
-Chapter 98-

-Chapter 98-

-POV Asha Greyjoy-

"I don't think Jon is that stupid; he must be setting a trap for us," Theon said, opposing me as usual.

"With what men?" I asked sarcastically.

"The royal fleet and the Redwyne fleet," Theon said.

"Our spies confirmed less than two days ago the presence of the royal fleet as well as the Redwyne's at Great Wyk and Old Wyk," I said, although I also felt some kind of unexplainable bad premonition.


I felt something hit me and then I looked down, what I saw made my eyes widen in incomprehension.

'How did an arrow hit me?'





"Nice shot, you hit the girl commanding these savages," Jaime said, looking through his spyglass.

"Perfect, I just have to kill the commanders, and they will eventually lose their formations and become the animals they are," I said, drawing my bow a second time in search of a noble Ironborn.

I searched and then saw, less than 300 meters away, a man in a boat drawing a red sword and said, "Your turn, Lord Drumm."

I released my arrow and watched it fall directly onto the lord of House Drumm, who was holding his Red Rain sword and rallying his men aboard his vessel, ready to jump from his boat at any moment to fight against my soldiers.

The arrow landed between his eyes, and I said, "Let's continue."


-POV Victarion Greyjoy-

I raised my axe and shouted, "KILL ALL THESE DAMNED GREENLANDERS."

I raised my shield in front of my face as I saw the shields open and spotted crossbowmen behind the walls of shields of these Greenlanders, and once the volley of crossbowmen was released, I ran as fast as I could, dropping my shield and grabbing my axe with both hands.

I struck with all my might at the first shield in my path, and a breach opened. I didn't think and immediately began a massacre among the men of the Greenland king.


-POV Viserys Targaryen-

"Damn, what strength," I said, seeing a monster of the same caliber as the Mountain breaking through my defense lines and paving the way for all the other Ironborn.

'I absolutely have to stop him,' I thought, but I was completely paralyzed.

"Get a hold of yourself immediately," Bronn told me.

I turned my head, and then he said, "Look in front of you and stop panicking."

I turned my head and saw that Jonothor Waters, the commander of this legion, had made his way to the frontline. The blond giant had stopped the charge of the giant with the Greyjoy coat of arms.

I forced myself to figure out what to do, and then I noticed a gap forming on the right side. The Greyjoy soldiers attacked in a disorganized manner, but not all had the physical strength as powerful as that of the armored Greyjoy giant.

"Order the officers on the right flank to start a counter-offensive discreetly. All crossbowmen must get into close combat formation behind the pikemen," I said.

Bronn nodded and then left to relay my orders.

'I must take control and overcome my fears myself if I want to become a worthy prince of House Targaryen,' I thought, dismounting and taking a shield my aide-de-camp handed to me.


-POV Donnel Drumm-

Seeing my father collapse with an arrow between his eyes, I immediately saw the opportunity that presented itself to me—the chance to surpass my brother by becoming the lord of House Drumm.

I immediately picked up my father's sword, raised it, and shouted, "THESE COWARDLY GREENLANDERS HAVE MURDERED MY FATHER, LET'S AVENGE HIM."

I jumped from the boat and struggled for a few seconds to run in the water as it was still waist-high, but I was not discouraged because I saw that Andrik had followed me. He had been in my father's service and was the most valuable support for the next Lord Drumm, as he was the best warrior of the Iron Islands. Whoever won his allegiance would surely become the next lord of House Drumm.

Once out of the water, I joined the right flank, which seemed to be struggling and had almost turned into a general melee. I charged recklessly, cutting down all the royal army soldiers in my path with Andrik's help covering my back.

Gradually, we managed to stabilize the situation, but that was without counting on Prince Viserys, who also charged directly into the melee to help his men and give them a second wind.

'Damn, he must die before he gives his soldiers enough strength to successfully push us back towards the sea,' I thought, seeing the soldiers regroup and follow Prince Viserys in his black ceremonial armor adorned with a three-headed dragon made of rubies.

"Andrik, follow me," I said, charging directly at the back of Prince Viserys, who was breaking the swords of his opponents as easily as if they were paper.

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