
Chap 12: Injustice League

[The Watchtower]

Batman sat on his seat reviewing the latest reports from the Team and other missions of the League trying to organize his mind and thoughts after the last incident with the Injustice League, the presumed secret society behind everything so far but something doesn't seems right.

Batman at first would have believed it to be but after his last talk with Zane and his own investigations he started to see inconsistencies, a lot of loopholes here and there indicates that the Injustice 'group' does in no way have the capabilities to orchestrate all these events, they may be capable of causing destruction and distraction but such intricate cases are beyond them, so Batman came to a conclusion, a distraction indeed, an escape goat. That's all what they are, something to distract them from the real perpetrators behind it all.

Which left a bitter taste in Batman mouth for several reasons, Zane being behind a big one of them.

Soon the rest of the League came in and the meeting began.

They discussed about several topics till Batman proceeded with his analysis behind the latest issues.

Batman:" The last mission in india performed by the Team introduced a new variable behind the Cobra-blockbuster venom variant which we concluded was also present in the plants attack by the 'Injustice League'-"

Flash interrupting Batman in his speech said:" So that means they were the one behind all that mess!!" which ended up with him earning a nasty glare from Batman that managed to shut him up.

Batman:" as i was saying the one working on the serum was The Brain, now if you look on the reports infront of you, you will see several names that played a big role all while hiding."

The League started looking over those reports ranging from the first incident in Cadmus till the last with the Injustice one and seeing the names written in red bold letters they opened their eyes wide in schock realization dawning on them, all aside from Canary and Arrow who were slightly surprised but not as much as the rest, and Tornado of course but he had no expressions to show in the first place.

"Does that mean?" asked Wonder Woman still bewildered from what she read.

Batman:"yes, the real perpetrators are still hiding and this one was just a mean to take our attention somewhere else."

"Wow Batman you really outdid yourself here that really is a well crafty plan and it managed to foul us for a second there if not for you" said Green Lantern Hal Jordan relieved to have a trusty friend and ally like Batman but soon he noticed something changed after he took a look at his face which in itself was something, as no matter the situation Hal can count on one hand only how many times he saw Batman's expressionless face react to something.

And he wasn't the only one to notice, but everyone else too. And that prompted Superman to talk to his friend out of worry:

"Is everything alright Bruce?"

Batman back to his stoic self but you can feel the anger and annoyance still said:" it wasn't me who came with it"

That sent the League on another roller coaster of emotions till Captain Marvel had to ask: "if it's not you then... who?"

Everyone looked at Batman also waiting for an answer but the one the answer came from was the Arrow: "it was Zane"

And directly almost everyone had a solemn face remembering their last interaction with him. It was Dinah who continued speaking this time.

"After the team mission in Belle reve, Zane stated that he stayed there and heard Hugo talk with Icycle Sr. how the Light will be pleased with them taking over the prison, then he diplayed all the missions details and reports and showed all those who are related to each other one way or another and came to the conclusion of them working together and pointed out all the heads of these several operations and an explanation behind the why and how he chose them specifically and seeing the Brain name here it means you figured out his play in all of that huh Batman."

Batman didn't say anything and just kept looking forward, hearing all the murmurs and talks going around. Till the hall became silent again: "After studying his words and checking over everything including the lack of evidence in his claims, i came to the conclusion that his words held merit in them and strong possibilities in them being true. Which bring us to the next issue being Zane himself, his latest action has proven him to being dangerous and he might become a threat to the Team and us"

"Agree he's obviously strong enough and could have handled the matter better" said Superman in support.

"Ehm.. i don't mean to question you Batman but even if i think it was a bit too aggressive we are talking about Black Adam here and the team can't handle him and Wotan and everyone else alone" said Captain Marvel.

"Honestly i don't see anything wrong with what he did he chose the fastest way possible to assist the team and it worked quite fine with him there" said Hawkwomen which earned her a frown from Hawkman sitting next to her and several others.

