
Chapter 22: Pu Yan Warrior_1

Ah Dai silently stepped out of the tent, inhaling a deep breath of fresh air; however, he couldn't sort out the chaos in his mind. He was finding it harder and harder to understand Xuan Yue. She was hot and cold, flying into a temper with him one moment and seeming to care about him the next.

"Ah Dai, my brother, come and sleep. We have to hit the road early tomorrow," said Moon Scar, smiling at Ah Dai.

The tent was small, indeed a bit cramped for the stature of Moon Scar and Ah Dai. Moon Scar, sitting across, asked, "Ah Dai, how old are you this year?"

Ah Dai swept back his cloak and replied, "I'm seventeen years old. How about you, Brother Moon Scar?"

Moon Scar said, "I'm two years older than you, so I'm nineteen this year, and my sister is eighteen. You could say that all of us are about the same age. What do you think about our forthcoming journey to the Death Mountain Range?"
