
Get Lucky

** Harper **

Caught off guard, Harper froze. Damn, this stubborn idiot wasn't going to back out at a time like this, right? Right??

He looked guilty as she pulled away and looked into his eyes questioningly. "I …" He cleared his throat. "I didn't bring a condom for this trip."



Harper was speechless for at least a full minute. She really had no idea what to say. This guy had just spent forever trying to convince her that he was a bad boy. What kind of bad boy would say something like that with a girl right on top of him? And what kind of bad boy didn't have a condom with him at all times in the first place?

Unless …

Eli cursed under his breath at the dubious stare she gave him. "It's not like I expected to get lucky!" he argued, clearly more than a little embarrassed. "Hell, I wasn't even expecting to talk to you outside mandatory meetings we happen to share. What would I need one of those things for?"