Wonder Woman added:" Don't you think you are being partial here Batman and Superman, till now he has only been helpful to the team and didn't show anything that warrant him this treatment."

This started a conflict between several Leaguers all having their own opinion on the matter, some agreeing with Batman and other not seeing what is wrong with Zane actions.


[Mount Justice, October 1, few days before the meeting]

In front of the monitor in the Mount justice stood the Team, Batman and weirdly Zatara who has been coming here often in the last couple of days, maybe to see the Team for himself and judge if he will allow Zatanna to join? I don't know we didn't speek much only the necessary greetings not that i was staying here much, i'm working on my plans and projects and training my powers, most of them i try in space near the sun and those that don't work there i find an inhabited island or something and after making sure i was not watched in any way or form i continue to train, i will never neglect training no matter how much power or strength i have or will have, i will never allow my self to grow arrogant nor stagnant, and to be honest i am enjoying the training too much, feeling the strength i have and seeing the power and abilities that once were mere dreams or fantasies you see only in stories or TV shows, yeah i will never get tired or bored of training, imagine making cool moves and techniques of once shows you thought of as imaginary alas i know, now i know they are real and one day i may be able to travel there and till then i'll make sure i am strong and ready.

Coming back to the screen it shows the 'Injustice League' declaring their responsibility for the attack on Metropolis and the rest of the world, and they have the audacity to ask for ransom!

But then again looking at those faces my head began to spin in memories and thoughts, Count Vertigo will be caught then released because of a diplomatic immunity and he will gloat about it too, and aside from Atomic Skull and maybe Ivy all of them will get out too at one time or another even then i am not sure maybe they too indeed got out and back or went to hiding but the point is they will get away with what they are doing today and probably every other thing.

Which make me think, what stopping me from killing them now? What if some of them died 'accidentally' while the Team was trying to stop them, i could fry the Joker brain out, take Ivy's power and break her spine or if that is too cruel not that i think it is after who knows how many got injured or died till now i can simply give her an amnesia because of a 'punch too strong'.

Vertigo is litterally the most pathetic of the bunch without this title and immunity of his he is simply a bug waiting to be crushed so a simple telekinetic push and he will have an accident, i don't know about Wotan but after knocking him out maybe i can force my telepathy on him, even if he had protection on, for how long? since he is probably immortal because of magic as that is what is known about him so i can take my time with him no? What stopping me from beating Black Adam to death? Take Ultra-Humanite for some brain surgery or just get rid of him, her or it whatever they are!

But no, of course I can't do that, or risk having the League on my back and the Team will probably start seeing me as a villain or monster or something because of the way they were raised and their naivety.

I am not worried about the League that much but the Team, I honestly don't want them to see me like that, or treat me differently as I came to... care about them too even if a little, beside they are just kids but, If push come to shove then it doesn't matter, i will not just allow my care or emotion for them to just make me surrender or forget about my ideals, the thing is it's not about me being right or wrong or them being good or not, it's all about their ideals and mine in which they will go against me with everything both the league and the team have.

That's how toxic the League is, they believe what they are doing is right but actually they are forcing their opinions on me and anyone who doesn't agree is just a threat and an enemy. The hypocrisy.

*sigh*... you know, i don't really hate the League or Batman or anything. Yes I may say some stuff and my thoughts about them may not be all that positive.

But i grew up watching these people on TV, doing their heroic deads and never giving up.

The Young Justice was also one of my favorite shows and that may be the reason why i care about them and stayed this long with them even though i can do much much more alone.

It was part of my selfishness and childhood dreams that drew me to take this decision, and i don't regret it even for a bit, even if we will part on bad terms.

I am actually happy, I am happy I allowed myself to feel like that. A feeling i have long began to forget after all the hardships that life put me through.

But not in this life.

In this one I will achieve and accomplish all my desires and hopes and be happy.

For real tho! Unless they seal me with magic which won't last long or banish me to the zone or another universe, they can't stop me. But that's just one of possible scenarios. I will do nothing but a little test for my curiosity but beside that nothing.


