
Backstory (3)

At the guardian of souls palace,

"Relax boy this might be a bit painful. You'll be able to feel like your body is getting connected to another plane but don't think about that. Keep those thoughts away or else you'll speed up the soul swapping process"

"The method I'm using right now may be crude but it's the only one I really have right now. Basically I'm gonna cook up both of your souls until they become a liquid. Now that's the dangerous part, if you fall asleep during that then just assume that you'll never wake up again . After liquefying your souls I'll slowly dip the essence of one soul into another. You may feel that some foreign force is trying to control your body but just ignore it because this soul is still that of a baby. Just buckle up for the ride, it might take a few hours. I'll be here if you need me, Kane."

"See you later uncle"

Just as the blue orb thought so he felt that his body was on fire but he wouldn't consider this as that bad compared to the fights he had with the fire emperor, he could handle this. As he looked to his right he could see that the black orb was slowly melting. As a small drop, the size of a marker tip, moved towards him as small blue drops from his own body hovered near the black orb.

'hmmmmm, this is gonna take a long time won't it?'





While making his way to the living room ( pretty sure he's dead already) He thought-

'Kane's soul might survive, but the soul of this other person toji fushiguro is pretty troublesome. If I don't do anything right now that old man's daughter will notice kane's anomaly in her universe right away. His presence will alter the timeline too far. Hmmmmm what can I do?'

'AHA! The goddess of time and space! Though will that grumpy old woman want to help me? Judging by her attitude no, but I still have to try.'

Just as he said so he went to the central room of the palace. A gigantic room that, based on the cobwebs laid around, had been untouched for a long time. A single large chain was tied down to the floor yet halfway through, the chain seemingly turned invisible.

'Before I do anything I'm gonna have to release myself from this place. The most this place can survive for without destabilizing is 2 days, I have to come back before that.'

After saying that the old man approached the starting point of the chain and snapped it in half using both his hands. After that he flew off, his destination marked on a map in his hands.

At the cycle of Samsara,

A giant medival clock could be seen hovering over a river yet this wasn't any normal river, you could feel no hear screams and moans of agony coming from the giant green river. Sometimes faces would appear with hands trying to get out of the river before seemingly dying once again. This was the river of Samsara.

Where souls are purified of their memories of their past life and sent back to their universe for reincarnation.

Suddenly a bluish-transparent old man arrived, hovering above the river of Samsara before making his way to the center of the giant clock. At its center an old woman with hair reaching her shoulders sat while levitating in the air, apparently meditating.

"Well well well meeting old friends sure is fun"

"Yo aurora long time no see! Its been a couple I don't know ten thousand years since we met how are you do-"

Before the old man could continue words flew out of the old women's mouth.

"Time loop."

Just as the old woman muttered those words a green hurricane made its way towards the old man's body. Seemingly fusing with him. On reaction the old man's eyes went hollow for 3 minutes before he came back to reality and immediately threw up on the ground.

"Now now aurora putting your guests in a 1000 year time loop just as they arrive isn't a good way to welcome them is it?"

"Old man I already know what you want. Don't worry I'm curious about that boy's future too so I'll agree with you for once. Although the time line will be altered, the god of that universe wouldn't even know before it's too late"

"Oh uh..... Looks like you already have it all figured out ? So uh I'm gonna make my way back then. I've got nothing to do here."

"Now now dear guest. Don't you think you owe me a favour?" The old woman licked her lips while looking at the old man.

"H-huh?" The old man stopped dead in his tracks, his body apparently shivering.

"Pfffft. You're the same as ever don't worry, I won't cash in this check..... For now."

"Uh? Thank you?" The old man looked at her bewildered.

Just as he said he hurriedly flew away from the place before throwing a last glance at aurora who was looking at him with a smirk.

" *sigh* she's going to visit my house later isn't she?' He couldn't help but sigh at his miserable fate.

After making his way back to his home he went in to check if kane's soul transfer was going successfully, it was still at 30% but patience is key it would probably be done in a day.

As he sat on the sofa in his private room reading a playboy magazine a crack appeared in the "book" infront of him labelled,

'from the one and only @#£_&¥€$'.

"Even after your death I can't say your name if only you had the heart to kill that kid.Then we could have fought once again."

As the old man held the letter he started reminiscing about the past.

"Well anyways what does this letter even ha-" just as he opened the seal of the letter, the paper inside reached the floor and then some more.

"You sentimental old fool why do you have to make everything so hard for me? Who writes letters like this, we've got mobile phones here too you fucking idiot" he muttered while starting to read the letter.




30 minutes later

The old man lay on the bed with the letter in his hand. Steam seemingly flowing out of his head and his eyes had spinning circles. He sat there in a trance.

"Ahhhh you truly are crazy, trying to make me the god of the first universe in return for all of that? If I wasn't bored here I would never agree, hahaha...MWAHAHAHHAHAAH"

It seemed that from now onwards the multiverse would never be like it once was.


Kane POV:

'Oy old man I think this is taking a bit longer then you said it would take hahhhh. It's not that this is painful but it's boring trying not to focus on another world'

"Just stay conscious and don't fuck around, it'll make my life much easier"

'Old man why is your body becoming more transparent? Are you injured?'

"Hmmm let's just say I've divided my soul in half. Now my 'other half' will accompany you in your journey as a guide, while I'll stay here and have some fun with what your father left for me."

As he said so he looked at the scale in front of him, both sides of the scale were so hot by now that they were liquids. Drops from the black orb and the blue orbs were being passed around between them. At the bottom a progress bar read 75%.

"Looks like my time with you will come to an end soon Kane."






Just as the bar read 100% the only soul left was the blue orb which had seemingly switched places with the black orb which now seemed hollow from the inside. Seemingly dead.

"As I thought no matter what happens one side always ends up dead in a soul transfer.... Boring"

"Why am I even talking to myself? The kid's gone already might as well start having fun MWHAHAHAHAHAA!"


This marks the end of the introduction. We'll now see the MC's adventure in the jujutsu kaisen world.
