

My sleep had been fitful, and I woke up sweating. I stood in the shower a short time later, thinking about what today would bring. I needed to get my shop going, and I needed to start crafting things that could help with the defense of the city. But what exactly could I build? How long were they just going to wait before they started attacking?

I turned the water hotter, letting the heat nearly scald my skin, hoping the heat might boil out some kind of inspiration. Sadly, nothing came to mind. Lilliana had given me some ideas, but no matter how I looked at it, nothing felt like it was going to be enough.

After I got out of the shower, I dried off and got dressed. As I did, A knock came at the door. "Are you decent, or even awake?" Lilliana's voice demanded from the other side of the door. 

"Yes," I called as I pulled my shirt over my head, thinking of all the times that Marcella had just walked into my room while I was changing.