Because i don't care. I said before, i am not a savior i won't go and risk myself, my freedom and peace of mind to save this accursed planet that have different factions and all will go against you as long as you don't agree with them.

So let them have it, let them do what they want to do. I am this close to finish my device and after that even if the planet blows i simply won't care, it will be sad to loose these people and a lot of innocents will die but this is how it is.

All those thoughts and much more run in my mind in a matter of seconds just as Batman finished handing the Team their mission and my face hasn't changed in the slightest from the start.

"Will you participate in this mission with us Zane" Aqualad asked me with a hint of worry in his eyes, he seems to know it's too much for them and since Nelson is alive there's no helmet for plan B, guess i am his plan B.

I looked from the screen to him, smiled and transformed my clothes to my suit with the mask to hide my mouth, i just removed the look alike Superman symbol with the UP inside, even thought they will piece stuff together at the end but Vertigo will surely tell the Light about my interference and that will give them more information so let's just try to be secretive for now just for the fun.

"Of course Kaldur, I'm interested in this one maybe it will be fun" he smiled along with the rest but i know Batman was squinting his eyes at me from behind probably having doubts.

And so we departed in the Bioship to...

[Bayou Bartholomew]

As we are getting closer i started feeling Vertigo's wave gears approaching and hurriedly warned Megan to fly down.

"We have been discovered and they are already waiting for us, Megan pull the Bioship down, you probably felt it we are under attack i will go first and buy time to you to land safely after that make sure to go in and stop the cause of the plants and i will meet you when i am done"

After everyone nodded i stood up and vibrated my self to slide out of the ship before even Megan attempted to open an exit for me, they still don't know i can density-shift so this will work for now, i just flew toward Black Adam not minding Vertigo's attack and as i was fast it couldn't slow me down that much i stretched my hand behind my back readied my punch and struck Adam in the face since no one was expecting me they were suprised and so my punch landed its way and before i can do anything about Vertigo he came back at me and launched me away from this location to another.

I stopped myself midway and looked his way seeing him come and stand a bit away from me in the air, he looked deeply at me hands clutched hard in a fist and asked: "who are you?"

I looked at him closely this time, he does have a resemblance to the Rock but not that much and his history in this world is also different than that world, he's a real angry big dude with superiority and god complex in this world and talking to him won't bring anything. So i answered:" It doesn't matter now does it? We are just enemies now"

He readied himself and before he launched at me he said:" Indeed it doesnt" and with a sonic boom he flew and we met in the middle both punches meeting against each others creating a shockwave all around us and we both flew back from it me a little more as this one is the first time i am facing a real strong enemy, he is strong and probably holding back a little, but i will adapt.

And so we continued, we flew back at each other this time i let him punch first so i can evade and attack but i was met with a knee to my chest that sent me flying up, this time i couldn't stop fast enough and he was on me punching right then left and we got higher with every punch he delivered till he joinded his hands together and like a hammer struck me down, i did protect my face but it still hit me and i have to say it hurts but a moment later not anymore and as i adjusted myself before i got struck to the earth i managed to land on my feet producing craters all around me then shot back again like a rocket and it was my time to land a hit so i punched him in the face and before he could fly away i got hold on his sash belt and delivered a kick that sent him down".

It's good he doesn't wear a cape, and i respect him for that.

He got out from the hole he was in no injury whatsoever, only the dust around and said:"You are strong, not bad"

So as i floated closer i answered "Thanks, you too but before we continue i have to ask why does such a man like you who probably lived for more than thousand years do such thing as hurting innocent and defenseless people?"

He scoffed at me and said:" Why would i care about crushing some ants under my feet?"

"So it's all about showing your superiority huh?"

As he floated back he said" Of course, those inferior creatures have to know their place"

"If they are really this inferior and you are superior why would you care about that isn't it better that you know who you are Teth-Adam?"

He looked at me inraged and shouted:"Enough a mortal like you can never understand the gods" and launched at me again, faster this time and as we fought i told him:" you are no God, you are just blessed".

