
Chapter 10 Let’s play football with us

Chapter 10 Let's play football with us

  When we came to the home court next to the farm again, it was still dilapidated and the venue was not maintained in any way.

  Although Mostar Rangers is a second-division team, as the saying goes, the entire Bosnia and Herzegovina is amateur except for the Super League, which is more formal.

  Many players of Mostar Rangers have their own main jobs, so they do not have so much time to train.

  The only training day every week is their running-in process.

  On this day, the players will put down what they are doing and gather on the court.

  Around one o'clock in the afternoon, the players arrived one after another.

  Mostar Rangers only has 12 players, so they can conduct 6V6 matches during training within the team.

  But there was something unexpected today.

  "Bakchi said he wanted to take leave. He seems to have some physical problems today."

  Mlinar said towards Oripe.

  Oripe covered her forehead with a look of helplessness.

  There are too few players and the ability to resist risks is too low.

  In the second division league, games have been canceled due to the team's lack of personnel, let alone training camps.

  "It doesn't matter, I'll take his place first."

  Oripe takes off his coat and the coach is about to come on.

  Everyone gathered around and Oripe began to explain tactics.

  "Guys, let's change the way we play today."

  Oripe said: "Our previous organization point only had one person, Mlinar, but this time, we want to add another organization point."


  Su Ke couldn't wait to stand up and said, "I'm here to organize the scene."

  Everyone looked at Suk in surprise, even Mlinar was the same.

  "Can you?"

  Mlinar asked curiously.

  Su Ke gave a thumbs up: "If possible, how about you play for another half season?"

  Mlinar was stunned for a moment and scratched his cheek.

  Under normal circumstances, when you see the other person is in trouble, you give up.

  But Su Ke said reluctantly: "It's just half a season. If you still feel like you can't do it after half a season, then I'll go with you."

  Mlinar looked at Oripe, who pursed his lips and said, "Can you hold on for half a season?"

  Mlinar thought for a while and then sighed; "Okay, just half a season, this is already the limit."

  Hearing this, everyone smiled.

  Mlinar is too important to the team. In half a season, Suker is confident that he can become even better and take over the command from Mlinar.

  "let's start!"

  Su Ke waved his hand, and everyone began to walk into the stadium.

  At the same time, a young man wearing a hood walked in from the arch at the edge of the court.

  "Is there a game here?"

  Modric walked in curiously, and soon he saw the players of Mostar Rangers who were training.

  There is a huge gap between the Bosnia and Herzegovina Super League and the First Division. This also makes those newly promoted teams return to the First Division very miserably every year.

  And this is even more true in the Second Division.

  After watching it for a while, Modric shook his head.

  "Poor discipline, insufficient overall coordination, and insufficient defense..."

  Modric commented.

  A plate of loose sand!

  However, these players are still good.

  For example, the No. 10 in the midfield, despite his age, has very solid basic skills, passes and receives the ball smoothly, and distributes the ball reasonably. However, he lacks the overall situation and sticks to the ball too much, causing the team to miss the opportunity to counterattack.

  As for the short guy in the frontcourt, why is this guy running around?

  Modric stood on the sidelines, looking at Suker's position curiously, looking familiar from a distance.

  At this time, Suk suddenly shouted at the top of his lungs: "No! No! It doesn't feel like this!"

  Su Ke shouted to interrupt the game, and he walked towards Mlinal and said: "Boss, pass the ball to me! Don't pass it forward, pass it to me."

  Mlinar smiled bitterly; "Can you hold it? Behind you is Roten Maschi."

  Su Ke turned around and looked over. Rotenmaschi, who was 1.9 meters tall, raised his eyebrows at Su Ke and shook his pectoralis major muscles as if to show off.

  "Don't worry about him, just pass it to me."

  Mlinar shook his head: "Okay, I understand."

  When the game restarted, Suker kept moving back and forth. When he saw Mlinar advancing, Suker immediately retreated.

  Mlinar also saw Suker, who immediately passed the ball.

  Su Ke caught the ball and continued to retreat.

  He didn't stop in place or turn around, but wanted to make a big circle and use his agility to bypass Rotenmasch's defense.

  When he finally got around and prepared to pass the ball, the frontcourt was empty.

  "Where are the people?"

  Suk shouted loudly.

  When he turned his head to look, the two wingers were parallel to his position, and Mlinar did not move forward after passing the ball.

  Su Ke was so angry that he almost vomited blood.

  But he could only bite the bullet and was eventually brought down by the defenders.

  And this scene keeps appearing.

  Everyone didn't know what Suker was going to do, but Modric on the sidelines felt more and more strange as he watched.

  Why not push forward?

  The small forward has helped draw the defense out and is also drawing the defense towards the wings.

