
Chapter: 11

#Royal Capital of Azerlisia#

Naruto and mujina sit before princess rhea as they explain what happened in carnes and their encounter with kalinsha but also the newest member of their group named Driger, "Kalinsha always preaches about Humanity working together.. Yet they send their Sternritter to Kill Innocent people" rhea says.

"Sternritter" naruto asks, after some tea.

"It's apart of Kalinsha military but based on your description and who we caught.. They were apart of Yggmillenia.. Their Mages.. Sternritter are powerful and skilled warriors.. Trained from a young age.. They claim to be the pinnacle of humanity but their numbers are small" bray explains. A knock at the door echoes and it opens to reveal rhea's brother lucen but also Marquis Revan, "Hello Sister" lucen says, being a slightly overweight young man.

"Hello Brother" rhea says and looks to bray, "Please Escort Naruto and Mujina to a room.. I'm sure Father will wish to speak to them" she adds and bray bows. Naruto and mujina rises from their seats with a small bow as driger does the same from mujina's arms, before following bray as lucen looks them over.

"I will have someone prepare some Lunch" bray says and calls for a maid, after reaching the room they will await the king.

"When will we see the King" naruto asks.

"Soon" bray says.

"Ser Bray.. Can you tell me more about the Sternritters" naruto asks. Bray takes a seat at the table and gathers his thoughts, "They are the product of Very stringent Eugenics or selective breeding to create the perfect warriors and from it the Sternritter were born" he says, shocking naruto.

"Each are considered the Empire's most powerful weapon.. Yet they are used sparely due to their value" bray says.

"Why go so far" mujina asks, rubbing driger's head and bray sighs.

"Power.. The Emperor of Kalinsha and his Cardinals believe Humanity is the dominant race and all other races deserve to die" bray says.

"They must disregard the South" musashi says.

"Meaning Sternritter are like Jinchuriki.. Walking weapons" naruto thought, as maids bring in lunch.

"Enjoy and the King will see you soon" bray says, leaving the pair to eat.

"Some of the Nobles of Albion are similar.. They believe Elves are a superior race" mujina says, after a few minutes of eating some very good food.

"There are probably those in Silvert who think the same" naruto says and mujina slowly nods. They would not meet the king until around dinner where they were woefully underdressed according to prince merick. He is tall and in shape compared to lucen but more arrogant and conceited as well. Magnus had them recount what happened around carnes village and merick interrupts saying this was means for war or gain an advantage over kalinsha. Magnus however would say they would be more diplomatic as the people of azerlisia would not afford two wars. Due to the time the king would allow them to stay the night and set back out for dal-bourne in the morning.

"I do not like politics" mujina says, dressed in a long night dress.

"Neither do I" naruto says, wearing pj bottoms and a tank top. Mujina places driger on a pillow as she climbs in next to her while is naruto on another bed looking over some notes on his father's jutsu.

"Very Complicated Boya" musashi says.

"Indeed" naruto thought and glances to mujina, "Why wait" he thought.

Add Mujina to Party Yes/No

"Do you think the King will reprimand or call out the Emperor" musashi says.

"One can only wonder.. He has ruled so long and dealing with in-fighting among his children for control.. Proxy wars with Tristram.. Monsters run rampant in places.. Adding Kalinsha" naruto thought.

"According to the maps.. We'll need to pass through Kalinsha.. Then a Desert to reach the southern ocean towards Tea Country or we can head back North and pass over the Tundra" musashi says.

"Desert or Tundra huh" naruto muses, going to sleep.


"Naruto" a voice says and he looks up to see the leader of swords of light, a lizardman named Aemon. It has been two months since the incident in carnes as the king announced traitors from kalinsha attacked and destroyed several villages, which culminated in gordin's public execution. Naruto believed the king and emperor made some sort of hidden deal as gordin and celes were proclaimed traitors to kalinsha.

"You need something Aemon" naruto asks, as aemon sits at his table in the guild hall with a plate of cheese. He is a little intimidating with green skin and horns on his head, tribal tattoos in the form of white marks across his cheek. He wears what is presumed to be traditional garb among the priesthood of his people, along with a chest guard.

"Yes.. My Party and I are escorting a caravan to Silvert.. Some of which are those saved by you.. So I believed you would wish to see them home" aemon says and eats a piece of cheese.

"I would.. When does the caravan leave" naruto asks.

"In two weeks from the Royal Capital.. In the meantime there are some ruins along the path we may explore to work on synergy.. Also Kaleb wishes to spar once again" aemon says.

"That's fine.. When do we leave for the ruins" naruto says.

"We can leave today.. The ruins are about a week's travel.. I have a wagon as well" aemon says, as he sees mujina coming with a tray of food and driger on her head.

"We'll you in say one hour" naruto says.

"Excellent.. We'll be at the Main gate" aemon says, bidding naruto goodbye.

"Do we have a job" mujina asks.

"Somewhat.. Aemon of Swords of Light wants our help escorting a caravan to Silvert.. Survivors of the brothel and explore some ruins" naruto explains.

