
Shiruko Goal

Since he was born into this world, Shiruko had never cried. His parents even thought he was sick because their baby never cried. As he grew slowly, he also never showed any clear emotions. There were no moments when he got angry, happy, or sad. Only a cold, boring expression.

At the age of seven, he saw his mother crying in front of his father's grave. His father, a figure close to him, had now died. However, no emotions surfaced within Shiruko.

Instead, curiosity emerged as he observed his mother's sadness. He wondered, wasn't it true that humans would die eventually? If so, why regret someone's death?

When Shiruko asked this, his mother beat him while venting her sorrow on him. At that moment, Shiruko's mother might have thought her child still didn't understand anything, so she apologized to him after realizing what she had done was wrong.
