
/17/ Itchalo

As his hand slowly slid off her face, Sania opened her eyes quickly to see what it was that Taffi was so excited to show her.

As soon as she saw them, her jaws dropped in astonishment, the scenery was indeed the most beautiful thing she had ever seen and no one would believe that such a place existed in real life unless they were there to experience it themselves.

"Wow," she exclaimed, unable to take her eyes off the water that fell from the top of a rock, and emptied into a lake below.

What made the scenery beautiful was the color of the rock from which the water fell, it was the largest white rock she had ever seen. Aside from that, the fact the water fell into the lake without causing a ripple or wave was a phenomenon that Sania could have never imagined.

She had never seen a body of water so peaceful, and so clear that the colorful rocks at the bottom could be seen from where she stood.

Without being told, she could already see the reason why it would be anybody's favorite spot because she had only just gotten there and wished to be there every morning.

"It's called Itchalo," Taffi uttered and walked towards the lake. He dipped his hand into the lake and still, there was no distortion.

"Itchalo," Sania mumbled,

"What does it mean?" She asked him and also dipped her hand into the water. For some reason, she felt like doing so would feel magical, but it was just like any other body of water, but surprisingly warm for something that came from a rock.

"Still water," Taffi replied. It made sense that such a body of water would be called that.

"It's so beautiful, how often do you come here?" She asked him.

"Every week," he answered,

"I come here to meditate, since when I was younger. It's so peaceful. And if you are here before the sun rises, the sound of birds adds to the mix, and it's a perfect blend of nature."

"Does anyone else know about it?" She asked, being royalty, Sania knew that other villagers wouldn't be allowed to such a unique place.

"It's restricted until certain months, that's why it'll forever remain special, if it's open to the public all day every day, this place will be ruined within a week." He answered and picked up a stone from the ground.

"Let me show you something," he said and threw the stone at a precise angle so that it bounced off the water creating a soothing symphony with each bounce.

Impressed, Sania exclaim,

"I love that, do it again." She held his shoulder when she said that, and quickly withdrew her hand when she realized that the person she was treating like a childhood friend was the husband she wanted to despise.

"Sure," Taffi said, he noticed her reaction and found it amusing,

"When will she stop making this awkward?" He wondered and picked up another stone which he threw and created the same symphony.

"Let me try." Sania picked up a stone and threw it the way she assumed that Taffi did, but the little rock sank as soon as it hit the water.

"Hmm," she sighed in disappointment.

"I can teach you," Taffi said, and without waiting to confirm whether or not Sania was interested in his tutorial, Taffi went behind her, and took her hand from behind.

He gave her the stone that he had picked up and tried to position her hand toward the right angle, but Taffi lost his concentration when her cologne hit his nostrils.

He inhaled them and lost his mind, from teaching her, he drifted off into a world of love for the woman before him, a place where he couldn't control himself.

"Can I throw it now?" Sania's voice snapped him back to reality.

"Uhm... Yes... No," he stuttered and Sania turned around immediately,

"Huh?" she raised a brow. She also felt lost in his arm, while her back rested on his broad chest, she wondered what it would feel like if she did so when he had no shirt in, his abs acted like a cushion of relaxation but Sania had to focus to avoid doing something more awkward.

"I was lost in thought," he said in an apologetic tone and Sania turned around again, resting her back on his chest.

Taffi once again positioned her arm to the perfect angel and said,

"When you throw it, make sure not to aim directly into the water, but just the surface. Do you understand?"

"Not at all," Sania replied, she understood what he said, but wanted to stay longer in his arm, his minty breath on her skin was too good to pass on, and those abs, she wanted to live on them.

"Hmm," Taffi sighed and wondered how else to explain it to her,

" Throw it like you want to rock to slide on the surface of the water."

" Oh, okay," Sania uttered and Taffi took a few steps away from her to give her room to practice.

Sania did as he explained, but it still sank. But Taffi wasn't disappointed, he took it as an opportunity for them to bond, and be as close to her as possible.


"That was good training, don't you think, my love?" Taffi asked her as soon as they both got back to the castle before noon.

Sania got down from the horse and replied,

"Yes, it was."

"I've only treated him nice one day, and he is already calling me 'my love' Well, I won't say anything until Tehila is fed up." Sania kept these thoughts to herself and smiled back at Taffi who was staring at her.

"We'll do it more often then," he added and they both walked back into the castle.

But just at the entrance, Taffi's mother stood at the door fuming with anger, she stared at Sania with burning hatred in her eyes and fear gripped the young Queen.

"What else has she done to annoy Lila?" She wondered.

"Good morning, Mother," Taffi greeted her with a straight face and was about to walk past her while holding Sania's hand, but she blocked the way.

"I want to have a word with you, Taffi." She uttered in a harsh tone, averted her gaze from her son to Sania, and said,

"Excuse us, Princess."

Taffi was about to refute when Sania gave him a soft stare not to react, she smiled at him and nodded her head before walking past Queen Lila and into the castle.

"What is it this time, mother?" He asked her,

"And if it's about my wife then keep it to yourself." Taffi was yet to finish his statement when she cut him off.

"Why was there a North witch in the castle?"
