
Mutated Plant Space

Amelia felt her knife practice has been going on for half the night but she still has a stuffy feeling in her heart. She took the puppy and entered her space.

The puppy became dazed. What is this? Wasn't it dark just a moment ago? The puppy disappeared into the open fields of grass.

Amelia inhaled deeply because ever since she put the spirit stone mine in the space, it has become shrouded in spiritual energy making her comfortable all over everytime she enters.

This abundance of spiritual energy is very useful because her space can now grow immortal grass. This plant will be fought over by immortals whenever it appears. The immortal pill will refine the body and improve the speed at which one can bring spiritual energy into their body.

The pill works even better if one's cultivation base is higher. It is really a waste to consume it in the low stages. As a cultivator increases their level, many impurities will also accumulate in the body.

Most cultivators will focus on increasing their level and not focus on their bodies too much since the spiritual energy also refines the body to an extent.

Kings use immortality grass to raise strong warriors bit it's a pity this herb is not so easy to obtain. It likes moist and land with dense qi.

This is also a harvest she doesn't let go. Bundles of this herb are stored safely to ensure she will grow more as she harvest. She followed the instructions taught in the immortality school.

Amelia decided to go plant the fruit trees from the seeds bought and looted from boss Xu. Including the medical herbs seeds she has taken. The various saplings taken that day have been staying quietly in the herbs storage room.

She started with the fruit seeds. Apple trees in the proximity of the house so it can provide some shade from the ever present light in this place.

Banana in the for corner, peaches in the middle and the grapes. Seeing the trees have enough space between them she proceeded with strawberries, blueberries, apricots and others she hadn't seen before. When she finished the fruits, she went and started the vegetable.

The vegetable planting went smoothly mostly because she had gotten annoyed by this job and wanted to finish faster. She hadn't paid attention to details on the instructions at the back of each seed satchat like she did for the fruits.

What she had wanted to plant was the medical herbs. When it was time to do it she first started by separating the clashing spirit herbs planning to plant them as far away from each other as possible. She sorted them out and then proceeded to plant them carefully. She used power of space to finish the job quickly.

She mixed the space water and the high level spirit water for watering the herbs while she used the space water for the food. The job is not done, she used a very large plot of land to plant wheat and rice.

She got these from the villages when she went down there last time. She wonders if the village people are still safe because the convicts are going to come just before winter. Even the heroine will not bring so many people with her when she leaves even after she takes magical herbs from their area.

Seeing the large amount of work she has done, she sat down and rested for a while. Reading a comedy novel by the way. It was in Amelia's stuff.

A while later she heard a bark, a growl and a howl. She knew it was her puppy making a fuss but the puppy is barking at the plants she had just planted not too long ago.

Amelia looked at the scene in surprise, what is happening to her plants? The entire field is covered in green mist. She is familiar with this, it is her plant abilities. The crystal nuclei in her head had blended the two colors together but she hadn't known that is how she got the planting space or that the two are mutual like this.

What will happen now? Don't tell her she will lose all these plants? Eh?

Several shadows rose from the ground making the space shake. Amelia picked up her puppy and jumped back a distance. She saw those shadows are all the matured plants from what she had planted.

In the novels, people with plant abilities can make plants grow rapidly, they even use seeds in a fight. She has the ability to materialize plants directly from her power which is very impressive, she hadn't thought about it before. Now planting these seeds must have activated the combined effect of her space and plant powers.


She wanted to rush up and eat a fruit but her body suddenly felt dizzy with fatigue. She went out of the space and wobbled to her chambers. Putting the wolf dog into it's own room, she fell asleep directly on her own bed.

Waking up she heard the annoying sound of the walkie talkie on her bedside table. Answering "Old Mo, are you dying?"

"No, why would you ask me that?"

"Well, someone better be dying to wake me at this time." Her voice hoarse still laced with sleepiness.

"Dear base leader, it is already 8 in the morning. I called to let you meet your secretary. Someone who will take care to have these delightful conversations with you every day. Isn't it great? An old man like me can stop being threatened with death every other day."

"Am I a neusence to you old Mo?" She asked lightly.

"Of course not, my dear leader I just..." He lost words.

"The Dean has too much work managing the base for you leader, he may end up forgetting to remind you of a scheduled meeting such as the one you have with all the members of the base at 11." The young voice came through and saved old Mo's beating heart.

"I see, you...what's your name?"

"I am dr Su Dali of the central city Su family." The young man said proudly.

"I remember you, you tried to stab me in the eyes with a large needle." She answered him coldly.