"Ok" mujina says, beginning to stuff her face and slaps naruto's hand away as he goes for a piece of meat. She soon finishes her meal and they head for their inn to get ready but also pack up for extended travel. Naruto changes his clothes to brown cargo pants that taper into knee high ranger boots, a white henly shirt and a black vest with his chest harness for his sword.

"Naruto" aemon calls out, seeing naruto, mujina and driger. Naruto sees the remaining members of swords of light being kaleb a spearmen, Cris a mage, Hilig a dwarf shaman, Eris a elf and Bjorn a man reminding naruto of tobias.

"Uzumaki" kaleb says, a nod to mujina. He has swept back medium length strawberry blond hair and green color eyes, wearing silver-blue armor with dark red outlines and an ornate spear.

"Naruto.. Mujina" cris says. She has thigh-length blue hair with waist-length hair strands hanging on either side, grey eyes and a voluptuous body wearing a revealing set of robes with a large pointed hat.

"Goblin Slayer.. Mujina" hilig says. He has a strong physique contrary to his height and a long beard that is tied in multiple sections, wearing clothes from yukikaze or back home in the elemental nations with a type of cuirass on his waist.

"Fox.. Tamer" eris says. She is a slender, well endowed and tall elf with green hair that is long in the back and short in front, with two braids at the side and has long ears. She wears a green sleeveless archer corset, shorts, a pair of uneven black gloves, knee high boots, and a hood with black sleeve over her left arm.

"Naruto.. Little Lass" bjorn says. He is tall close to 6'5 with red hair and full beard, wearing a black suit of armor with a large shield. Naruto and mujina greet each as she climbs in the wagon with eris, cris and their gear.

"I'll run a for a bit" naruto says.

"That is fine" aemon says, bjorn and hilig climb in the wagon as they begin their trek.

"What sort of ruins are it" mujina asks, stroking driger.

"A scholar told us it was a tomb of a warrior" cris says, puffing on a long pipe. The trek falls quiet as naruto runs ahead and a hour later they make a stop to stretch their muscles.

"Alright Uzumaki.. How about a spar" kaleb says, smirking and moving towards the open field by the road. Naruto rolls his neck and follows him as he reaches for his sword with a nod while kaleb spins his spear into a forward stance. Naruto slowly draws his sword but vanishes once drawn and forces kaleb to block from the left with his spear into a furious rush of attacks, clangs and sparks with each parry or strike.

"Naruto's skill with a sword is a sight to see" aemon says.

"No wasted movements and his reach even can strike Kaleb with a distance advantage" bjorn says. Naruto breaks the clash with a back somersault but kaleb rushes forward into another rapid clash as the latter breaks the clash, forcing naruto back with a skid and kaleb drives his spear into the dirt to pole vault. He uses it to spin and send a near full-power swing but naruto block as he skids a little. Kaleb lands and has to quickly block a spinning roundhouse kick and sends him crashing back.

"Enough.. Let's get back on the road" eris says.

"Don't rush me" kaleb shouts.

"She is right" aemon says and bjorn nods. Kaleb grumbles as naruto sheathes his sword and they head back to the wagon to continue on their trek to the ruins.


"You must attract Goblins.. Goblin Slayer" hilig says. Swords of light and akai senko were about a half mile away from the entrance of the ruins leading underground with the remains of another structure around it as the sun is going down.

"Goblins again" naruto says, sighing.

"Regardless.. We will deal with them" aemon says.

"I'll handle them" eris says, reading her bow and fires rapidly to take to both goblins with two arrows. Both parties leave the forest and reach the entrance, "No Totems and guards.. A Goblin Lord" naruto says.

"Goblin Lord" cris says.

"One that has lived long and survived" aemon says.

"Well I have room for my spear" kaleb says, as they move underground. Bjorn leads the group with his shield ready as aemon and cris light the way, mujina, driger, eris and hilig in the middle with naruto and kaleb in the rear.

"Amazing.. This place seems like a temple in honor to the warrior" aemon says, seeing the painting on the walls.

"Also a huge Battle" eris comments.

"So more Fortress than a temple" mujina says and driger yawns.

"We seem to be walking in a circle going down" hilig says.

"Hold on" bjorn says, as they finally reach a fork after twenty minutes.

"Which way" cris says. Eris sees a small trap but it looks new as hilig looks for tracks and suggests they go right based on them, while naruto makes clones to go left. They continue on and find a larger area having to kill about a dozen goblins, "How long ago did the Scholar come here" naruto asks, sweeping blood from his sword.

"Only two months ago" aemon says.

"Goblin do breed quickly" naruto says.

"So here could be?!.." kaleb says.

"Yes" bjorn says, as naruto's eyes glaze over for moment.

"My clones found a survivor in the Goblin's shit room.. They're taking her to safety" naruto says.

"Did she say anything" aemon says and naruto shakes his head, as kaleb clenches his fist.

