he summoned the historical projection of that angel."

  "It's understandable." Lurmi nodded to the lady who was speaking, "What about the other people who participated in the evil god's coming?"

  He turned to look at the man wearing gray robes and thick glasses.

  The ritual attempt to resurrect the "Mysterious God" took place in a garment factory in the East, which is the parish of the God of Steam and Machinery.

  "I have handed over their bodies to MI9, and they will spread the news for us." The man in gray robe said calmly.

  "Leave it to MI9?"

  "Of course." The man met Lurmi's gaze and said matter-of-factly, "Although the Secret Order is a sect that believes in evil gods, to this day, they are still an important part of the Intis intelligence agency."

  "Your Excellency Lurmi, if we take over the autopsy work of those people, I'm afraid the kingdom and you will suspect that we are loyal to the motherland and intend to protect our 'compatriots' before we can pry their brains open, right?"

  His attitude was very tough, but Lulmi did not pay attention to the cynicism of the new Archbishop of the Steam Church, who had just been transferred from Intis.

  The other party's decision was correct.

  Although handing over the corpses of cultists to the royal government will inevitably cause the three major churches to lose their initiative, only in this way can the smooth follow-up tracing operations be ensured.

  Thinking of this, Lurmi sighed softly.

  It is obvious that in this matter, only the Storm Lord Church and the Kingdom Government are the real losers.


  Tingen, Halls neighborhood.

  Klein stood in front of a magnificent garden house and rubbed his hands hesitantly.

  He lied to Melissa that he wanted to go back to school to visit the tutor, and then sneaked out.

  Although he told the truth that Welch had other things to ask him for, Melissa would definitely not object or even worry.

  But Klein still chose to conceal and deceive, choosing to lie to his family for the first time.

  After all, the information revealed in Welch's letter was... frightening and thrilling.

  "You're finally here." Welch, who was guarding behind the iron gate of the garden, breathed a sigh of relief and secretly opened a crack to invite Klein in.

  Seemingly infected by Welch's nervousness, Klein, who was already uneasy, couldn't help but panic and dove in.

  "Just the two of us?"

  "Of course not. I also invited Naya. I think three people will be more confident in dealing with the notebook."

  Welch pulled Klein toward the house, a smile replacing his anxiety.

  "Before you came, Naya and I both tried to decipher part of the content. Unfortunately, the two of us probably fell asleep in Quentin's ancient language class. We couldn't figure out the specific meaning of many words. Just wait. I'll let you string them together."

  "Ancient language class..." When he mentioned the school's courses, Klein instinctively recalled the knowledge that had long been engraved in his mind, and said somewhat rigidly, "I didn't know that what you missed while sleeping was the Ancient Fussac language class. It's still a Hermes language class, it can't be a Giant language class, right?"

  Welch had already led Klein through the door and curled his lips helplessly.

  "I probably fell asleep and missed a lot, but I don't think the giants were still alive in the Fourth Age..."

  The mahogany-colored door slowly closed, blocking the line of sight that was staring here.

  The colorless air suddenly became turbid and twisted, revealing the gentleman hiding behind the illusion.

  He touched the exaggerated paint on his face with a satisfied smile on his lips.

  "Hey, I'll just say it's okay."

  As he spoke, the gentleman took out a paper figure from his pocket and touched his face with his hands to block the squirming flesh buds on his face.

  In a moment, those exaggerated oil paints disappeared, replaced by an ordinary face.

  The gentleman stared at the burning paper figure in his hand, wondering who he was talking to.

  "The sacrifices are already in place. We will lure away the punishers. As for the arduous task of taking people away, we can only leave it to our most pious Mr. A..."

  The voices grew distant, leaving only the burning embers of the paper figures swirling into the neatly manicured lawn, leaving no trace behind.


  Across the street, which seemed to be relatively clean for this era, a tall young man with black hair and green eyes stared intently at the house in front of him, unable to help but stir his left hand in his pocket.

  "Captain, everything is normal at the surveillance target."

