
-Chapter 50-

-POV Aegon Targaryen/Griff-

Hearing all the nonsense he was spouting, I could no longer simply remain hidden in the crowd of lords, whoever he was, it was now time for me to make myself known and assert my rights to the throne.

It was the perfect opportunity and the only one because whether it be on a battlefield or in a duel, I could never confront him, defeat him, the only and unique way is to defeat him thanks to the united political pressure of the nobles from all over the kingdom and especially those he had just alienated by humiliating them instead of extending a hand to help them up.

I stepped forward and came out of the ranks while lowering the hood that covered my silver hair, I looked at my uncle Doran who was watching me with a knowing look in his chair as I advanced, the guards took note of my presence and lowered their spears in my direction to warn me not to take a step further.

I raised my arms in the air in a sign of peace and with a nonchalant almost bored air, the young man supposed to be my bastard half-brother gestured to his guards, he looked at me like an insect.

He saw no threat in me and I think I can understand him, if I had a 5-meter wolf resting at the foot of my throne I think I would also be more carefree.

"Who are you and why do you interrupt the victory ceremony?" he said with a haughty air that got on my nerves.

"I have returned for the same reason as you to bring justice to House Targaryen and reclaim the rightful place due to me," I said, looking at the bastard in front of me and raising my head.

"So let me guess," he said, interrupting me suddenly: "This is the moment where you tell me you are the son of Rhaegar Targaryen and Princess Elia Martell of Dorne"

"And who might the old red-haired man with a griffin sigil be?" he said, using an exaggerated tone a jester might use without even giving me time to say anything.

He scratched his chin and then said in the same ridiculous tone, feigning exaggerated surprise:

"Hmm, oh but of course, who else than the exiled lord of Griffin's Roost? The illustrious loser of the Battle of the Bells, Jon Connington, come on Lord Connington, lower that hood and grace us with your pretty face"

I clenched my fists seeing how disrespectfully he treated us, but I let no trace of irritation show on my face.

Jon stepped forward and said: "It's an honor, Prince Jon"

"Prince Jon wow I thought you were going to try to emphasize the fact that I'm a likely bastard so your little protégé could steal what I have fought for and sacrificed so much for"

"I would never tarnish the memory of Prince Rhaegar, he was a good and passionate man, he loved your late mother, and if you claim to be their legitimate son, I believe it wholeheartedly but…"

"Of course there's a but, there's always a but, but my adoptive father always said that everything after the word 'but' is horse dung or in other words, Shit"

"But, your elder brother here present, Aegon Targaryen, is the one and only true heir to the Iron Throne"

"The one and only heir to the Iron Throne? Is this a joke or have you not been listening until now? I didn't gather the lords from all over the kingdom to decide who will be king nor who is the winner of this war, today we are here to celebrate my victory, the second conquest of the continent by House Targaryen, of which I am the head...I am the ONLY and UNIQUE king of Westeros and all those who deny it are my enemies, deny it and your head will adorn the walls of the Red Keep...my dear brother"

The imposing wolf lying down suddenly got up and growled towards us, baring its fangs, with each step it took towards us my heart beat faster and faster.

"Your majesty, the rules of succession during exceptional periods can become blurred, it is in this spirit that I propose a Great Council," said a noble from the Stormlands who was in our camp before the situation escalated.

"I agree"

"Me too"

"I also agree"

"The same"

Little by little more and more people manifested themselves especially those belonging to the Vale, the Riverlands, and the Stormlands by the new king.

The greatest lords didn't open their mouths but they thought no less of it and this could be seen on their faces which didn't please me because I knew if they were on my side it's because they estimated that I would make a more…malleable king than my bastard brother.

I smiled in satisfaction but almost immediately my smile stiffened once I saw all the people who had spoken, about thirty, not having spoken and then he violently turned his head which had the immediate effect of twisting their necks in reality.


I smiled cruelly and said: "And here I was wondering how I was going to expand my personal territories and reward the brave soldiers who fought for me"

I stood up and descended the steps one by one without hurrying, the tension which had decreased suddenly increased again and I said once I was less than 5 meters away:

"My dear brother, I am happy to learn that you are not dead, sincerely I am, but no one will take this damned Iron Throne from me"

Once I finished I said: "The ceremony is concluded for today, Trystan"

"Yes, my king," he said, kneeling.

"I count on you to seize all the possessions of the traitors who rose against the crown," I said.

"At your command, Your Majesty," he said, standing up and placing his helmet back on his face.

Given his expression, the families of these dogs will end up dying a horrible death, an excellent message to all my detractors.

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