
Let's use this thing


Davernoch was a unique specimen of an undead and that uniqueness is because unlike a majority of Elder lichs he wasn't a human before as such his intelligence and self control wasn't because of his former human nature but his own.

It is common knowledge that undead seek the end of all that lives, they are driven by their hatred of all that is alive as such their main motivation is always to kill, however Davernoch wasn't like that. Born with an intelligent mind, he was able to conquer his baser instincts and rise above them, allowing him to be able to live amongst the living without issues.

Davernoch's goal was to always learn new magic; his association with Zero was based on that, Zero would provide him with all the books and magic tomes and in exchange Davernoch would be part of six arms. It was a mutually beneficial and Davernoch was content with it.

The self proclaimed undead king flew through the sky at breakneck speed, not caring for the fact that his hood was no longer hiding his face, his mind screamed at him to fly faster and faster until he was far away.

"What was that thing?! It's definitely not human!!"

He expressed to himself. If had sweat glands, he would be sweating bullets right about now. As a lich his magic specialises in necromancy however he is also well versed in spell casting so he is an essential a magic caster and because he is a magic caster he is capable of sensing mana to a greater degree than the average person.

As he flew his rampant panic calmed down, allowing him to think properly and slow down his speed.

"the magic I sensed from that knight was beyond anything I've ever witnessed before"

He exclaimed as he came to a complete halt, He had seen plenty of dragons before, but none compared to the overwhelming mana he felt when he was before Arthur.

"If I had to guess, I would say he possesses power equal to the dragon lords"

He has never met them personally before but he has heard of their great power before, he understood as the wielders of wild magic the dragon lords are capable of great power and destruction, to encounter an individual at their level was something he never thought he'd survive.

"to survive such an encounter is something to be proud of"

He said with a great sense of relief and pride with a bit of hope to never encounter Arthur ever again.

Although he wondered, what will he do now? Zero was practically dead, and without Zero Six arms is over and done with.

"I suppose I no longer need that organisation"

He said as much before deciding to fly towards his hideout, he saw no need to report back to eight fingers, no doubt that man will go after the entire organisation next so it's best to limit the chances of encountering him.


During Arthur's sudden bout of laughter, Zero took the opportunity to jump back and open the distance between them, he used his muscles, by flexing the really hard he was able to stop the flow of blood and stopped the bleeding.

'Shit, shit, shit, never expected Davernoch to turn tail and run… I'm not dying here!"

He thought to himself with a great sense of determination. He may have lost his arm but his spirit was still burning, with not but pure will he withstood the pain, he suppressed his curiosity of how someone managed to cut his skin and Instead Focused on preparing for his next attack.

"You know I won't actually kill you if you tell me the names of all the department head of Eight Fingers"

Arthur informed, now that Zero was at a disadvantage he figured this would be a good time to negotiate, he'll still destroy the base but Zero can provide him with valuable information regarding Eight fingers, which will be helpful when he needs to take over the organisation.

"heh you think just because you got me cornered, I'll spill the beans just to save my own life? Don't stupid, before anything else I'm a warrior dying in battle is an honor"

Zero explained, as all of his tattoos began to glow, the Buffalo on his chest, the Rhino on both his arms, the lion on his head, the panther on his legs and a Falcon on his back, activating all the tattoos at once caused his already tight muscles To bulge and tighten, he took a stance ready to attack..

"I guess that's fair, snitches get stitches after all but a shame, you'd make an excellent round table member"

Arthur said as much before grabbing The hilt of his Excalibur, he figured it was about time used it, not out of respect for Zero, but because destroying the whole base would require a lot of fire power, although Artoria would probably do use it out of respect for the warrior that is Zero.

"alright then, come at me, warrior"

Arthur Beckoned, as he took a crouched stance and kept his hand at Excalibur. He didn't draw the sword but instead kept it ready for when Zero got close enough.

"Complete Shamanic possession: single strike kill"

With a burst of speed that made the giant Of a man into a blur, With complete Shamanic Possession Zero's speed and power was increased exponentially allowing him to one hit kill anyone that made contact With his fist.