  The still-steaming coffee was pressed against the young man's eye-catching face, and the sound came from the lips that barely moved, flowing along the invisible ghost to the newsstand more than a hundred meters away.

  "Continue to remain in custody..."

  "Don't worry too much, Leonard."

  Before the mellow voice coming from the mouth of the spirit lying on Leonard's shoulder was finished, it was interrupted by a smiling female tease. The vague whine made people think of the experience of the owner of the original voice. What.

  "We all know that believers of the True Creator are always so rough in doing things and don't care about other people's feelings at all. Even if they need to be gentle and there are secret cults pushing their butts from behind, they also like to do it hard."

  "Don't always be as tight as Dunn. The reason why you haven't found a girlfriend yet is because you have been with these guys for too long who can't express how cute a man is."

  "Daly is right." Dunn regained the control, "But I was referring to the first half."

  Dunn on the other side of the spirit body cleared his throat and seemed to be organizing his words.

  "Although I don't know why MI9 determined that Tingen will be the next target of the Southern Continent, since such detailed information has been provided, there is definitely the possibility of the worst case scenario happening."

  "You continue to monitor Welch McGovern's house, and I will inform Fry. If there is a change, he who is responsible for directly monitoring the room will build a spiritual wall to ensure that we can act at the same time."

  The spirit body crawling around Leonard's neck didn't wait for a reply, then stretched out four arms, holding the body with only one mouth and burrowed into the ground.

  Leonard glanced at the movements of this spiritual creature from the corner of his eye. It was not until he was sure that the messenger belonging to "Psychic" Ms. Dai Li had completely left that he moved his stiff wrist while holding the coffee and pretended. He pressed his lips against it and complained in a lower voice in a more private voice than before:

  "Old man, is it my imagination?"

  "Since Ms. Daly was almost transferred to another place, she stopped acting. Now the captain can't do anything to her."

  "Oh, do you think they are sticky, sweet, and indulge in feelings every day, just like you?" The old voice sounded in Leonard's mind after a while.

  Am I lazy?

  Leonard sipped his coffee guiltily.

  "Ahem, let's not talk about this anymore."

  "What do you think of this operation?"

  "Me?" The cohabitant who lives in Leonard's body said in a strange tone, "If I were you, I would immediately buy the fastest train to Backlund and take nothing."

  Leonard was startled by his cohabitant's answer.

  In his understanding, the old man who was parasitic on his body was not an adventure belonging to the "protagonist of the era", but a fatal "parasite", a demigod!

  Since the beginning of the Fifth Age, major churches in the Northern Continent have been wary of infiltration from the Southern Continent, and have even included some secrets in their manuals that should not be known to lower-level personnel.

  This includes "parasites" which are the most difficult to prevent.

  They are one of the weirdest sequences in the path controlled by the Southern Continent, and they are silverfish that the top leaders of the major churches are wary of.

  To be honest, Leonard had thought about surrendering to the church and reporting this old man of unknown origin in him.

  But every time he had such an idea, he would lose consciousness and lose most of his memory for a day.

  In the evening, the old man would return the body to him, and then laugh at him for his poor work while reading the newspaper.

  Apart from that, the old man didn't do anything else.

  Perhaps because of this, as the time spent together grew longer and longer, Leonard became less and less wary of the other person. He felt that this cohabitant was not at all the same as the believer of the true Creator promoted by the church, but a bit like the life he lived when he was a child. Those bad old men in the orphanage who have lost their offspring.

  He smiled pretending to be relaxed.

  "If you want to run away, then the church will definitely not just let us watch, it will definitely send high-level officials..."

  "Boy, have awe of the unknown."

  Without giving Leonard a chance to refute, the unknown existence in his body looked through the parasite's eyes at the aura attracting him in the single-family garden opposite, and blocked his mouth.

  "In my impression, whether it is the Church of the True Creator or the Secret Order, the great beings behind them... they are not as crazy and irrational as your official stereotypes."

  "The Secret Order is a sect that believes in superstitious divination, but didn't you read the intelligence that MI9 handed over to you today?"