  However, the winger did not fill the middle position and formed a triangle offensive position with the small forward.

  The midfielder who passed the ball also had no intention of going forward.

  This is going to tire the little man to death.

  Su Ke did not give up. He continued to run while constantly shouting and directing his teammates.

  However, the scene became increasingly chaotic.

  Su Ke is high-spirited and firmly believes that if they continue to work together, they still have a chance to win the game.

  However, Su Ke can persist, but Oripe cannot.


  There was a sound of vomiting.

  Suker stepped on the ball and turned around to look over, only to see Oripe squatting outside the court, his body shaking violently.

  It was obviously due to excessive physical exertion that I vomited.

  After everyone gathered around, Oripe's face turned red and he was panting like an ox.

  "I...can't do it anymore, I can't run...I can't run anymore."

  Oripe was speechless.

  Obviously this amount of exercise is still too difficult for Oripe.

  Everyone looked at each other, how could we conduct training with so few people?

  "There are people there!"

  Suk suddenly pointed to the sidelines.

  Everyone turned to look over.

  At the same time, Modric also saw this scene.

  Soon, Su Ke passed by in a flash.

  "Hey, come and play football with us, young man!"

  Suk said simply and clearly.

  Modric was about to refuse, but was pulled over by Suker.


  Modric was dragged all the way to everyone and said loudly:

  "He agreed!"

  Modric's eyes widened.

  He doesn't remember agreeing!

  But Suk had already begun to arrange it.

  "How about you play as a midfielder? You can't play as a defender because of your size!"

  Modric's figure tends to be thin, just a little taller than Suker.

  Modric was a bit shy and nodded slightly.

  It's not a competition, just playing around, no problem.

  Besides, training alone is quite boring.

  The most important thing is that he is curious about what the guy in front of him is going to do.

  Modric had recognized that this was the boy who dived from the ancient bridge, but he didn't expect to play football.

  "Aren't you going to take off your coat?"

  Suk asked, pointing to the jacket covering Modric's face.

  Modric shook his head slightly: "No need."

  His voice was calm and gentle, with strong confidence.

  Soon, Oripe came off the field, and Modric stood behind Suker.

  When the game restarted, Modric immediately got into the game.

  Modric's running is not that violent, but his head is always raised, which is in sharp contrast to the situation where most people in the stadium are looking down at the ball.

  When Modric touched the ball for the first time, he only distributed the ball to the right wing without sticking the ball.

  However, the next second, he did not stay where he was, but ran forward.

  "Pass the ball!"

  Modric saw that his winger was restricted and immediately called for a pass.

  Vitolic relied on the opponent's full-back and immediately passed the ball.

  At this time, the central defender has begun to move forward.

  Modric saw this in his eyes, stepped backward slightly with his feet, and actually let the ball pass under his crotch.

  The whole process was understated and very relaxed and enjoyable.


  Off the court, Oripe, who was sitting on the ground, couldn't help but exclaimed.

  Even Mlinar on the field couldn't help but exclaimed 'beautiful'.

  When they turned around to look, Suker had already passed between the two central defenders with the ball, quickly dribbled the ball into the penalty area, and violently rotated his right foot to shoot.

  However, the ball was not powerful enough and was saved by the goalkeeper.

  Ah~~~~! UU read www.uukkanshu.net! !

  Suk rubbed his head crazily, his face full of regret.

  But in the end, he gave Modric a thumbs up.

  "It was passed very well."

  Modric nodded slightly.

  There is no difficulty or pressure in a training match of this level.

  After all, he doesn't even look down on the Bosnian Premier League.

  After seeing Modric's wonderful performance, the players began to trust each other and began to pass the ball frequently.

  Su Ke also took the initiative to retreat.

  After Modric saw Suker, he immediately passed the ball over.

  The speed of this pass was not fast, and Modric originally wanted to play a two-on-one with Suker against the wall.

  But Suker stopped the ball across the ball, turned sideways, and faced Modric with his back.

  I have no intention of cooperating with him.

  Modric frowned slightly.

  But the next second, Su Ke made a fierce pass.

  The ball passed between center back Cobarro and full back Bastoqi, accurately reached the gap on the wing, and was picked off by winger Maslozic who completed the forward penetration, and immediately entered the penalty area.


  This second pass made Oripe exclaim again and couldn't help but stand up.

  The expressions of the others were almost the same.

  After all, this pass is very beautiful from any angle.

  For Modric, the shock of this pass was also great.

  Not only the pass itself, but the vision and overall view of the little guy in front of him are the key.

  Use yourself as bait and pass the ball to the more threatening side.

  If it's not a coincidence, then this is definitely the vision talent of a top midfielder.