"We should rest.. We don't know what lies ahead" aemon says. A half hour passes in silence save for their breathing and soon they continue on until they reach what appears to be a spiral chamber with a dozen rounds towards the sky as the moon shines down. Everyone ducks at the edge as naruto and aemon peer down to see two dozen goblins, "A hard fight to get pass" aemon says.

"Not necessarily" naruto says and rises, "Have Eris and Mujina catch any I miss" naruto says.

"What are you doing?!" kaleb says, as naruto leaps on the ledge and falls forward. Gravity takes holds as naruto falls and he draws his sword as it begins to glow white, "Sword Qi: Storm of Torment!" he declares, spining fully like a top. A whirlwind of razor sharp wind emerges and tears through the goblins, any missed by the whirlwind of death were killed by eris as everyone makes their way down.

"You and your naming" musashi says, as naruto sweeps blood from his sword.

"What the hell was That?!" kaleb says, seeng the dead goblins.

"Sword Qi" mujina says but all of them hear louds steps while driger growls at a high door about ten feet all. Ominous intent comes from the door as the sounds get louder and massive figure ducks under, shocking everyone as this creature has gray skin and two horns coming from its to head. A white beard and matching hair in a messy bun with no pupils, wearing a large loincloth adorned with several skulls and carrying a tetsubo.

"A Ogre" cris says, as naruto uses observe and it has a level of 120, 1000 for Str, regeneration skill and able to fire fireballs but also summon goblins.

"You killed my Goblins.. Bah.. They were useless" the ogre says.

"We cannot fight such a foe" aemon says.

"I can.. Retreat to the higher levels" naruto says.

"You will not escape" the ogre says and swings is weapon towards mujina. Naruto uses kawarimi and throws his arms up to block the weapon as the ground fractures underneath his boots, "Go" he shouts.

"We can at least help" bjorn shouts.

"He's right Uzumaki" kaleb adds.

"We can by giving him space" eris says, as aemon calls for a retreat and attack from a distance.

"He saved me again" mujina says.

"Foolish.. You die for nothing" the ogre says but notices his weapon is no longer moving.

"Wrong.. It's you who will die" naruto says, as his eyes become a pupil-less blue-green and SSJ aura flares. He punches the tetsubo up and out of the ogre's hands only to kick it into its face with a leaping kick, sending the ogre crashing into the wall and on its butt.

"Fireball" the ogre says and fires from its right hand. Naruto catches the fireball as it pushes him back some, using chakra to hold himself in place but a clone comes to life above him to extinguish it with a water trumpet. He rushes the ogre as it tries to rise into a leap towards the ogre's face and connects with a series of ten bicycle kicks with enough force to disturb the air. Swords of lights were bearing witness to naruto's true power but for mujina it was normal thanks to the party system and learning of naruto's gamer bloodline, however it was her first time seeing SSJ.

"Beautiful" cris, eris and mujina say in union to the horror of kaleb. The ogre swings it left arm to swat naruto away and the redhead slams his boots into a pillar with spiderweb cracks as the ogre finally rises, its wounds slowly heal giving off steam.

"His Regeneration will be a bother to some" musashi says. Naruto draws his sword and rockets forward, breaking the pillar more as he coats his sword in fire sword qi turning it red. The ogre manages to grab its tetsubo and swings but naruto avoids it by flipping over it, "Sword Qi: Flaming Slash" he shouts, slicing off the ogre's left arm the shoulder. Arm and weapon crash to the floor with thud and dustup but to the ogre's shock its wound isn't healing, "Why isn't it healing" it says.

"Simple.. I seared the wound close with my Flaming Slash" naruto says and shoots forward, aiming for a leg but the ogre fires another but larger fireball. He slices through it as the ogre is sending its fist forward but naruto slices it down the middle, getting stuck at the elbow but naruto lets go and makes a fist.

"Martial Qi: Fist of Pluto" naruto declares, creating a small purple energy fist but its condensed power nearly caves in the ogre's chest and brings it to one knee.

"Hyakuretsuken" naruto declares, leaping and rag dolling the ogre's head with one hundred punches. The ogre falls pass naruto and crashes to the ground but the redhead wasn't done as a familiar spiraling orb of chakra forms, "Big Bang Rasengan" he declares, grinding the orb nearly the size of the ogre's head into its head.

"He defeated a Ogre Singlehandedly" aemon says.

"He might be as or stronger than the Sternritter of Kalinsha" eris thought, as both parties make their way back down while naruto pulls his sword free.

"Your skills are amazing" aemon says.

"I'll say" bjorn and hilig say.

"What do we do with it" naruto asks.

"Even if you destroy its brain.. It's possible for it to become an Undead.. It would be best to seal it somewhere or completely destroy it" cris says.

"Well I can do both" naruto says and uses his chains to drag the ogre's arm towards its body. Swords of light watch in awe as naruto seals the ogre away in a storage scroll, "Southern Magic is interesting" cris says.

"I can teach you if you like" naruto says, tucking the scroll away to destroy it later but cris shakes her head.

"Should we continue exploring" naruto says.