  Isn't there only one God, the True Creator?

  Although he was a little curious, Leonard was not confused about the importance and just retorted in a low voice.

  "But their followers are crazy."

  "Maybe I just took the evil god's ravings as an oracle..."


  The old voice paused for a moment, as if recalling some distant past, and hummed angrily.



  In the elegantly decorated study room, Klein, who was dressed incompatible with the environment, carefully exhaled and gently put the sweat-soaked pen aside.

  "Goddess, what have I done?"

  His exclamation attracted the attention of two other companions holding dictionaries. One of them, a young man with fair skin and a slightly rich body, couldn't help but ask:

  "What's wrong, Klein, have you figured it out?"

  Welch threw away the dictionary in his hand and rubbed his hands, looking impatient.

  "Then what's written on it?"

  On the desk surrounded by three people, a book wrapped in black leather with ancient traces of notes lying on top of the documents. Next to it is the translated text. Although the messy notes and scribbles can be seen everywhere, It seems that the interpreter had great difficulty in translating, but in the end he was able to neatly piece together a three-line paragraph at the bottom.

  "A...fool who doesn't belong to this era?"

  Naya, the only girl among the three, read out the content first, her beautiful face also stained with fear.

  "This is the honorable name of that evil god!" As soon as she shouted out, she quickly covered her mouth.

  Although for the sake of the three people's little secret today, the owner of this house, Welch, a wealthy young man, gave all the servants a holiday in advance.

  Although she knew before she came that the note she was going to interpret today was a record filled with blasphemies about a god from the Fourth Age.

  But she was still afraid that the blasphemous voice would spread outside the house and be heard by passers-by, or by the gods she believed in.

  "Don't make such a fuss." Welch, the only one among the three who believed in the God of Steam and Machinery, comforted his two companions. The curve of his mouth made him look eager to decipher more content.

  As a believer in the God of All Opportunities, he is as open-minded in this regard as the church's ambiguous attitude towards history, but he has become the calmest one.

  He bit his lip, his expression gradually becoming excited.

  "Naya, Klein, what are we here to do today?"

  "Isn't it because this notebook records the Quaternary Period, which is almost blank in contemporary historical research?"

  "What are you afraid of?"

  "We already know the relationship between the Solomon, Tudor, and Trunsoest empires in the Fourth Age!"

  "We even know about the Tudor Trunsoest United Empire, and even about the War of the Four Emperors. Just throw these things out and it's enough for the three of us to be awarded the title of Professor of Ancient History."

  This was undoubtedly the biggest temptation for the three history students, but the plainly dressed Klein could not suppress the panic in his eyes and said hesitantly:

  "But it contains a name that I have never heard of before!"

  He looked sharply at his friend.

  "Welch, you know, the church has always emphasized that in addition to a few true gods, there are many evil beings in the world."

  "They are like the cold air that cannot be radiated by gas pipes in winter. Even if you don't mess with them, they will haunt you until you die!"

  "Klein is right," Naya affirmed. "I heard a friend of mine who studies mysticism say that these terrifying and evil existences will bring misfortune even if their honorable names are not recited."

  She hesitated for a moment, as if to prove her piety, and said firmly:

  "Including the true god of belief in the Southern Continent - the True Creator."

  "Reciting His honorable name will also lead to being dragged into endless hell, as emphasized in the holy scriptures!"

  As if echoing Naya's words and still wanting to encourage his friends, Welch, who was unwilling to give up, suddenly felt that the shadows in the room had taken on another layer of color, coming to life, moving towards the darkness like a poisonous snake that was not yet rich. spread in the direction.

  This eerie feeling eats away at their last sanity, infects the lights, and makes the whole world develop in the direction of a horror novel. Even Naya, who always has a sweet smile, is not immune to her frightened expression and carefully-kept makeup. Mixed together, they become ferocious and terrifying.

  Welch shook his head violently, and his confused eyes scanned the room, which was no different from before. The blood surge caused by excitement wiped away the paleness on his face again.

