
Fagus’ Luck

After a long while of cleaning, the large, dusty house seemed to look a whole lot better. Once they’d decided who got which rooms, everyone started retiring into their own chambers. They were exhausted from the journey, so getting to lie down on a soft bed would be delightful.

Arias, since he was their master, got the biggest room on the upper floor. The room was quite spacious, and there was a huge bed that could fit three people. In the middle of the room, there was a pendant lamp hanging down from the ceiling. The lamplight helped brighten the room during the night when there was no sunlight to do it.

From his dimensional ring, Arias brought out several items that he would need in his daily life and put them in different places, trying his best to make his new bedroom look like the one back at the manor.

“You can come out now, Olivia.”
