
Eyes of a Beast

On the other side of the Refania Kingdom, several hours before former Queen Gelda broke into the castle.

In Aucasta, after taking almost the whole day, Arias and Olivia finally arrived at Aucasta in the evening. Although he’d already informed them that he didn’t need any welcoming party, the city ruler and the people still came to welcome King Arias anyway. Looking down, Arias could only sigh wearily when he saw the crowd of hundreds standing in front of the city gate to welcome him.

“I remember telling them I don’t need any welcoming party.”

Arias said wearily. It would probably take a long time for him to get used to being treated as king.

The people of Aucasta found the sight of Arias and Olivia flying in the sky before slowly descending to the ground to be extremely exciting. While many knew that king mages could fly like birds, they had never actually seen it before.