"That....I had thought you were a zombie  coming to eat us all." The doctor is embarrassed.

"Was your family very powerful before all this?"


"Did you buy your doctor's license?" She asked flatly.


"The truth please."

"Not the license, just the diploma, I had failed three times already. It is just the problem I have with testing. I can do my job. I'm just really bad at taking tests." The man explained.

"It's true. I taught him the job myself." Old Mo said on the side.

"Find me another one." She said and dropped the call.

"Why?" Su felt wronged.

Dean Mo called her again. He always feels like he is pushing his luck. But he is an old man.

"That fast?" She asked lightly.

"Why are you refusing him? He is a good kid." Mo sounded agitated.

Amelia sighed lightly. "His family is holding considerable power in the central city base. They might use him to steal secrets from our base. He will likely do it if he has relatives back there being used against him. When that happens I will be forced to remove the threat." She answered patiently

"Is that true? My family is alive and well? Still have power in the last days?" Su Dali is overwhelmed by this piece of news.

"A man named Su AI is currently in charged but the new technology improvements will make many interested parties covet his position. He'll likely die if he is not careful. That brother of his Demin ..."

"Deming! You really know my family."

"That Deming guy is looking to ussep his position." She said lazily.

"So you see, in order to secure your father's position you'll do something that may end with your death. In fact, now that you know where your family is, take a car worth of supplies and go join them." She added. She doesn't want any unnecessary troubles.

"Really I can take a car and some supplies?"

"Sure, good luck kid." She dropped the call.

Amelia washed up and went into her space. The rows of white glistening rice, it's still spririt food. That must be because of the spirit mine inside the space.

But why is her space items like the spiritual fruit from the legends? Did the spirit mine really bring about this mutation or it is because of the plant abilities mutation? It could be both! Either way this mysterious fruit belongs to her now.

It is supposed to improve physical aptitude for cultivators. Even a normal person would only need a quarter of this single fruit to become a genius in whatever cultivation they they have.

The banana is large and looks scary, the colour is yellow but when she opened inside, it is golden. The important thing is that not all the bananas trees on the space are mutated like this, the others just have spirit qi inside, except for the overly delicious taste, it is not very different.

However there will be these odd looking fruits that even as a co disciple she only heard about them from the medical hall. She counted about 43 out of all the many banana trees in the space.

Smiling a bright smile. She now has a way to make everyone in her army strong enough to fight against whatever comes. She ate an entire golden fruit. Waited and waited but nothing happened.

She saw other colors in the apple tree, the ones with special effects can be seen at a glance. They glow brightly while their color is unusual just like the one she is looking at, it is brown in color, the weird part is that she can smell the essence of the earth from it.

Her eyes widen and she fell directly to the ground. "No ways really?" She looked at the red apple with a fiery light coming from its body. The legendary spirit root fruit. "Oh my God!"

"Is my space really that miraculous or I am dreaming?" She slapped her face hard but felt the sting. It's a shame she can't eat it herself because she already has a spirit root. If she ate it, she will have a single spirit root that every child in the immortality realm dreams of having.  But she likes her current spirit root.

She once knew someone with the trash five type spirit root who ate a golden apple in a secret realm and awakened the Devine golden body. That person ascended to the higher realms a century later.

"One of these can change a person's destiny."

If a person wants to change their spirit root they can eat one of these and they successfully attained the spirit root they desire. And she seems to have more than 33 of all types.

She doesn't even have to make them cultivate spiritual energy, just give them one of these and a mental fruit. That person will see improvements in mental power and ability. "Who has the power now....dear sister?" She giggles foolishly.

"But why didn't the yellow fruit helped me?"

Could it be that she had thought too much just now? She went out of the space and took the puppy out to run around. The power generators are still  working so the hospital was restored to be a clean bright place in only a few days after she littered its entirety with zombie corpses that time.

Getting outside, the large snake is getting sunburned but it seems to be enjoying itself. The puppy stiffens and starts growling in her hands. The snake lazily opens its large eyes looking at the puppy. All the hairs stood on its body.

"Its okay, go play." She let the puppy go. She stretched her hands thinking that little guy is getting very big now.


"Agatha. How is the heat outside?"

"It's great, just...the spiritual energy is tainted by that devil qi making cultivation not very easy. Your space doesn't have this problem." The snake grumbled.

"How is your control over your ability?" Amy aske casually.

"I have only had it for a century and a half. You tell me." The snake answered disdainfully.