  "Okay, it's just something from history."

  "If these evil beings are so powerful, why aren't they true gods now?"

  "Why don't they control the richest northern continent?"

  He calmly said to his companions, "And even the true gods are not monolithic, right?"

  "As you said, the Lord of Storms, the God of Knowledge, and the Eternal Sun have been hostile to each other for thousands of years. The True God and True Creator of the Southern Continent is still an evil god here, so there is no need to be so afraid."

  Welch's powerful voice sent an "echo" in the dead room. Before Klein and Naya nodded hesitantly, he snatched the notes behind Klein like a winner, without paying any attention to the shadows in the room. It surges with his movements.

  "I'm here to give you an example. This is the enlightenment of historical researchers."

  He cleared his throat, his firm gaze became blurry, and slowly but firmly read the honorary name above, connecting the individual characters that Klein deciphered into a continuous sentence.

  "A fool who does not belong to this era."

  The shadow that had occupied the entire room was boiling at this moment. Countless scarlet flesh and blood squeezed out from the cracks in the wall, entangled with the black stickiness, excluding the blue that rose from the other room, forming a dense... Airtight walls.

  An indistinguishable face replaced the chandelier in the study. Black hair hung naturally on both sides of the face, making the blood-colored pupils dyed with dark gold on the face even more enchanting.

  Unspeakable impulses dominated Naya and Klein's remaining sanity. The two uneasy young men looked at the helplessness in each other's eyes, and together with Welch, who was completely immersed in fanaticism, recited the forbidden incantation. .

  "A fool who does not belong to this era."

  "The great master who is farther away than far away."

  "Rooted in the ancient mystical gods."

  When the last syllable fell, the faint blue that had been declining finally regained its strength, and together with the mellow and deep singing voice, it dug a hole in the scarlet wall, and the mysterious man hanging upside down on the roof no longer stayed.

  The melted flesh and blood destroyed the beautiful face, and the bones and flesh of the body were twisted together, turning into a huge mesh of flesh and blood that fell straight down, covering the three young people below. The tentacles made of blood vessels and muscles writhed crazily, like a Octopus only skinned.


  The hoarse and rough voice overshadowed the mellow and clear singing voice. Dark purple scales pierced out from under the muscles one by one. As the tentacles squirmed, a layer of armor was put on the surface of the giant web of meat.


  Dunn suppressed the panic in his eyes, took a big step forward, and at the same time crushed all the remaining charms in his pocket.

  He quite wanted to fight to the death with this powerful enemy who should not have appeared in the small city of Tingen.

  However, the "devil" "shepherd" did not pay attention to his meaning.

  Mr. A vigilantly scanned the circle with his eyeballs hidden behind his scales to make sure that no higher order Beyonders were surrounding him, and stretched his body out of boredom.


  He slammed a big hole in the opposite direction, without even looking behind him, dragging his bloated alien body out of the bungalow, leaving the exhausted Nighthawks to continue attacking behind him.

  "Kenley, don't chase me alone!"

  Dunn was breathing heavily, his gray eyes looking at the direction where the flesh and blood aliens were escaping, feeling a little lucky.

  But he soon came to hate his own happiness.

  "We failed. That is the envoy of the true Creator."

  He looked around the room where the shadow had not faded, and pressed his temple where the blood was flowing. Although he tried to calm down, he still showed resentment and regret from the bottom of his heart.

  "The intelligence from MI9 is ​​wrong. Immediately notify the church and other churches that the situation has exceeded expectations."

  Dunn looked around and his breathing became lighter and lighter.

  Every divine envoy is equivalent to a senior deacon and archbishop of the church, and they should actually be lucky.

  Perhaps this thought disrupted the "Nightmare"'s thinking. Dunn, who looked around the room, didn't even notice that the only clock on the wall that wasn't covered in shadow flesh was still moving quietly.

  As the hand points to six o'clock, destiny breaks the established trend of the times and is about to run wildly on the road out of control to the end.


  "Fussa Genko Immortal Venerable."

