
Worse Fates

Alexander dropped me off at home.

Well, more like he brought me home and I kicked him off of Durfort property. 

My Grandfather wasn't here, my cousin wasn't either, and no one was here to save his sorry ass as I watched his convoy of cars drive off.

"Miss Lilith," Rose gasped as she showed up at the door, wholly unprepared for my return. "They said you'd be spending the day with Mr. Harris."

"I just want to rest, Rose," I grumbled as I walked into the house and marched straight to my room.

I wasn't lying. 

Alexander had tired me out last night and we barely slept. 

By the time I woke up, I was still exhausted from the night before and now all I could think about was falling flat on my bed.

I paused at my door knowing that Rose was close behind.

"I don't want anyone to disturb me," I told her. "I'm exhausted. Tell them that if they want to talk I'll talk to them tomorrow."