She is about to retort sharply when she felt pain from all over her body. She used space and appeared in the first floor and then into her room. She fell with a dud and passed out on the ground.

The walkie sounded and sounded but she didn't answer. Dean Mo looked at the thousands of people looking at him expectantly.

"It seems the leader went to sleep again. Let's schedule this meeting for tomorrow same time." Dean Mo smiled but inside he is crying. 

"Is she Alright? Should someone go check on her?" The doctor in charge of the resident allocation at this time asked. She was one of the women rescued inside a storage warehouse given those pills for periods so she is very grateful to the little leader.

"Why don't you go check of her?" One of the doctors who was there when she made many voices outside the conference room asked with a fearful expression. That girl has a dark sense of humor, he almost peed himself that day.

"I will go. My life was saved by the leader any ways. She can take it as she sees fit." She made her way to the lift and got inside without hesitation.

The other people are also very thankful to the leader it's just...the girl killed all the zombies inside a 46 floor building by herself and then released a giant snake outside to scare the zombies away before she got inside all the outside buildings killing all the zombies inside rescued thousands single handedly. They are terrified of her power.

The doctor got to Amelia's room "leader..." she saw the door opened a little bit. She stretched her hand and opened the door. She gasped seeing the small frame of the girl on the ground on a large puddle of black blood.

Dr Li got inside and checked her breathing. She called the old dean. "Dean, you have to see this." She said with a trembling voice. The dean quickly came and saw the same scene she had seen earlier.

"What happened?" The dean ran to the body on the ground and together they moved her to the bed smearing the pungent blood all over the bed.

"The blood seems to come from all over her body. Even the lover body is bleeding. Dean, what do we do?" The doctor asked, she has been a doctor for over 11 years but she has never come across anything like this.

"Maybe she over exerted her strength and now she is suffering." The dean said. He checked he pulse and widened his eyes in shock.

"What is it? Is it bad?" She asked quickly when she saw his shock.

"Considering how we found her, her body is not dying or weak, instead it is rapidly getting stronger. She probably ate something or is evolving." The dean shook his head.

If Amelia is aware she would applaud the old doctors. He is good.

"What do we do?" The doctor asked.

"We wait. But maybe clean her up first." Old Mo remembers the girl's always bright and clean appearance and frowned thinking how she will be angry she is all dirty like this.

"I'll call the nurse.."

"No, I don't think we want everyone to know she is incapacitated." The dean looked at her.

Dr Li's shoulders sagged and she started to clean her up. The problem is the blood keeps coming out. So cleaning her is useless for now. Dr li stayed and helped clean the floor. The dean also stayed behind helping.

A day passed and another one, on the third day Amelia opened her eyes feeling like she is at the bottom of a sewer. So so smelly. She wanted to gag but realized she is covered from head to toes in this foul smelling thing.

She struggled and finally saw the light. She went for it and came out of a cocoon made of smelly black blood.  She jumped out of bed and smashed on the ground as if running from a monster.

Seeing the wobbling goo on the bed she screamed. This has never happened before and it is a very disturbing scene.


She made a hand gesture and a flame appeared on her hand burning the bed to smithereens. Seeing the thing gone, she opened the window to dispel the smoke and went to bath. She washed her mouth and body clean.

"That fruit is evil ah! Who wants to wake up from a cocoon of impurities?" She says so but she is very happy inside, she feels amazing ever since waking up. The body is stronger. Her thighs she had thought were too slim are now powerful and slightly thicker.

She is taller now. This is the best news ever. Her father told her she got the petite height from her grandmother who is his mother.

Thinking about the grandparents who don't like her very much, always treating her as if she doesn't matter, Amelia smirks because she knows what will happen to them in a nearby future. The problem is that her father loves his parents.

Her father left the family when he was young but his parents sometimes comes to visit them from the central city. The rest of the family dispise him.

In the novel, the grandmother lives while the old man dies one year into the apocalypse from a sickness.

In any case, Amelia is now atleast 3 inches taller than before, she is thicker too. And the buns are here. Hahaha.

She looked at her now bulging chest, the rounder, bigger bums. She sighs thinking about how she has turned into an ideal absolute beauty out of the blue.

Someone knocked on the door. A doctor in her early thirties entered and saw the scotched bedding. She turned to look at Mo who just shrugs.

"Don't be amazed by all the little things she does out of the blue. Check whether she is alive or not." Dean said.

"Oh?" The person who had been sleeping for two days walked in wearing a towel on her body and head. She looked at the new doctor.

