
Chapter 54 : "Do we have a muffin tin in this place?"

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"Thank you so much for your generosity, sir! Have a great day!" Vin smiled, before running out the door, determined to reach his bus and return to school before they were supposed to meet up to head to the Vatican.

The man running the counter let out a content sigh as the door to his business clicked shut.

"Giving things away for free doesn't seem like a very good business model," Vince mocked, pushing off the wall, and walking over to the counter.

The man barked a laugh, "What can I say, I was feeling generous today."

"After all," The man's gaze shifted to a more mischievous, yet serious demeanor, "It's not every day when you get to see that rumors are true. Those rings… they were a subspecies alright… Did you two notice anything?"

In a cyan flash of light, a pair of sleek white artificial wings sprouted from Vince's back, the wing's membrane composed of glowing glass-like panes of sapphire that pulsed with light.

[Faint as it may be, there's no doubt in my mind that there's another presence inside that Sacred Gear. It's hard to describe, but it feels both draconic, and yet unfamiliar at the same time.] A deep, booming, authoritative voice echoed out from the wings on the silver-haired boy's back, the sapphire wings pulsing in time with the voice's cadence.

"Oh ho ho~ This is getting more and more interesting," The man smiled, licking his lips, "This little outing to Italy may have just been worth our time, huh?"

"You took us all the way out here to check on one person like we're going to the zoo?" 'Vince' scoffed, "You damn crazy crow."

"You got me, you got me… But still, it's good that we have this information… I'll probably start looking into this as soon as we get back to the Grigori."

"You know you have a job to do, right?"

The man waved the comment off, "Ah, it's fine. I think I can let Shemhazai handle things a little bit longer."

If you asked Vin to run down several blocks of city street a year ago, he would've died after around the first two or three. He was by no means athletic growing up, choosing to spend his time in front of computers and electronics instead of a treadmill or weights.

But that all changed a few months ago, and now?

Well, he managed to sprint all the way back to the bus stop without breaking once. He didn't even sweat.

So yeah, that's another point for improvement.

Hopping back onto the bus, Vin checked the time, oh shit, he had ten minutes to get there… Didn't this bus ride take nearly that much? Oh boy…

Settling in, Vin pulled up his messages on his phone, firing off another one to Irina.

[Found a gift, on my way back right now.]

[Can you guys wait like, ten mins for me?]

Her response came instantly.

[wait fr? U found smthn?]

[ye, ill get them 2 w8t]

Vin continued to stare blankly at his phone. Out of everyone, he truly never expected Irina to be proficient in Leet-Speak. Now, there was nothing he could do except wait for the bus to arrive back at school.

Minutes passed, as Vin fidgeted in place. Each second seemed like an hour on that bus ride; it was true torture.

But at long last, the bus made it to his stop, and as soon as those doors opened, Vin shot off like a rocket, bolting at his top speed towards the school parking lot.

He saw everyone gathered around in front of the several transport vehicles that took them back to the Vatican everyday, putting all his power into his legs, Vin broke out into the parking lot.

"Heeeeyyyy! Wait! I'm here!" Vin yelled as he ran forward, everyone's eyes turning towards the long-haired teen as he skidded to a halt in front of the group.

"Vinny, you made it!" Irina cheered.

"Yeah, I did, didn't I?" Vin shot a thumbs up at his twin-tailed classmate, "Thanks Irina."

"No problem!"

Everyone else seemed decidedly less impressed.

"Where were you!" Ethan barked, his arms crossed, "We've been waiting here for hours~"

"Ethan, it was like, fifteen minutes," Vanessa smirked.

"Whatever, it felt like hours!"

"You decided to skip school?" Xenovia tilted her head in confusion, a baffled expression on her face, "I thought you would be better than dipping into such disgraceful activities."

Vin sheepishly smiled, "W-Well, you know…"

Xenovia raised an eyebrow, "Do I? No, I don't think I do, please let me know about what I'm missing."

"Forget it," Vin conceded, "Can we just head back?"

One thing Vin noticed was that birthday celebrations were not really a thing in the Vatican. Apparently, exorcists had other things to worry about than commemorating another rotation around the sun if it wasn't for the big man upstairs. To be honest, it was a little sad: no cake, no presents, nothing. Nevertheless, Vin found himself in the kitchen after training that night, a pile of ingredients on the counter next to him, and a recipe for cupcakes on his phone.

Did he have experience with baking? Fuck no, but c'mon, it couldn't have been harder than mechanical engineering, could it?

The answer? Yes, yes it was.

"Do we have a muffin tin in this place?" Vin shouted, a mixing bowl full of batter cradled in his arms.

Vanessa looked up from her phone, "Uh… I think we have one in the cupboard up top. Same place where we keep baking sheets."

"Thanks," Vin set down the bowl on the counter, and pulled out the muffin tin.

After many spills, a few ruined batches, and a whole set of lounge clothes stained by all manner of ingredients, Vin had finally managed to finish exactly what he wanted to make. The finishing touch of his gift, a dozen blue and green frosted birthday cupcakes.

Putting the box for the iPod in one hand, and the cupcakes in the other, Vin walked down the hallway, until he stood in front of the door to Xenovia's room.


want to read ahead or want to support you can join my patr-eon and u will be able to read ahead by 15 chapters



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