"We'll finish it" aemon says. Both parties continue to explore well into the night, killing several stray goblins and by dawn were back on the road to meet the caravan with aemon sending a raven back to the guild and the scholar.


"Are you the parties Swords of Light and Akai Senko" a knight says. It has been eight days since the ruins and they were meeting the caravan of five wagons of about two dozen demihuman people of women, children and about five men.

"I am Aemon the leader of Swords of Light" aemon says.

"I am Naruto of Akai Senko" naruto says and the others introduce themselves.

"Well.. We'll turn thing over to you.. Lady Raphtalia will be waiting at the border town of Segarine and take you to King Fohl" the knight explains.

"How far to Segraine" naruto asks.

"Three weeks" a second knight says, curtly. Aemon takes all the information needed as mujina speaks to the people she had been with, many of the children were petting driger.

"Well Sers we'll make it to Segraine with everyone unharmed" aemon says and the knights nod. One hour later the caravan begins making their trek towards the border and segraine, "Are you like us" a little girl of about eight asks. She has white fox ears and one tail with red whiskers on her cheeks, wearing a off blue dress. Naruto is riding in one wagon with the little girl, two older girls, woman with her baby and a man steering the horses.

"Not exactly" naruto says.

"How so" the woman asks, a tanuki demihuman. Naruto cups his chin in thought on how to explain it, "Well.. I am from the Elemental Nations and I have a Tailed-beast sealed inside me.. Have you heard of the Nine Tailed-beasts and well.. I have the Kyubi named Musashi inside me" he says.

"We do not know much about the Elemental Nations but Lady Okiku is a Kyubi" the woman says.

"I see.. I'll need to meet her" naruto says. He learns the little girl's name is Momo, the mother is Nana and her son Yasu, the two girls were sisters Dalia and Talia with the man Watu. The countryside of azerlisia is beautiful as they head towards the border and numerous photos were taken for the girls, also some letters exchanged and to tell them about mujina. The unanimous answer from them was that he truly can't be alone and do not get her pregnant as they believe he'll lose his virginity to her or someone else. Naruto ignores this and asks about them but nothing has changed much, though sarada has discovered second MS ability called Mumyō to go with her white flames. Mumyō is a Genjutsu capable of taking one of the five senses away at random intervals for thirty second but slowly the time is increasing.


"Look Naruto.. We're here" momo chirps, as naruto is laying on his back in the wagon. He slowly sits up with a yawn as driger rolls into his lap and sees the walls of segraine coming ino view, "Sorry Driger" naruto says and looks to momo, "We're here" he says. The caravan comes to a halt at the guard shack and aemon checks in with each of the survivors doing the same, same with each member of both parties.

"Lady Raphtalia is waiting at the Adventurer's Guild.. The survivors will be taken to the Mayor to beginning findings your home villages" one guard says to both parties. This causes momo to immediately begin crying about having to leave everyone but especially naruto, driger and mujina. Naruto kneels to momo's level and places his hand on her head, "I know we have to say Goodbye" he says.

"And even if we far apart.. We're always connected" mujina says, as driger rubs her head on momo's leg. She hugs naruto tightly and mumbles several words, then hugs mujina and lastly driger as the tiger purrs.

"We'll take good care of her" nana says.

"Goodbye Naruto.. Mujina.. Driger and Everyone" momo says, following nana and the others with tear filled waves.

"Well we should head to see Lady Raphtalia" aemon says and everyone nod, following a guard to the guild building. Many types of demihumans were going about their everyday lives and a few whisper about kaleb, cris, bjorn and naruto. They reach the guild building and make their way upstairs to find lady raphtalia sitting at a long table with a few guards.

"Hello Everyone.. I am Lady Raphtaila" raphtalia says. She has long brown hair, reddish eyes with fluffy red tanuki ears and a bushy tail, wearing an adventurer's outfit.

"I am Aemon of Swords of Light and my party members Eris.. Cris.. Bjorn.. Hilig and Kaleb" aemon says and each bow a little.

"I am Naruto Uzumaki of Akai Senko and my teammates Mujina and Driger" naruto says, as they bow the same as swords of light.

"First thank you for bring the survivors back" raphtalia says and clears her throat, "King Fohl will not be able to thank you personally but you'll be rewarded" she adds and both leaders nod, as the guards place each of them a sack filled with silver and gold coins.

"Lady Raphtaila.. Momo told me about a Lady Okiku" naruto says.

"Of course.. She's a Shrine Maiden in Luvara village.. Is there a reason" raphtalia says.

"Well.. The easy way to explain that I am one of Nine people who carry one the Nine Biju.. Mine happens to be a Nine-tail fox" naruto says.

"Are your whiskers proof of this" raphtaila says and naruto nods, "I see.. Well I can send her a message" she adds.

"Thank you Lady Raphtalia" naruto says, as she rises from her chair and every gives her bow.

"Well Naruto.. It was a honor to work with you" aemon says.

"Same Aemon... Are you returning to Azerlisia" naruto says.