  In the room with locked doors and windows, the dead air flow quietly squirmed, pulling the light and shadow cast by the incandescent lamp and tearing apart the scenery outside the room's only glass window. UU read www.uukanshu. net

  "Fussa Genoten-kun."

  Facing the four staple dishes placed in the corner of the room, Zhou Mingrui held his breath and concentrated, restraining his materialistic thoughts and trying not to blaspheme the mantra plucked from ancient books, so as not to appear impious.

  Hey, if I hadn't been unlucky for a week in a row, why would I have bothered so much?

  Zhou Mingrui, who was walking backward along a square trajectory, glanced out of the window, looked at his friend behind the glass window, and whispered the next sentence.

  "Fusa Xuanhuang Shangdi."

  The windless air flow was replaced by thick gray mist, and Zhou Mingrui stood in a room with almost melted walls, unaware of it.

  When he took the third step, he happened to face the glass window facing the sky above the sixth floor, and met the smiling eyes of his friend Peng Deng.

  He was like watching a wild cat struggling in the water, watching helplessly as this low-intelligence creature tortured itself to death.

  Inside the glass window, the turbid and sticky fog was still expanding, almost completely covering Zhou Mingrui's cheeks. Even his thoughts gradually solidified as his body was bound by the gray mist mixed with blue and black.

  When did Peng Deng come to my house?

  In addition to the one facing the outside of the building, are there any other glass windows in my house?

  Where did that monocle come from? Where did he get such a handsome thing?

  Seeing Peng Deng floating in the air on the other side of the glass, leisurely hanging the crystal monocle on his right eye, Zhou Mingrui, whose brain almost stopped thinking, took the final step under the influence of the gray fog.

  He imitated the movements of Peng Deng, who was shrouded in black robes, with only half of his silver face exposed under the hood, and his eyes were completely replaced by starlight. Under the guidance of Tianzun himself, he read out the last sentence of his name word for word. .

  "Fusheng Xuanhuang Tianzun."

Missing chapters and error reports

Chapter 3 Too dreamy start


  "it hurts!"

  "Head hurts!"

  His vision was torn, invisible steel nails stirred his brain, and in the strange and bizarre scene, Zhou Mingrui felt that all time had stopped at this moment. The torture of pain was infinitely magnified in the stillness, his reason sank, and despair gradually took hold.

  He only remembered the last moment of the ceremony, when his friend Peng Deng turned into some kind of inhuman existence, and the gray mist surrounding him turned into a bizarre dream full of whispers.

  Finally, after an unknown amount of time, the bone-chilling pain stopped, but Zhou Mingrui, who had lost most of his ability to think, could only stare mechanically in front of his eyes, watching as illusory bubbles appeared out of thin air and were burned into his mind.

  These illusions seem to be the history of a fantasy world, but they also seem to have never existed.

  With the sound of "click, click, click", the dream world shattered, reality and illusion were separated, and the figure made of pure light fell into the abyss together with the yellow and black mist.

  Terrible rolling thunder roared, red meteorites split the sky, tsunamis crashed onto the continent... Various apocalyptic scenes appeared under his feet, and he was independent from everything, like an observer, Recorder, witness the changes of history.

  Boundless gray fog rose from the center of the Eurasian continent, the Yellowstone volcano erupted, meteorites wiped out the coast of the Great Lakes, the African continent sank, countless animals and humans on the Australian continent cried and howled, and their deformed bodies gradually transformed into the most evil demon in mythology. Get closer...

  Immediately afterwards, eight unreasonable figures appeared, and then were quickly knocked down. The glory lasted only a moment, and blood and sin buried everything...

  The black emperor is powerful throughout the world...

  All the grand, bizarre, strange yet familiar memories flooded into his mind. Thousands of years of memories washed over the pitiful man named Zhou Mingrui for more than twenty years, easily shattering his last line of defense.

  Zhou Mingrui, whose consciousness was fragmented, even wanted to commit suicide to free himself from this endless torture.

