
A Specialist’s Creed

I am Specialist Alcopone Serrano.

One of the Squad Captains of the 69th Battalion. 

I always make sure to add the title of Specialist in front of my name to make people understand that I was someone veeeery important.

Just like the people who were in the same field as me, "plausible deniability is our best friend." 

So, what does plausible deniability mean?

The answer to that depends on who was asking.

But to explain it in the simplest terms, when you see your bro doing something against military rules, which could potentially cause problems if brought out in the open, the thing we do is pretend it never happened.

Why? Because if they weren't caught, then it didn't happen.

As a Specialist, we wouldn't do our bros dirty. After all, we knew that if we were all suddenly thrown into the battlefield, it was our bros who would always have our backs. 
