

Blank mind, that was what the Sagus haima called it, it was a techniquw used to helo new recruits get over the fears and take their first lives and also a kind of bandage for assasins who were in the thick ob battle and needed a focused mind for some time.

Nirmal people onlu sed the technique once in a daya dn that was only for few minutes nevere more then 20 but Kruxe was built dfferetn.

Align with beign able to become one woth the darkness, when Kruxe felt the peace that came with him performing the 'blank mind ' tecnhiuw, the silence that came to his brain from absrobfign jst atiny bit of dakrness and forced close tpo his brain, he couldnpt help but secfretely try again, against the advices of Linda, and what dod you know, it actually workf for him.

Whereas people will get heavy migaranidn and even go slihgtely crazy just fir using the technique for 30 minutes, Kruxe found himself okay even after hours past.