"We'll resupply and head back to Dal-Bourne.. You" aemon says.

"We'll stay for a week or two.. Perhaps head for Yukikaze or head for the Dungeon city of Ouroboros" naruto says.

"You would Really head in the Labyrinth City" kaleb says.

"I want to explore" naruto says, as both parties head downstairs and say their goodbyes.

"Should we give the job board a cursory glance before finding a inn" naruto says, as they stop at said board.

"Will you ask the Guildmaster about Katsumi Kaioh" mujina says, looking over the board as a hooded stranger listens in.

"It may yield lead.. Tobias in Republic City told me Katsumi travels.. I'll ask tomorrow" naruto says.

"What's it like there" mujina says, as they leave the board and the stranger downs their beer. Naruto and mujina leave the guild to search for a inn as the hooded stranger soon follows them out, something naruto catches onto and searches for a place to confront said stranger.

"Is something wrong.. We passed two different inns" mujina says, finally saying something.

"We have a Tail.. They've been following us since the Guild" naruto says and soon finds a park, before searching for a place with light foot traffic. They soon find a secluded place as naruto turns to the hooded stranger, "Finally" the hooded stranger says, as mujina turns with driger growling.

"Who are you and Why are you following us" naruto says.

"I heard you talking about Katsumi Kaioh... Why" the hooded stranger says, now having this aura about them and a large build with their height over six feet. Driger whines a bit and mujina feels a bead of sweat run down her brow, "They're dangerous" she says.

"Indeed.. Very much like Aki" naruto says and uses observe, seeing that the reason for his trip is right in front of him.

"Aki?!.. How do you know that name?!" the hooded stranger says.

"Some months ago.. I fought Aki Nur Sabah and nearly died.. He spared me and told me to seek out Katsumi Kaioh and I've come from the Elemental nations to learn from him.. Aki and others like him are after my life.. So I need to learn more to face him" naruto says. The hooded stranger reaches for their hood and removes it to show his face, having thick eyebrows, gray eyes and slicked back brown hair in a flat top.

"Aki doesn't spare many.. I'm sure you saw Tobias' arm" the hooded stranger says.

"No I didn't but I'm sure there is a story" naruto says.

"There is but it was his to tell.. Tell me.. What is your name" the hooded stranger says.

"Naruto Uzumaki" naruto says.

"Well Naruto Uzumaki.. Your search is over as I Katsumi Kaioh" the hooded stranger says and approaches naruto, "Tell me Everything" he adds. The four head for a tavern to sit down and explain things, beginning with his encounter aki and yakumo. Their fight and his lost to aki, even showing his scar from aki hakai no yari but also aki telling him to find his sensei.

"Aki was.. Is a Prodigious talent and mastered Anything but a darkness lurked in his eyes.. A lust to be Strong and a hatred for weakness... That led to Tobias losing his arm and Aki's hometown destroyed" katsumi says.

"Why kill Everyone" mujina says, as katsumi drinks from his mug of beer.

"Aki told me.. I loathe the weak.. The sight of them makes my skin crawl" naruto says and mujina's eyes widen.

"I tried to steer him from that thinking but I failed" katsumi says and chugs the remains of his beer, ordering another.

"Perhaps he sent you to me as atonement" katsumi says.

"Or make me more delectable when we fight again" naruto says.

"More likely... However I am not taking another pupil.. Though I can guide you to your own Ken" katsumi says. Naruto drinks down his cider in thought with eyes on katsumi, "That is fine" naruto says.

"Good.. I will remain Segraine for a month.. So I will show you the Basics of Soryū Shiki and from there it is on you to forge your own Ken" katsumi says and naruto slowly nods.

[Music: Baki OST - Fixed day]

In one month's time katsumi for the second time in his life would see a fighter nearly equal to aki prodigious' talent through sheer hard work. He taught naruto the basics of soryū shiki, which utilizes both arms and legs to unleash swift and powerful strikes. Naruto used his kage bunshin of nearly a hundred a day to slowly build his own ken, a punch aligning all ten joints from his toes to fist. He went even further adding the thirty-one bones in his spine, seventeen of which can that can accelerate simultaneously and going further by adding the largest bone.

"Naruto.. Before you is a Boulder fifteen feet high and twenty feet thick.. Shatter it and you have your Ken and our Month is done.. Don't and our month is still done" katsumi says. The three were in a quarry outside of segraine as naruto puts his ken to the test, "Can he do it" mujina asks, driger sleeping in her larger form.

"Ask me a month ago.. No.. However thanks to his Kage Bunshin..." katsumi says.

"Seems like a Cheat skill" mujina says, a few dirtier thoughts forming. Naruto stands shirtless before the boulder in what seems like loose stance but it is anything but, "Focus.. Focus.. Loosen every part of my body.. My fist is neither clenched nor fully open.. Then my joints" he thought.