The fight intensity took a notch higher and we exchanged punches and moves and with every strike he got on me i grew resistant and stronger, every moment i was getting stronger, faster and better, he landed less hits on me and those that did didn't bother me much anymore after a couple of minutes of fighting we stood apart in the air and he said:" How are you this strong? why work for them when you can join me and we can rule all?"

"I am not working for them, i am working on myself and i am not interested in ruling as it is not worth it, i would ask you why work with them and for them but let just end it here i learned a lot from you today but i need to go" and with that not giving him time to answer i attacked fiercely this time, the whole time i was just exchanging moves with him, learning to get better and stronger while he aims to incapacitate me anyway possible, but this time i will hurt him.

After exchanging couple of moves or like hundred of them in matter of seconds i finally got the upperhand and struck him in the throat which took his breath away and while he got his hands up to his neck to help him breath, i struck him with couple of moves that are in sensitive places like the neck, heart, his nose and kidney then i gave a big blow to the stomach he had to arch his body and hold it tight then i delivered a hammer punch to the back of his head that got him glued to the earth, i can feel he's still there so i flew with my knees to his chest then punched him two times in a row that got him out of it.

But knowing Adam that always get back and to instill some fear in him i raised my leg and stomped on his arm and broke it which woke him up with a yell that reverberate through this swamp forest place-like, then i lifted it again aiming at his other one and he looked with fear at me and stuttered:" w..wait, s-stop" but i didn't listen and broke the other which made him yell again the i punched him hard on the chin and made him black out.

I caught him from the neck and flew to where i saw the Team from the skys, i found Vertigo unconscious on my way and took him with me after destroying his headgear and seeing his memories, good they didnt have much trouble with him i will be disappointed if they did then i kept flying and found them fighting against Wutan and Ivy while Robin and Artemis are missing, probably inside dealing with Joker and skull.

So as i arrived i threw the two down and everyone noticed me coming and stopped after seeing Adam's condition and the look in my eyes, i looked at Ivy's position and her plants and my eyes started to glow red and i fired at everything i saw, and took her plants apart where she cried :"Nooo, my babies"

But i didn't continue to hear and launched myself at Wotan with lot of speed and struck him, but Wotan wasn't an immortal mage for nothing he hurriedly got out of his stuppor and enacted a shield to protect him, the first punsh only shaked it, the second cracked it and finally before he can finish reciting his spell the third strike broke the shield and launched him away disrupting his incantation but he was fast and made another and struck me with lightning which did nothing to me just stung a bit, that's a magical lightning for you.

We continued this chase of cat and mouse with me getting closer to him and him trying to get away to prepare his bigger spells, i kept an eye on the team and they seem to be done on their part so better finish mine too.

In this brief second that i gave him to breath, Wotan finished a powerful spell filled with magical energy and i allowed him to hit me, i have to admit his magic hurts more than Adam physical attacks, so as i was launched back the team were already finished and attacked Wotan after yelling my name, but he was simply too powerful for them and they soon got hit by him, so i got back to my feet after i adapted and launched at him again with intent to finish it, and that is what i did, i flew with my heat vision on and attacked the shield he conjured to protect him but this time i broke it from the first punch and kicked him down on his shoulder and i could hear some bones crack with his cries and before he attemp to heal himself i was on him with a punch to the nose that sent him sleeping for couple of hours.

I turned to the team and said:" You guys okay? And where's Robin and Artemis?" I looked around a bit and found the gorilla at the side seems he's the first to be taken out, he does have scratches and bite marks and bruises.

After everyone woke up from the suprise of my strenght as they never saw me using my actual power before, Wally was the first to say" Damn man i knew you're strong but not this much" which got him an automatic nod from everyone, i looked at Kaldur as he spoke:" We are fine thank you for the help, Robin and Artemis are inside taking care of Joker and stopping the device"

I nodded at him and looked around at the sleeping villains and said "You go help them and i will round them together first"

They just gave me a serious nod then went inside, I did what I said then started copying Ivy's power first and then went to Wotan to see his mind and as expected it's protected and not just any mind defenses but magical ones which probably had some curses or stuff on them, nothing that will harm me but it will need more time, time i don't think i have, as soon the plants got quite and not long after the team came with a knocked out Atomic skull and a bound Joker yelling some crazy stuff.

