

Stiles Pov

Great. Just great. Scott goes full Wolfman and what do you do Stiles? Nothing cos you can't. I swear ill turn you into a rug Scott. Am I the only one taking this seriously! Don't answer that Styles you won't like the answer. Man I'm gonna have to up my Adderall tonight to keep it together. Oh crap Scott if you try and play tonight you better know what your doing.

Third person PoV

Lacrosse Field

Both teams ready for the start, eveyone focused on the ball as the whistle blows signalling the start of the match. Jackson gets the ball and instantly starts running with the ball with Danny and Kai just to his side in a shield formation. They manoeuvre around the pitch with Danny charging the first defender down giving Jackson and Kai a cleared shot toward the goal. Scott starts running ahead of then signalling for the ball but Jackson and Kai ignore him and keep charging. Kai tackles and incoming defender but another manages make Jackson drop the ball. Scott spots the ball and runs for it but just as he beging to turn and pick it hes Slammed hard over a metre backwards by Kai in a brutal way and even the crowd starts to murmur about the hit. Scott looks up and across to Kai for a split second but that's all he needs to see Kai's eyes flash yellow for a second as his face is one of anger. Scott, confused why Kai's showing him such aggression shrugs it off as he's in a game with Allison watching and he doesn't want to disappoint her. Kai turns around from Scott with the ball in his net and flings it towards Jackson whose open and they score the first goal of the night. The stands erupt in cheers for the goal and Beacon Hill players all congratulate Kai and Jackson. Scott, dazed but okay, slowly walks to the otherside of the pitch when his super hearing picks up the conversation between Jackson,Kai,Danny and Greenburg.

"You got it Danny?" Jackson says.

"Why man, this is an important game and we need to win," Danny replies

"We don't need him and he's been a pain in the ass all week, he needs a reality check." Kai chimes in.

Greenburg, "Dude as long as we stay ahead then I don't mind."

"We will and don't worry leave McCall to me." Kai speaks before walking off.

"So what did I say Danny?" Jackson grunts out.

Danny," Don't pass to McCall"

As he walks off Kai notices Scott with his head down in the direction of Jackson and smirks, knowing that he heard the whole thing.

"This should be fun."


It's time to continue and im buzzing with adrenaline, i have had an outlet since Derek since he can heal but now I've got Scott, who seems to have made it his life mission to be an ignorant idiot.I look at McCall and follow his own gaze up at the stands. Allison and Lydia are holding up a sign that says Jackson is No1. Damn even the universe finds him annoying to be doing this to him, if he weren't pissed before he is now. Im interupted by the whistle as the game commences. The centres struggle before the opposing team manages to fling it in the air and i spot McCall looking up at the ball in preparation. I take of Smirking towards the ball in preparation as i can tell what hes trying to do instantly. I ensure I can't see his him from the front by using the other teams as a screen and i leap for it just after him and end up smacking into him and sending him to the ground with a thud with the ball in my net and i can hear the entire stadium groaning in reaction. I dont even give him a glance before i take off sprinting for the goal. I weave in and out of the defence before jumping to the side with a spin as i fall and fling the ball into the Net with swoosh. A move so greta even the opposing team is left standing their baffled. Danny comes over and gives me his arm to help me up. I take it and get up and h pats my back enthusiastically asking,

"BRO where did that come from!"

"Im just feeling good tonight man."

"Well keep it up and we'll end up destroying these guys"

"Yes sir" I reply sarcastically before falling back to defence.

I look over to McCall and can see him breathing heavily, hes one more push from losing it.


And the games off again. We pass around the ball a bit before Danny throws Jackson a long pass but it gets intercepted, by Scott. Motherfu… i take off after him as he gets to the end goal before he freaks out, overwhelmed by his wolf instincts. He fumbles for a few seconds before i whack his stick with my own, dislodging the ball and then I catch it with my own and spin around and slam it towards the goal and score. I turn round to celebrate but before i can my instincts warn me about something coming from behind. I step aside fluidly and leave my stick out tripping up the person who came charging. I glanced down at McCall on the ground and notice hes not in control so why everyone's View of him his blocked by me i grab his hand so it looks like im helping him up before giving it a twist and breaking it. The pain snaps him out of it before he look up at me in fear, anger and worry. I look back at him and flash my eyes before growling,

"Control yourself now!" Which seems to at least calm him enough to get up and start rushing off to the changing rooms. I see Allison chase after him but i dont do anytime since hes calmed down enough now and i know that he likes her too much to hurt her.

Changing rooms

Shortly after Allison left

Third person POV

Stiles slowly walks up to Scott who's grinning like a lovestruck idiot.

"I kissed her… and she kissed me"

"I know, i saw it dude."

"It's not just that Stiles, i held back, i kept control maybe this isn't so bad after all."

"Yeah Scott," Stiles replies halfhearted.

"Wait wait Stiles what's wrong?

"I just got off the phone with my dad, the M.E report came back. The killer of the girl was determined to be an animal not human, Derek human not animal, Derek let out of jail," stiles says dejectedly.

"Are you serious?!"

"It gets worse Scott, they ID'd the body, it was Laura Hale, Dereks sister.

Scene cut and end

Author note.

Gonna be real with you guys, no excuse for the last few months, it weren't cool and i said I wouldn't do it again after my HTTYD Novel and i did anyway, Shit happened to me, my job, family and i really just couldn't be bothered, that's it. That being said im feeling better and I mashed out this chapter in bout an hour and should have more soon, not sure when but ill probably do a few and mass post. Happy reading, Teenwolf fan out
