
-Chapter 144-

-Chapter 144-


Once I'd reached a height of 30 metres from the ground, I jumped off Rhaegal's back. Seeing that I was descending too quickly, I used my telekinetic power to slow my fall and levitate downwards.

Once I was close to the ground, I noticed that all the wildlings were staring at me with wide-open eyes, and I even heard a few people shout "He can fly" or "He's a god".

I smiled slightly and then, once I'd set foot on land, I moved forward carefree, cutting through the sea of freefolk looking at me with awe and admiration.

I didn't stop until I saw Mance a few meters away, his solemn expression made me smile, then I said, taking off my Valyrian steel helmet:

"So Mance, I've given you enough time to think about my offer, now before you answer I want you to look at all the people who count on you and weigh up the pros and cons in your soul and conscience".

Mance took my advice, observed his subjects as they formed a circle around us and then said,

"I've already decided."

"Very well, then I'll remind you what my conditions are..."

"No need, my people are counting on me and have placed all their hopes in me, I am their king the guardian of our people's traditions and I will not betray our ancestors and our traditions by kneeling before you" he said raising his head.

At that very moment, he looked like a true king, a true sovereign, but unfortunately for him, I'm walking the emperor's path, and I won't let another sovereign rule over my lands.

"If you agree to cede the lands of the Night's Watch to us, we can live in peace, we don't want a war we'd lose to you for sure, we just want to survive and keep our traditions alive."

"Your traditions eh, I can understand that you want your people to keep their identity, but what kind of traditions are you talking about exactly? Eating the corpses of your enemies? Sacrificing young children, even newborn babies? Or how about stealing and raping young noble girls from the North?

At my words, I sensed he was offended, for I was using rare cases among his people to justify leaving his people in the hands of the white walkers, but I didn't care, I've conquered my kingdom and I won't let anyone stand in my way.

He remained silent for a few seconds before saying, "I pledge that no more"

"Your word is not good enough for me," I said, staring at him.

"You don't understand the root of the problem, Mance..."

"I do," said a woman, stepping forward and cutting me off.

I raised an eyebrow but didn't address her, I was a king and I was talking to my counterpart it wasn't her I was addressing whatever her status was especially after the disrespect she'd just shown by cutting me off.

"I'm Dalla, Mance's wife," she said, stepping forward.

"I don't care who you are, get to the point," I said, cutting her off too.

"You want to turn us into kneelers you want us to be loyal to you, but we're a proud people, I don't doubt you can defeat us, but if you ever attack us we'll sound the winter horn, we're both stuck, so why don't we find an arrangement that pleases everyone"

I didn't show the slightest interest, but I didn't open my mouth either so she went on to say :

"You don't want another king in your lands and we absolutely must take refuge behind the Wall to protect ourselves from the dead so why don't we make an alliance between our two peoples".

"What kind of alliance?" I said, pretending to be interested to gain time.

"You killed my sister's mate Jarl, which makes her unmarried in the eyes of gods and men and since you beat him, you could steal her and unite, Mance explained to me that's how you southerners, you form your alliances."

I raised an eyebrow and then said, "I'm married."

"That's not a problem in our culture, a man can have multiple wives"

'But it is a problem in mine' I thought.

"Is that all you propose?"

"We don't want land to settle in, what we want is simply to take refuge behind the wall for the duration of the coming Long Night and as soon as we've defeated the Others we'll go back to where we came from without causing you the slightest problem" said Dalla.

I smiled slightly and then said, "We house you, we protect you, and what do we get out of it, a woman?!"

Dalla frowned and then said, "If you have conditions, we can discuss them."

I was about to drag out the negotiations, but finally I heard Rhaegal's distant roar.

'At last he's succeeded,' I thought relieved.

"There's nothing to discuss, you're just insulting me, if you want to get over the wall then you'll have to get over my dead body" I said determinedly.

Surprised by the turn of events no one reacted as I bent my knees quickly and then propelled myself using my telekinesis in the direction of Rhaegal's roar.

"MAAAAAG STOP IT!" roared Mance as he realized what I was about to do.

A contemptuous grin formed on my face and I thought, 'It's too late, you finite morons let's see how you threaten me once your supposedly almighty Horn saves you.'

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