In a less time it took to blink he was already face to face with Arthur, he swung his fist with all the determination and hope in the world, despite his words, Zero did not Wish for death but at the Same Time to Beg for Mercy was not his style.


Arthur drew his blade however fortunately for him he was only a bit Slower Than Zero and because of that the fist made contact forcing Arthur to slide backwards but he didn't feel too much impact like there was something that cushioned the attack and unfortunately for Zero, Arthur was only mere nanoseconds slower as such despite landing The hit, his body was bisected into two unequal halves, starting from the waist to his shoulder, a clean line ran diagonal across his body.

His top half slid down his lower half and splattered on the floor, creating a splatter sound as it landed.

"you know I expected a lot more power from that punch, was it really so…. Holy shit!"

Arthur exclaimed as he saw that he was glowing, yellow vibrant lines made from his mana ran across his armor, the moment he saw it he immediately knew what it was and understood it.

"Blut Vene!!"

He exclaimed as his mind went into a state of confusion. Did this mean he had Quincy powers? Was it Quincy? What exactly happened when he met The ROB that gave him all this? Is he some sort of amalgamation of various different species from various anime?

"fucking hell, I hate having missing memories, who's going to explain this to me?"

He complained and let out a tired sigh, the moment of him praising Excalibur for cutting like a warm knife through butter was ruined, he barely felt any resistance when he cut down Zero.

"whatever, let's destroy this place"

He decided to ignore it. Trying to think about it was only going to make him more confused and Perhaps angry, nothing was more annoying Than not having answers and not knowing anyone who can give them to you.

Grabbing Excalibur, he raised the blade above His head and took a stable stance, golden light began to Ooze out of the blade and illuminated the area, particles Of magic leaked from blade as the golden light continues to shine brighter and brighter as more Mana was channelled into it and amplified.


he uttered before Jumping High into the air, the base was close to the capital and Arthur did not wish to cause much collateral damage. A feeling of excitement and exhilaration made itself known to him. A giant smile formed on his face, one laid bare all His teeth.


With every fibre of his being, motivated by pure excitement, he swung the blade down and golden light crashed on to the ground and brought a cleansing destruction to the area and scarred the earth with its brilliant light. With a single swing of his blade Arthur destroyed the base down to every splinter or Pebble and left nothing but a giant hole on the ground.


Landing at the edge of the hole he marvelled at his work with a big smile on his face.

"I need to use this more"

He exclaimed, although he struggled to think of an enemy that would be worthy of it, perhaps Zesshi Zetsumei would be an enemy of enough calibre to use it against her.


"Come on you guys let's hurry"

Lakyus ordered her friends as they flew through the air with the help of Evileye.

"I would do that but I'm using the spell all on you as well so we can't"

Evileye answered sarcastically, although she did concur with Lakyus, despite having trust in his abilities, he did go into a situation where he would be ambushed so since they were quick with their task it makes sense to move towards his location in case he failed.

"I blame you for this shorty"

Gagaran tossed the blame towards Evileye

"what? How is this my fault?"

"your the one who told me that flying Carpet was a meaningless expense"

She explained her reasons and received a few nods from the twin with Tina adding.

"that is true"

"yep, her exact words were " I can use fly and if push comes to shove I can cast the spell on you guys" and look where we are now."

Tia concluded and Evileye could only groan in silence, did indeed remember that but in her defence she had no idea that they'd need it and she is using fly on them right now.

"ugh fine, you can buy the stupid carpet"

"what's even the point of telling me that now just fly us faster"

"shut up, you gorilla"

"looks like yo—"

Lakyus's words were cut off as she was suddenly interrupted by bright golden light that illuminated the entire sky returning the blue sky from the starry dark night. A pillar of light that seemingly descended down from the heavens and struck the earth.

The sudden light show caused them to halt their flight and stare in awe, the beautiful golden and brilliant light captivated their attention,

It was not just the attention of Blue rose that it caught but all those that were awake at this time of night in the capital saw it and were in awe, the royal family and the nobles were captivated until the light finally dimmed and returned to the night sky to its original colour.

"What the hell was that"


A/N: hope you liked the chapter.