  In the dark, he finally saw a beam of light, a door made of light.

  The robed figure in the door sneered and offered him a helping hand.

  "How about it, is it easy to use other people's bodies?"



  "Don't scream."

  Zhou Mingrui, who woke up from the nightmare, had his mouth firmly covered before he could finish venting his inner fear.

  This unexpected change frightened him, and his eyes suddenly opened, but they were narrowed again by the light in front of him.

  Hiss...this is not my home?

  In a daze, Zhou Mingrui subconsciously moved his limbs, trying to push away the hands covering his mouth and sit up, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't move an inch.

  He's tied up!

  And the binding is quite tight!

  Damn it, I won't be kidnapped, right?

  I remember that I don't owe anyone any money. Even if my luck is bad recently, I won't be unlucky to this extent, right?

  It can't be Peng Deng. This kid won't accidentally get into some kind of cult organization. I'd say that the transshipment ritual looks really evil...

  With all kinds of thoughts in mind, Zhou Mingrui adjusted to the light in the room and slowly opened his eyes.

  His vision was blurry at first, and then covered with a faint crimson. Wherever he looked, Zhou Mingrui saw the person covering his mouth, a gentleman with strange oil paint on his face.

  Behind this gentleman, there are walls with rough paint, tattered wooden tables and chairs, and rusty pipes with no specific purpose. In short, everything is different from the environment Zhou Mingrui is familiar with.

  "It seems you didn't lose control."

  "What good luck."

  The gentleman with oil paint on his face released his hand from Zhou Mingrui and sighed exaggeratedly.

  Out of control... Zhou Mingrui looked at the gentleman blankly and said hoarsely.

  "Sir, where is this?"

  He didn't realize that he wasn't speaking Chinese.

  "Where is this?" The gentleman was stunned and stopped wiping the saliva on his gloves. "Good question!"

  He raised his eyebrows, his emerald green eyes filled with amusement.

  "But why should I tell you?"

  "As a meat ticket, all you need to know is that you're being kidnapped."

  "I mean, you have to ask for money for kidnapping, right?"

  Zhou Mingrui tried carefully as he adjusted to the dryness of his throat.

  "If I need to contact my parents later, I can tell them directly to send the money here."

  "Of course, you can also give me a specific address and I'll have them deliver it there, and you can pick it up yourself."

  He racked his brains to recall the cases he had watched on a certain Today's Theory Channel, trying to think of more words, but he did not notice that the expression of the gentleman in front of him became strange.

  "Mom and Dad?"

  "Didn't your parents die long ago?"


  Zhou Mingrui's eyes suddenly widened, filled with confusion and shock.

  "No kid, your brain isn't burned out, is it?"

  The gentleman said to himself, "I'm just saying how can you be so lucky? Both of your friends are dead, and you become Sequence Seven all of a sudden."

  "I really don't know if such a sequence of seven is useful. If it is not useful, according to the regulations, it should be restored directly on the spot, but you are the product of the ceremony, without the approval of the Pope or those His Highnesses..."

  "What a big loss!"

  The gentleman covered his face in an exaggerated manner, pointed at the mirror in the corner of the room, and took a deep breath.

  "Do you still know who the person in the mirror is?"

  Zhou Mingrui, whose brain was shut down and couldn't figure out the situation, looked in the direction pointed by the gentleman and saw himself in the mirror with black hair and brown eyes, wearing a linen shirt, and with European and American features and figure.

  "Cline Moretti?"

  He murmured the name that suddenly appeared in his mind, and many helpless and messy guesses emerged in his mind.

  The unfamiliar room, the attire far behind his original era, the crimson moonlight, and the crazy and exaggerated clown in front of him all illustrate the strangeness of the current environment.

  Me, I can't travel through time, can I?


  The gentleman waved his hand in front of his eyes, drawing his attention back.

  Compared to just now, the gentleman's expression behind the heavy paint has become much more normal.

  "It seems that the brain is not completely burned out. There should only be memory problems."