"You are ready Boya.. At a moment's notice you can throw a punch at Mach speed" musashi says. Time seem slow as naruto moves and his punch is thrown to split the boulder in half, creating a noise that forces katsumi and mujina to cover their ears, even waking driger as well. Naruto stands with his fist still outstretched as musashi heals the damage but his mind is the endless possibilities, "Kaioken.. SSJ.. Iron Annihilation.. The Bullet series.. Martial Qi.. There's no telling how Far I can go" he says.

"Naruto.. Your Ken has been born" katsumi says.

"He cracked that boulder in half with one punch" mujina says, her eyes flickering.

"His fist is like a Saber with the power of a Battle axe.. His punch can compete with Aki's Hakai no Yari" katsumi says.

"Will that suffice Katsumi" naruto says, slipping on a long sleeve shirt.

"I will.. You have your Ken but you must continue to sharpen it" katsumi says. Naruto bows at the waist to katsumi, "I will and thank you for brief your tutelage" naruto says.

"Where will you head now" katsumi asks.

"Luvara village" naruto says.

"Well safe travels" katsumi says, heading back for segraine with a wave.

"Ready" naruto says, looking to mujina and driger.

"We are" mujina says, climbing on driger's back and the pair head off. [song ends]


"Do I really need to do this" mujina says, trying to walk up a tree. Naruto is laying on a blanket with driger as a pillow, "Yes.. If you come back with to me Konoha.. It would be advantageous to learn Tree-walking and Water-walking.. It will help in Dungeons or Jobs as well by walking on a ceiling if needed" he says. It has been three days since they left segraine and another two before they reach luvara village.

"Maybe" mujina says but loses her concentration and falls, however naruto catches her.

"Careful" naruto says, letting her down and her cheeks were slightly red.

"I will" mujina says, going back to the tree to walk up and naruto goes back to the blanket.

"Her Affinity has increased some" musashi says.

"Yeah" naruto muses, breaking out his fuinjutsu kit and looking his dad's notes. He looks over his throwing kunai knife with four grip cutouts that is etched with a small seal matrix of kanji for sky, thunder and sword along the blade.

"Do you believe you are ready" musashi says.

"Time to find out" naruto says and flipping the knife a few times, before and tosses it towards the tree with a half-tiger/ram sign. He vanishes and slams into the tree which causes the side effect of breaking mujina's concentration, before crashing down on a sprawled out naruto.

"What happened" mujina says, sitting on naruto.

"I was attempting my Dad's famous Jutsu but I need to work out the kinks" naruto says, as mujina moves off him.

"The Hiraishin" mujina says and naruto nods, while kipping up.

"Yeah.. Let's pack up and keep on moving" naruto says and mujina nods, as they pack their things.

"What is the Hiraishin" mujina says, hopping on driger's back.

"It is known as Space-time Ninjutsu created by the Nidaime Hokage Tobirama Senju.. Eventually my Dad honed it by using special kunai or in my case throwing knife.. It is near instantaneous movement moving from knife to knife or marker to marker" naruto explains and mujina slowly nods but still confused. Two days pass and they see luvara village coming into view, being a medium size seaside village but having about dozen buildings including a temple.

"Seem very quaint" mujina says.

"And in danger" naruto says, pointing to rising smoke and they pick up the pace. Naruto makes a dozen clones and sends them off while tossing mujina a sword from his inventory. Both could see men dressed in armor attacking and capturing villagers, most of which were children and this sight gives mujina flashbacks of her own capture.

"Who are they" one soldier shouts but loses his head via driger. Those fighting were shocked by the newcomers as naruto, mujina and driger cut down their enemies. The real naruto reaches the town center as he sees a young man with black hair, wearing barbarian like armor. He has a shield on his left arm and a full arm gauntlet on his right. Also a young woman having nine tails of white from the base and changing to a light pink towards the tip that matches her hair, wearing a shrine maiden outfit with war fans in her hands. They were fighting the leader but also a very tall humanoid creature that is nude save from some ripped shorts, having long wavy but stringy white hair and his arms are nearly pass his knees.

"Lady Okiku and Naofumi Iwatani" naruto thought, using observe on them. The creature senses naruto and abandons naofumi as it lowers to all four, rocketing for like human missile towards the redhead.

"Huh?!" naofumi says but goes to help okiku. Naruto limbos under the creature's missile attack as it crashes but recovers as it sets its red eyes on naruto. It rushes naruto but the redhead snaps off five snapping blows to the jaw, chest, ribs, groin and thigh that sends the creature flying back. Naruto uses observe on the creature and its stats are peaking at 800 for most but its INT is not even 100 with its name being 77.

"77!.. Get over here and Kill them" the leader called Brant shouts. 77 leaves naruto and rushes to aid its master as shadow covers naruto's face, "Oi!.. You started this fight and Now you run" naruto says and grabs one of his throwing knives, lobbing it at brant and flashing to him with a vigorous right fist garyu. The concussive right crushes brant's helmet and skull as 77 reaches them, "Now.. Let's finish our Fight Monster" naruto shouts.

"Who are you" naofumi says.

"My name is Naruto Uzumaki.. I'm sure Lady Raphtalia told you I was coming" naruto says, eyeing 77.

