
Spotting the Wedding Ring

— Lilith's POV —

"My cousin doesn't need you?" I asked Cassandra as I glanced around the restaurant, half worried that Lex would be lurking around, stalking his girlfriend. 

Noticing my suspicious behavior, Cassandra chuckled and shook her head. 

"Worried he's spying on us?" she teased me.

"He and my husband have enough people watching over us," I grumbled.

"How many?" Cassandra asked as she leaned forward, curious to hear what I knew.

"You would know better how many men my cousin sent," I pointed out. 

As his assistant, Cassandra had constant communication with his security team. I was sure she would have an idea.

"I actually don't know," she said with a shrug. "He liked to deal with certain matters himself."

"Like security?" I asked.
