
Chaos [2]


Candles flickered, and light seeped in through the mosaic windows.

Archbishop Lucas stood in silence, staring at the altar before him. The silence was eerie, almost oppressive.

That silence was broken shortly after. 

"....Your Holiness." 

One of the nuns appeared behind him. 

Turning around, the Archbishop's white eyes locked with the nun. 

There was no need for the two to exchange any words. With just a glance, he knew exactly what she wanted to relay to him. 

'So they've escaped.'

Instead of being angry, he smiled. 

His eyes turned a murkier white color. 

"As things should be." 

The candles flickered with more intensity and the ring on the Archbishop's hand glowed with even more intensity. 

It continued like this for the next few seconds before the Archbishop waved his hand forward. 