I looked at him deeply as if i'm giving him my full attention but actually i was taking skull power, yes take since he probably might not show up again. As he noticed me he instantly started with:" oh what we have here a new friend of justice babies? Are you not too big to play with them?"and started laughing and crackling like a maniac.

I just looked at him not really reacting much, and then asked him:" How did it feel to you?"

Everyone just looked at me and the joker didn't understand " Huh? What?"

"How do you feel every time you kill someone and attack people, how do you feel right now knowing you destroyed homes and hurt a lot?"

"Ah you interested in learning i can teach you it's exhilarating, the looks of fear, despair and anguish it's just funny i can't help to laugh in joy HAHAH but you have to change your style every time or it will get boring HAHAHA" He started laughing like the mad man he is as everyone looked concerned for me and disturbed about him.

I just closed my eyes, took a deep breath from my nose not that i need to breath but just for dramatic effects and said " I see " then opened them and walked slowly to him, Robin and everyone else opened their eyes in shock and tried to stop me thinking I'm angry or something but I didn't phase and caught both of the Joker hands and then broke them and his fingers and took his gloves out, i know what those can do then throwed them to Robin and said" you missed these" and gave them an eye smile while they breathed a sigh in relief looking at the screaming Joker as he wail in pain on the ground.

Not long after that the League arrived and took a look around at everything and congratulated the team for a well done job, only Batman has this glare on me the whole time and i could see and feel his anger but i gave him no mind and just ignored him and just waited to see if he's gonna do anything.

But it was surprisingly Dinah who spoke:" Zane we don't do that, you didn't have to be this aggressive you know" she told me with an admonishing voice as if she's scolding the kids instead, i raised an eyebrow at that and said:" we were fighting Dinah, not armwresling you know?"

"But still you could have done something else... less cruel"

"Like what exactly, i was trying to finish quickly so i can assist them faster as i didn't know how long you will take to come" Dinah just opened then closed her mouth having nothing to say in response to that.

Superman stormed his way to me and raised a finger and poked me at the chest and said "Listen here you may be new and inexperienced but that not how we do things here" did he just... is he trying to intimidate me or something? did Batman send him to do that? Or is he actually doing that from his own?

I looked him dead in the eyes with a frown and then lowered my eyes to his finger then moved my arm and hold his hand tight but not to break it or something just sign of strength, pushed it to him and said" is that so... and how do you do it then? Why don't you tell me Batman? I heard that every single criminal in Gotham had at least one bone broken because of you, so can you enlighten me at what did i exactly do wrong here?" Even Superman looked at me suprised, and everyone was looking betwen us schocked with the the team being the most tense.

Me and Batman just stood there, my eyes show no expression, while his just glaring we stood like that for a while and before anyone can say anything he just said:" we are done here, let's go" i scoffed a bit then turned to the team who had some sweat from the tense atmosphere around even their breathing was a little bit hard, hhah they need more training i just told them:" you go first  i have a place to be, see you tomorrow" winked at them and just flew and once high enough you could hear sonic booms from my speed.

I went that night to visit Serly and check on her, she was home so we had some talk and fun and slept.

[The Light]

"Impressive, the plant creature has proved it usefulness as potential weapon more importantly, the so called 'Heroes' now believe that our secret society has been revealed... and crushed.

With the Injustice League serving as our proxies, we are once again free to operate in impunity " said a very old-school and dramatic man with long black hair, wide shoulders and a big scratch scar on his face, also known as Vandal Savage, the most useless Immortal in the world.

Behind him came several people like Lex Luther, Ra's Al Ghul, Klarion the witch boy, Queen Bee, the Brain and Ocean-Master.

Vandal said dramatically:" and shadows still can seal our Light".

Only if he knew.