"She did and we thank you Naruto.. I am Priestess Okiku and this Lord Naofumi.. Ruler of these Lands" okiku says.

"I'll handle 77.. You can aid your people" naruto says. Okiku and naofumi leave naruto to 77 but naofumi is a still weary to him, "Now then 77.. Let's go" naruto says. 77 is giving naruto a snarl and lunges at him with is his mouth open, arms raised but naruto sends a straight kick to the groin once again, doubling the creature over and naruto chains that into a rising knee to the chin. 77 staggers back but has a smile on his face as naruto stares but a smile forms on his face, "Starting to have fun huh" naruto says.

"Your strikes were solid but 77 has a very solid body.. A Kekkei Genkai of some sort" musashi says.

"Maybe.. I killed his Master and one could let him free but I smelled something when I avoided his first Lunge" naruto thought.

"Rotting flesh and not just animal.. 77 is a Cannibal" musashi says, as 77 closes in. 77 sends his own kick forward and naruto blocks but it sends him skidding back about seven feet, "Most wouldn't withstand a kick like that but I'm built of Sterner stuff" he thought but sees 77 is no longer smiling, instead drooling from hunger. 77 shifts his stance with his arm up like a bear on its hind legs very similar to tsunade but this one is more feral as if to say I see you as my prey and I'll face you at my best.

"Then here I come with my" naruto thought and clenches his left, "Lightning Breaker" he says, as 77 closing in with whip like blow and naruto punches forward. The force of the punch disturbs the air and break a few windows as 77 staggers and collapses to his knees with a heavy belch of blood from his mouth but struggles to a vertical base while blood continues to run from his mouth.

"Seems I need to give you a proper Sendoff" naruto says and transforms into a SSJ, shocking 77. However that shock leaves as 77 launches forward into a leap as naruto clenches his right and his martial qi alters his arm, "Martial Qi: Lightning Breaker" naruto roars, leaping to meet 77. The combined force blows a hole through 77's upperbody and violently disturbing the air towards the sky. Naruto lands as 77 crashes behind him with a smile on his face as if to say thank you for fighting me.

"You put him down.. Maybe out of his misery" musashi says and naruto slowly nods. One hour later naruto and mujina were sitting in the temple in front of okiku as naofumi is coordinating clean-up efforts but also dealing with the deceased, both villagers and soldiers as naruto has clones helping.

"First.. Thank you for aiding us in our hour of need" okiku says, her tails moving slowly.

"No problem.. Who were those soldiers" naruto asks.

"Slavers looking to sell our children" okiku replies and cups her in thought, "Though the creature you faced was somewhat human" she adds

"This seems like Kalinsha.. A few soldiers spoke similar to those in Carnes" mujina says.

"Perhaps but is Kalinsha known for Genetic experimentation.. 77 seemed human or demihuman but he focused solely on animal instinct" naruto says and okiku quirks her eyebrow, "His breath smelled of Rotten flesh.. Animal and.. Human" he adds and both their breath hitches.

"A cannibal.. How horrific" okiku says.

"It would seem" naruto says, as some miko bring tea for them to drink. Naruto picks up his cup and drinks some green tea with a few sips, "I'm sure Lady Raphtalia explained things" he says.

"She did but I do not know much about Biju but to meet another Kyubi is interesting" okiku says.

"Can you commune with Musashi Lady Okiku" mujina says.

"I believe I can.. I am Spiritualist and commune with one's soul" okiku says.

"I see.. We can try right now" naruto says.

"Tomorrow.. We have citizens to mourn" okiku says and naruto slowly nods. A funeral is held at sunset for the deceased as naruto, driger and mujina stay on the sidelines. Naruto says a prayer for 77 as naofumi and okiku says some words for the departed as people cry for loved one, a husband, a wife, a child or a parent. A few villagers thank him and mujina for their aid as a few children pet driger, soon everyone trickles away as akai senko are given a room in the temple. The day comes to an end and a new one comes as naruto begins his dailies as a few greet him.

"Naruto" okiku says, as naruto reaches the temple after two hours.

"Morning Priestess Okiku" naruto says and okiku bows.

"Are you ready to let me commune with your Kyubi" okiku says.

"Sure" naruto says and follows okiku back to the main temple area.

"Please take a seat" okiku says and naruto sits cross-legged.

"How does this work" naruto asks.

[Music: Naruto Shippuden OST - Hisou(Tragic)]

"Simply place your hands in mine and close your eyes.. Then we'll begin" okiku says and naruto slowly does as okiku's eyes slowly turn pupil-less. Both soon find themselves in naruto's inner world among the cherry trees, "A beautiful place.. Serene and Calm" okiku says.

"Compared to my turbulent life" naruto muses, leading her to musashi. The yin kyubi no yoko sees a fellow kyubi coming with her host, "Welcome Priestess Okiku" musashi greets.

"Greetings Musashi.. Though I must first ask.. Why are you chained" okiku asks.

