
-Chapter 52-

Sorry everyone for the lack of presence over the last few days but I've had a lot of trouble writing as my computer was dead so I had to use my phone but I'm back on top form.

-POV Viserys-

"When will he be here, he didn't even come to greet me, I know he's king but I am still the crown prince," I complained about the long wait I had been subjected to.

I had been waiting for half an hour for my nephew to come and greet me, but apparently, he had far more important things to do than greet me.

'It's the first time I've been under the roof of such a bad host, and moreover, he is from my family,' I thought, sighing in annoyance.

"The King is busy with the Royal Council."

"The Royal Council," I said, raising an eyebrow in confusion because I didn't know of any royal council, only the Small Council: "What is this council..."

I was surprised and interrupted by the sudden opening of the doors of the room in which I had been sequestered since my arrival, and I saw a very tall young man enter and say:

"Ah, at last, I have the chance to meet my uncle."

I observed him for a few seconds and came to the same conclusion as everyone who must have met him; he had nothing of a Targaryen, his eyes, his hair, and even his height approaching 2 meters, all of it made me think only of the Starks.

"You seem surprised, my appearance perhaps?" he said with a small smile.

I smiled politely and said: "You are different from what I had in mind."

"I imagine it's the same for everyone else."

He seemed impatient, and his gaze fell on the chest behind me, he pointed at the chest and asked me:

"Is that what I think it is?"

I nodded, and then he said: "Wonderful."

He moved forward, crouched down, and then he opened the chest, inside it lay two dragon eggs, one dark green and the other cream-colored.

His eyes shone with a glow that only someone like me could understand, the feeling of holding omnipotence in his hands.

"It's exhilarating, isn't it?" I said, seeing his body practically trembling with excitement.

He smiled and then put the egg back before saying: "You have no idea."

-POV Aegon-

"Organizing public executions to suppress the people, do you think that's what a good king would do? He's no better than our grandfather, as much as he's even a Targaryen," I said, disgusted by the cruel new methods my supposed half-brother was using to suppress prisoners within the capital.

"All of this doesn't matter anymore," said Oberyn.

"Excuse me?!" I said, startled and confused by his sudden defeatist tone.

"The fact whether he is a Targaryen or not interests no one anymore, what matters is that he not only refused your right of primogeniture but also, according to Jaime Lannister, chose an heir to his crown. It seems that you are not even second in the line of succession anymore," Oberyn said.

"He has no children, and even if he had, he was never married having an heir for him is impossible it's nothing more than a rumor my uncle," I said, trying to prove my point.

"But who's talking about children?" said my uncle in a mocking and bitter tone.

"No, it couldn't be..." said Jon, completely dismayed, clearly understanding what my uncle was talking about.

"I'm afraid it is him, and he is right now discussing with our king," Oberyn said with a bitter air.

"You think he could have..." said Jon, squinting his eyes.

Oberyn shook his head in denial and said: "According to Jorah Mormont, the assassin could easily subdue him and could have killed her with him, but he did not do it so I guess the King ordered that no harm come to her and that she keeps an egg."

"Wait, STOP, who are you talking about?" I said, irritated by the conversation from which I was clearly excluded.

Jon and Oberyn looked at each other for a long time before my adoptive father said: "Several months ago Viserys Targaryen disappeared with two dragon eggs, according to the Princess Daenerys's guard an assassin sent by the King came to take him away, he could very well have hurt them but the King expressly requested that they not be mistreated under any circumstances which means..."

"...That he's trying to prove his legitimacy by all means even by making an alliance with Prince Viserys who until recently loudly proclaimed his right to the crown, no more Targaryen at his court recognizing him as the only true king of Westeros seals the debate on his filiation and legitimacy," I said, fully understanding what he was trying to do.

The already depressing atmosphere became even worse, and before I could fully integrate the fact that every day I was losing a bit more, Arianne, who had been silent until now, said: "And if ever the king was not just gathering the last Targaryens."

"You think he has something else in mind?" asked Tyene, who was braiding my cousin's hair.

Arianne nodded her head and said: "It's obvious he's clever and always several steps ahead of us, it's almost as if he already knew what we were going to do."

"But what could someone who already owns the whole continent possibly want from Viserys other than the recognition and full support of all the loyalists still undecided or wavering between you and him," said Nymeria, confused.

"The dragon eggs," said Obara in a distracted tone, busy sharpening one of her daggers.

"It's true that it's a strong symbol," I said.

"No, I'm not talking about the egg as a symbol, I'm talking about the egg itself," said Obara, continuing to sharpen her dagger.

A feeling of terror engulfed me as I imagined that madman perched on a dragon, but I brushed aside my concerns by reassuring myself mentally.

'No, he couldn't possibly succeed, no one has for more than a century.

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