  "Well, as expected, a lucky person like you who was promoted to Sequence Seven in one breath has to pay a price. Otherwise, it would be too unfair for us guys with mediocre talents."

  The gentleman who was thinking casually glanced at Zhou Mingrui out of the corner of his eye. Seeing that the dull young man who was tied up on the ground and unable to move his limbs ignored him, he coughed in embarrassment.

  He sat on the only chair in the room, crossed his left leg over his right leg, and leaned back on the backrest. One couldn't help but wonder whether this shabby chair, which looked like it might fall apart at any moment, could withstand such a situation. toss.

  Silence fell in the small and dilapidated room, except for the unconscious breathing of the two people as they thought.

  So...I really traveled through time, and it was such an outrageous start!

  Looking at the strange yet familiar face in the mirror, Zhou Mingrui became more and more sure of his guess.

  He no longer thought that this was just a simple kidnapping, and his gradually clearer thinking also reminded him of the terrifying pain before waking up, and the strange lights that flooded into his brain along with the pain.

  But just like ordinary dreams, after waking up from the dream, people rarely clearly remember the images and plots in the dream, only vague impressions... The same goes for Zhou Mingrui.

  Although in those memories that were covered with a layer of gauze, he vaguely remembered some magnificent scenes that flashed by, but what he could really recall completely was the transfer ceremony in the original world and the extremely weird... Friend Peng Deng.

  But no matter what, compared to the good-for-nothing son of the patriarch, the son of a big family, who has some wealth, I, a down-and-out college student kidnapped by a madman, is simply a "dream start", comparable to turning into a standing boy as soon as I open my eyes. A certain emperor in front of the crooked neck tree, this is too unlucky.

  Zhou Mingrui breathed a sigh of relief slowly and considered his words.


  He realized that he was using a new language, and he had to be careful in order not to expose the fact that Klein Moretti had been changed.

  "You just said sequence seven, what does that mean?"

  The gentleman on the chair turned his head, and his emerald green eyes were like inorganic glass, scrutinizing Zhou Mingrui's every little move.

  "Tsk, tsk, tsk, I thought college students would know better, but I didn't expect to be as ignorant as the rest of the people in the Northern Continent."

  "They are so wary of us, but the church and the government never give you the most basic knowledge."

  "I really don't know." Zhou Mingrui's tone was very sincere.

  The gentleman looked at him twice and smacked his lips.

  "To put it simply, sequence seven..."

  "The difference between Sequence Seven and Sequence Six is ​​not big."

  A cold, hoarse voice suddenly broke into the conversation, and the dead shadow on the ground suddenly boiled, and a figure covered in blood slowly rose up.

  Mr. A's sharp eyes were fixed on the gentleman who was chatting. After staring for a while, he turned to look at Zhou Mingrui.

  "You have many questions, Mr. Moretti."

  Zhou Mingrui stared blankly at this man who appeared extremely cool and whose face was more beautiful than many women. However, it was difficult for him to have any more thoughts. He only felt a sense of fear from the bottom of his heart, as if he was being grasped by some large carnivore. Entering the palm, all the cells in the body were screaming and running away.

  But he didn't run away.

  The spiritual ropes were tightly binding his limbs, and he couldn't even move his fingers and wrists.

  "This is A, you can call him Mr. A."

  Seeing that the atmosphere was a bit gloomy, the gentleman in oil paint reconciled the situation harmoniously.

  "Okay, don't be so serious. Why are you here?" The gentleman touched Mr. A without fear of death, "Don't you have to guard the outside?"

  While he was speaking, he looked at the only window in the room, as if he remembered something and wanted to check it out.

  But Mr. A stopped him.

  "The Lamb of the Lord is keeping their mission, and heretics and rebellious believers are not paying attention."

  "And our rescuer is almost here."

  Mr. A raised his arm hidden under his robe. His too-white skin squirmed, and his blood-red muscles turned and spit out a dial.

  "Ten minutes left."

  "We will move to the train station at half past seven."