"The Seal in which binds our Souls has formed his way.. Though I believe Naruto can break those on my limbs" musashi says.

"Really" naruto says and musashi nods.

"Yes.. It would aid you" musashi says, lifting her arms and the chains make noise. Naruto reaches for the shackles on her wrists and manages to place his fingers on one as his right wrist is grabbed by a very familiar figure, "Hello Lord Yondaime" musashi says, as naruto has a wide-eyed expression.

"Naruto" minato says, before a chain snakes from the redhead's hip to shatter the shackles on musashi's ankles and this causes naruto's mother kushina to appear.

"Minato" kushina says and minato grabs her hand, as they vanish to leave okiku with musashi.

"Let's leave them to talk" musashi says. Parents and son appear far away from musashi temple as naruto jerks his hand away, "What's going on.. Why were there two Kyubi" kushina says.

"One is Priestess Okiku and the other is Musashi" naruto says.

"Much needs to be explained.. I could see things through the seal and you could not" minato says but naruto rock him with a left hook to the face.

"He's right" naruto says and touches his forehead to hers, sharing his memories including his gamer bloodline and saiyan body.

"The World has changed so much since I died.. Tsunade was a Veteran kunoichi not a teenage girl and Mikoto had a two sons.. Not a daughter and son" kushina says and rambles a little more, as minato gets to his feet.

"I deserve that.. Seeing as you can punch harder" minato says.

"Even though I have Gamer Mind.. I don't know whether to be happy or sad about you sealing Musashi inside me.. Before awakening the Gamer Bloodline.. My life was Shit for Thirteen years!" naruto says but kushina immediately hugs him, causing tears to suddenly run down his face.

"I underestimated the village but I believed you needed Musashi's power.. Especially with Masked Uchiha" minato says.

"I know but there are others" naruto says.

"Aki Nur Sabah and the Akatsuki" minato says.

[Music Change: Tobi Theme Song(Loop)]

"What happened That night" naruto asks.

"Everything was supposed to go right" kushina says, pulling from her son.

"Female Jinchuriki have to be heavily monitored as their seals will degrade and the original Kyubi was looking for Any opportunity to escape" minato says.

"I was set to give birth under strict guard and the village by large was unaware I was pregnant" kushina says and touches her stomach, "A Day of Joy became one of Horror" she whispers.

"I was working on fixing the seal when He arrived.. Killing Lady Biwako Sarutobi and Taji.. He used you as bait to separate Kushina from me by using explosive notes plastered to your blanket" minato says and the wind picks up as naruto turns SSJ.

"He used an Innocent newborn..." naruto says, through gritted teeth.

"He did and then unsealed the Kyubi from me.. Taking control via his Sharingan and even ordering them to finish me" kushina says.

"I managed to save her but the damage was done.. Once you and Kushina were safe.. I headed to deal with the Kyubi.. I was forced to use my Hiraishin no Dorai to deal with a Bijudama.. The Masked man then attempted to use some unknown Technique on me" minato says.

"What are his Capabilities" naruto says, as kushina is messing with his fiery golden hair.

"He's capable of a Unique Space-time Ninjutsu.. He was able avoid Physical attacks by dematerializing but I managed to hit him by using m.. He told me he would return and it wasn't an idle threat.. He is powerful" minato says. Naruto moves back several paces away from his parents, "You have a good gauge on his power" naruto says and minato nods, "Then tell me how I measure" he adds.

"Hao!" naruto shouts, flaring his SSJ aura. Minato and kushina's eyes widen as naruto powers up before them and blows her long red hair back, even pushing her back as minato moves to block her.

"So.. How is it" naruto says, powering down.

"Our Son is strong" kushina says.

"Baring the intangibility.. You are stronger" minato says and looks to his hand as it is fading.

"It seems my Chakra is at an end... Naruto.. You're my Son and I love you very much.. Lastly you've Mastered the Rasengan and even added Elements.. Something I could never do" minato says and places his hand on naruto's head, "Thank you for being our son and Live a Good Life" he adds, fading away.

"I'm at my limit as well.. As for your Elemental Rasengan.. Please have better naming sense than Minato" kushina says and naruto arches an eyebrow, "He called it Halo Hair Whorl of Jiraiya Inspired By Frozen Dessert Twin Style Sphere" she adds and naruto laughs a little before she hugs him.

"I'm happy I got to see my Baby as a Man.. Like Minato said.. Live a Good Life with Sarada.. Tsunade.. Kaguya.. Yor.. Esdeath and Mujina.. We Love you and Completely believe in you.. Dattebane" kushina says and fades away, while naruto stands alone as tears run down his face once again.


Name: Naruto Uzumaki

Title: Heir of Uzumaki Clan

Level 119: 347,000/960,000

Rank: Tokubetsu Jonin/Adamantite Adventurer


HP: 214100

CP: 192400

CC: 90%

Str: 995

Spd: 970

Sta: 2450

Dex: 920

Vit: 2400

Chk: 9310

Wis: 490

Stat Points: 0