"Whose the brave one?" Amelia asked. It is not that she doesn't know the survivors view her as a monster after what she did to save them.

"Call her secretary Li from now on." The old man said, doctor Li looked puzzled and it clearly shows in her eyes.

"Oh? But it looks like you haven't asked the lady's opinion yet." Amelia says in amusement. Amelia got inside the walk in wardrobe and got dressed. She came out in a dress that used to be long but now it shows half of her legs.

"She will do it, because she hates her current job."

"How..." Dr Li looked at old Mo with wide eyes.

"Anyone can see it Doctor Li." Old Mo said. The doctor kept silent. He looked to the leader and seemed shocked.

"Why are you glowing?" He asked and the other doctor looked at her, they saw her skin glow slightly but it is dimming.

She touched her cheek but felt nothing. "Don't worry I ate something before. Is that why you two came? You found me passed out?"

Remembering the meeting, she said apologetically. "Is the meeting still on?"

"In two hours. We have been pushing it back for you."

"What is your name?" Amy asked the female doctor. 

"My name is Li Luqi." She said.

"Where is my dog?" Amy asked her.

"He is in the playground."

"I'm going to find it. I'll be there in the meeting. Everyone should be there those guards at the gate should have a walkie talkie to listen in." Amelia went out after locking the door.

"Yes mam." Liqu said with a sigh. The leader is not trying to scare people but there is just something about  her that makes people feel inferior. 

"Oh....get someone to change that bed. I put some furniture in warehouse number 4 take the biggest most comfortable one. The bedding is in the wardrobe." Amelia threw the keys to the doctor.

She quickly disappeared to check if the puppy hasn't eaten anyone yet. She got outside. Seeing the snake she asked anxiously. "Where is the puppy?"

"That mutt is in the playground. It seems hungry." She went to check and saw the puppy digging on the ground. The previously clean playground has many holes in it.

"Hey little guy. I fell asleep so I couldn't come to get you. Come and eat here." She felt bad so she took out three bowls of its favorite food. She also gave water and milk. The puppy didn't even bother with digging anymore and started eating.

"You fell asleep?" The snake sneered.

"I ate something good. So it made me go unconscious. Speaking of which, this fruit has a great effect on awakening bloodlines. I'm only human so I just got a little bit more strong. But you, who knows what would happen?" She smiled and took out a big yellow fruit.

The smell brought the snake and the puppy to her side in an instant. "Human, this fruit is very good for me. You should ..."

"Woof, woof, howl.." Eh?

Amelia looked at the small dog. "You want it too little guy?"

"Woof.." The three tongues cane out.

"Alright, I can give you. But you have to do something for momy okay?" The little doy is very smart. It barked twice.

"I need a big wall all around the territory. Can you do it little guy?" She asked. The puppy's three heads seemed confused. Amelia laughed and picked it up. "Eat your food first then we will talk."

She turned to the snake who is watching her intently. "Are you Willing to build it?" She asked the snake stretching her arm with the fruit in her hand.

"This place is pretty big human. I might get very tired."

"I  can give you 2"



"Fine I'll take three and I'll throw in watch towers on every corner." The snake has been around for a very long time. It has seen kingdoms rise and fall. Building a wall is not a problem.

"Real towers, according to the design I'll give you and the width of the wall will be as I say. I'll give you 5." The snake looked at her like it has been enslaved.

"How long will it take?" Amelia asked.

"Throw in that mental fruit and I'll be done in three weeks if I work night and day. I have high attainment in earth manipulation. I don't need that mud paste you humans use to put brick by brick. I can turn soil...."

The soil in front of Amelia turned into a ball and lavitated infront of her and turned into a ball of soil. ".....Into stone, into lava, and into melted stone and shape it however I want, no rain or fire can bring it down unless someone used a spell with more attainment than me."

Amelia saw the soil turn to stone, to hot lave and then into molten rock that looked as smooth as jade. Amelia finally felt like bringing this stupid snake wasn't a mistake.

"I want the melted smoth stone. The enemy will slip and fall when they try to climb up." She said happily.

"You are crazy. That will take weeks if not months!" The snake felt a headache.

"If I give you four deep purple fruits?" She smiled widely when Agatha became silent.

"Two weeks." The snake said grudgingly.

"Digest these for now, I will bring you the designs." She gave it four fruits and turned to see the puppy looking wronged.

"When you can work, you'll naturally get paid." She picked it up feeling like it isn't so heavy anymore. She went to the bedroom. And found a new bed and the entire place cleaned. She went into the study and drew a design of the  city wall she wants.
