

Time:8:00 am

He finally arrived at the place he wants to go the artificial awakened center. This is a place where anybody can be awakened...

Madhav said.. "Finally I did it I did it.... hahahahahahah".

After saying that he looks into the building. The building was looking very very cool in the outside. After a some unusual thoughts he enters into the building...

The scene suddenly changes to the main hall in the centre.. Hey readers Lo here. We are meeting after a long time right. I am here to tell you an important info about this world. This is not only for villains and superheroes. The plants and animals also mutated by the radiation. Only the humans could handle the radiation so the mutated plants and animals became monsters.. So finally this world is also belongs to monsters too... And also one last think there is a system to guide humans to use their powers rightfully and control fully. Like these...


Name : Lo

Race : Spirit

Job : Manager of the writer

Rank : F-

Avatar : None

Skills : Explainer(A), Teleportation(B), Knowledge(D)

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Did you see my status now you can see how weak i am.... wait What the freakkkk!!!!!!!!!! Why the fucking hell I am F minus Aaaahhhhhh and what with the knowlege 'D'. I have more knowledge than your 3rd standard kid brain u idiot.Why the fucking hell is this..... Vanara!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(And he was angry for 2 hours with me what a waste of time *sigh*)

U punk assss.....

(And he continued for another hour like these)


Time : 11 am

(Madhav done his registration and payed his fees while we were fighting sorry...)

Madhav was so excited that his dream was coming too life..... but he was sad too because he was doing without his permission. He said to himself in his mind . "No need to be sad Madhav you are doing it for your own sister sake. Don't worry. Be calm be calm.. ". Suddenly a hand was in Madhav shoulder. Madhav looked towards the person who's hand was in his shoulder. That was girl.

The girl looked like Madhav age.

(Lo : Is this a new love a story, romance hehehe.)

(Vanara : What no no no it won't happen. He will be single like us I won't allow it. By name of Demigod of single I curse him he will be single forever.)

(Demigod of single : Heyyyyy What did I do I didn't ask for this title *cries*.)

(Vanara : Ahem!! Let's just continue the story right.)

(Lo : Yeah you are right. )


The girl looked average. She had specs and one pony tail style hair. Decent clothes. She asked to Madhav. "Kid are you new here???". Madhav said in his mind with anger . "Kid.... K.... kid Hey little girl I am adult I can give you my 18 age identification."After calming his mind he asked the girl." Are you a experienced in here?". She said without expression. "..... no... I am also new here". Madhav was shocked to hear that his mouth was wide open. He asked to the girl. "What did you said now? Can you repeat it? ". She said. "I said I am new also. " Hearing that Madhav gets up go in to the main door.Gets out from the building. Walks to railway station.Gets in train. Goes home. Pick cricket bat. Gets out of the house.Walks to the railway station. Gets a train. Get in the building. Goes to where the girl sitting. Takes the bat. He said."Go to hell you punkkkkkkkk shitttt !!". Hitts her with the bat until she dies. Or until the bat breaks.


( Injuries : Ribs 23 bones breaked, hipbone cracked, Right leg fracture, Left leg.... barely alive, Skull barely make it alive.....)


And she died... He walks outside of the building with the bat. Walks to the railway station. Gets the train. Walks to the home. Keep it in the place where it was. Walks out of home. Walks to railway station. Gets a train. Walks to the building. Get in the building and going to sit where he was seated before. He says. "Aaa peace".

Suddenly a voice came. "Hey hello day dreamer are you here?? ". The voice was from the girl..


Madhav came back from his imaginative world. The girl asks. "What is your name kid??". Madhav said. "Mm first think first I am not a shitting kid!!!! I am adult ok.". After saying this he calmed himself. Then he said. "Madhav". The girl asked. "What Madhav?? ".

Suddenly Madhav become enraged he said. "That's my name you idiot!!!!!!!!!". The girl innocently said. "Oo sorry my mistake. Ok Mine is lakshmi. Nice to meet you Madhav". After saying this she offered a handshake. Suddenly Madhav forgot his anger and a small smile came in his face. He accepted it.


After 5 minutes.....


Lakshmi asked. "Hey Madhav what job is you wanted for as an awakener??". Madhav thought it for a while and he said with a smile. "I don't know hehhhe". Lakshmi was surprised to hear that from him because all the people who wanted to become a awakened they choose job before coming for the test.

Suddenly Madhav said. "It doesn't matter which power I gained I want to use it to protect people... and my main goal is to protect my sister. No matter which power I get I have to be atleast a 'B' ranker... So... I can protect her". After saying this he smiled.

After hearing this thing from Madhav she suddenly felt guilty..... After a moment she said with a smile. " Oo ok good luck kid". Suddenly Madhav with a angry face. "Who's the kid you punk hahahahahaahha".

They enjoyed their this moments not knowing the consequences they have to face in the future.

After spending some time with Madhav. She suddenly said. "Oo I forgot I have something do. Sorry but good luck for your test. She suddenly runs towards the entrance and gets out from the building. As the fast moving as her. He didn't get a chance to say goodbye.

Lakshmi run into a corner of a building. She said. "How is he happy? and also everyone smile. I think they didn't know the truth yet.. The truth of awakeners..... I will show to the world the truth... And I will save him also too...She takes out a video camera from her bag. Then she said. "I will save everyone I promise brother".

The scene suddenly changes to inside of the lab of the artificial awakening centre. A lots of scientists are working on their on projects. A group of scientist is checking the capsule. There were new scientist in the lab for their experience. A new scientist asked his professor. "Professor may I ask you a question sir??? ". There groups professor said. "Yes you can ask anything". The new scientist asked. "Sir we have heard about this so much can you state how this capsule works please".

"Hahahahah a good question noob. " The professor laughs saying that. The new scientist said in his mind. "Noob!!! are we in some kind of game well whatever I am here for experience nothing more". The professor said. As you all scientist know.10 years ago a meteoroid crashed in our land. Its radiation gave plants and animals mutation. The mutated things were becoming uncontrollable. The humanity half population was gone. That moment a human got a offer from the gods. And that offer was system. That granted humans to choose a god to inherited their power. All mythology gods were giving humans their power... We think there is a 'human god' between the gods that we have never heard of....".

All scientists were shocked to hear that. One scientist asked professor with a courageous mind. "Prof. how can you state this you have any evidence on your hand".

Professor laughs and said."Oo boy you are a clever one. I will show you now". The professor goes to a machine. He clicked a button in the machine. A hologram appeared. The professor said. "Hey clever one look at this". The hologram shows a cave. Hologram enters the inside of the cave.

Everyone was shocked to see that.. There was a old laptop in the cave.... The clever one didn't understand anything he asked. "So what there is a laptop. maybe someone wanted to work in peace or so..." The professor said. "Maybe you are right someone wants to work in peace. But let me ask you a question. How did someone you said reached this island when there is no place like this in our world map can you explain that kid!!!".

The clever one mouth was wide open hearing that. Then professor continued. "Okay I guess he might be trapped there or something what did you expect what we find in the computer. It was some kind of code".

Everyone was confused to hear that. Everyone asked at the same time. "What kind of code sir?? ". The professor said. "It was not a code it was a message. the message was this.....

Professor opened his large computer.The computer was converting the writing into human language. It was something everyone trembled.



[ When humans cross the limit ]

of destruction. A human will

cross the limits of humanity

and hunts the humans himself

and will protect the weak

[ He will be the legend... ]

-To be continued

-Next episode will be in 13th march

Follow us on instagram at vanara____