  The gentleman looked at the horrifying scene in front of him with no surprise. He turned his head to admire Zhou Mingrui's devastated expression and said nonchalantly:

  "I hope the train station in Tingen will be half as crowded as Backlund."

  For the "faceless men", the crowd is a natural cover, especially for evacuation missions that go deep into the enemy's belly. Of course, the more people at the evacuation point, the better.

  "I'm not evacuating with you."

  Mr. A replied, and the two of them talked about quite confidential matters in front of Zhou Mingrui.


  "The church has come into contact with a very interesting believer in the hidden line here. His plan will make our operation even better."

  "Okay." The gentleman shrugged indifferently and didn't ask any more questions.

  "Then I wish you success in your work, a happy life, and more achievements."

  The gentleman whose eyes moved to Zhou Mingrui wanted to say something else, but the next moment, dozens of bullets shining with various colors were fired from the only window in the room, instantly beating him and Mr. A, who was not far away from him. sieve.

  The golden bullet, as dazzling as the sun, grazed Zhou Mingrui's knee, and the high temperature left a conspicuous mark on Klein Moretti's already frail body.

  The official organization of this world has arrived.

  This was Zhou Mingrui's first thought, but looking at the two suspected cultists who were beaten into a sieve in front of him, he had to suspect that this country's attitude towards kidnappers was probably the same as that of a furry bear country in his original world!

  "Don't worry, Mr. Moretti."

  The shattered flesh and blood on the ground regrouped, and the sticky shadows stretched into fine threads, one by one, sealing the shattered window.

  The unharmed Mr. A looked at Zhou Mingrui, who was stunned, and waved. The body lying on the ground instantly disappeared, leaving only scraps of paper on the ground. The real gentleman shook his head and walked out of the corner of the room again.

  "It seems we can't leave easily."

  He was not too surprised by the sudden attack. Instead, he looked indifferent. However, the muscles in his body suddenly tensed up. He grabbed Zhou Mingrui's collar and threw him out of the door.

  Bang bang bang bang bang!

  The scorching rain of bullets struck again. The prepared gentleman jumped back and jumped into the corridor. He grabbed Zhou Mingrui's waist and ran wildly in an instant.

  Mr. A, who was still in the room, looked gloomy, with hatred in his blood-red eyes.

  He closed his eyes, UUReading www.uukanshu.net hesitated for a moment, then gave up the resistance, controlled the shadow and flesh to block the spiritual bullet, and merged his body into the ground.

  The sharp whistle sounded in the dark night, and the silent house became restless at this moment.

  "Enemy attack!"

  The roars of the believers of the True Creator came one after another, and they were established at the artillery position outside the old houses on the outskirts of the city. "Nighthawk" captain Dunn frowned and retracted the "Steam King" who was manipulating the silver cannon to continue bombarding the house. The sight on the members of "Heart".

  "The cultists are preparing to break out."

  The spirit body lying on his shoulder said this.

  "According to the plan, priority is given to rescuing the hostages."

  As he spoke, the "Nightmare" opened his arms helplessly and enveloped the most powerful spiritual target in the house with dreams.

  The presence of the True Creator God's envoy, the active fire support provided by the "Machine Heart", and the extreme plan stemming from the "Punisher"'s hatred of the True Creator Church, all contributed to the worst action tonight.

  Dunn thought this, increasing the erosion of the dream on the target.

  He opened his eyes and stood opposite the gentleman. The dark world was upside down, and countless weird things were opening their mouths and licking the gentleman's back.

  As long as you are properly prepared, it is not difficult for "Nightmare" to control a Sequence Six in a short period of time.

  The imaginary monster frightened the "faceless man" whose face could not be seen clearly. Dunn pulled out the revolver from the darkness and aimed at the gentleman's head.


  The cold dagger penetrated the chest, and bright red blood drops dripped along the tip of the knife. The gentleman leaned lazily on Dunn's shoulder, withdrew the seal tied to his wrist and engraved with a wolf head pattern, and pressed it intimately against the enemy's ear. .

  "I'm sorry, your aim was wrong."
