
Mystery letters

Since the duel, James' reputation increased considerably. Before his popularity was because he had top grades in various subjects and was involved in one particular event or another (throwing Flipendo at two Slytherin students, saving Rabastan from the Whomping Willow, etc.), but now everyone looked at him differently.

Rabastan and his gang stopped bothering him and the marauders. No matter how much Sirius threw acid comments at Rabastan about the duel he didn't react. James didn't mind the new stares. He was used to his group being conspicuous among the first-year students. A couple more stares didn't bother him, though they weren't just a couple of stares.

As for Rabastan, he had better not bother him anymore or he would again challenge him to a duel. It was obvious that Rabastan would refuse him, but not accepting a duel would leave him looking like a coward and would be another hard blow to his foolish pride.

Spring had sprung a few days ago. Now there was much more sunlight and fresh air after the long winter.

The second term had ended, and the Easter vacations began, which would last for a week. The students could go home, but unlike Christmas, many decided to stay at school. One of them was James.

This was because of all the homework the teachers gave them. All the marauders stayed in the castle. The common room wasn't as crowded as on normal days, and it was better for them.

"How boring! Why do they give us so much homework when it's supposed to be a short vacation?" complained Sirius as usual, as he lazily leaned his face on the table.

"Stop complaining and keep reading," said Lupin.

"Mate, it's five chapters. That bloody ghost wants us to do a five bloody chapter assignment," said Sirius indignantly.

"After that, we have astronomy homework..." stammered Peter, who looked like his soul had left his body. Unlike James, Sirius, or Lupin. He was having a much harder time keeping up with school.

Sirius was just lazy. James was a training nut so he had more limited time. Lupin was very organized and had a very well-planned study routine. Toby was in a similar situation to Peter, only he excelled in Herbology.

Toby was gaining confidence in Herbology classes, and since it is something he enjoys he was becoming one of the top students in the class.

"The homework is endless... What about you? That book. I don't recognize it," asked Sirius, looking at James, who was reading an old book.

"I've already finished my report on the five chapters of History of Magic. Tomorrow I'll do the Astronomy homework. As for your question, it's a book that was on the shelves in the secret room," answered James, while showing him the title of the book which was: Secret Duel.

Sirius didn't pay much attention to the book. What he did care about was that his friend had already finished the report, "Please let me copy your report! That's what friends do, right?" asked Sirius with pleading eyes.

"Okay...'" said James with a roll of his eyes.

"Thanks! I'll copy it later," said Sirius happily, as he closed the boring book and put it out of his sight.

"Me too...?" asked Peter shyly.

"Yeah, no problem..." replied James, and Peter closed the book as he thanked him with a smile.

'These guys...' thought Lupin, shaking his head.

"A book that talks about dueling?" asked Lupin, looking at the old ochre-colored book.

"Yes. It features several charms and potions that can be used defensively and offensively in duels. Plus the odd tactic or two," replied James.

"No one first year can beat you in a duel..." commented Sirius, looking strangely at James, who kept wanting to gain more knowledge of the same.

"Well, new information could come in handy sometime," said James as he went back to reading the page where he left off.

The short Easter vacations passed slowly. They were not as much fun as they had hoped and could hardly plan any pranks on the level of stink bombs or flowers. On the one hand, because of all the homework the teachers left them with, and on the other because of James' training and studying which took up some of his time.

Another person who stayed for this Easter week was Lily Evans and also her group of friends (Jasmine and Khanna). James was able to watch on a few occasions as the redhead was studying all day and driving her friends crazy.

She even talked to him about Transfiguration homework. During this time, because McGonagall always sat them together, they ended up becoming like study buddies or something.

With the conversations he had with her, he found out that she was already studying for exams, 'She sure is enthusiastic... Her friends must be having a hard time' James thought. The smarty pants nickname Sirius gave her wasn't so wrong after all.

James was alone in the secret room late at night, practicing both defensive and offensive charms. Since it was a vacation, he decided to increase his practice time. Which brought great benefits.

"Flipendo Tria!" exclaimed James. From his wand, he unleashed a spiral of bluish energy that turned into a small tornado. As it reached its destination, three magical dummies were caught at once, and he held them suspended in mid-air for a while.

'That's not all bad...' thought James. There was room for improvement, especially in the duration and size of the tornado so that it could catch more enemies. Plus the three dummies were pretty close together, and it wouldn't always be like that on a real battlefield.

James sat on the ground with several thoughts in his head. The main one was that he needed to put all these spells he was improving into real practice. He needed a duel that would be a real challenge.

Unfortunately, none of the marauders were proving to be a challenge, and he could barely use charms from his arsenal. He could beat them with an Expelliarmus after just a few moves. No Flipendo Tria was needed. And he didn't want to hurt them either.

Nor were they a challenge on the defensive end, perhaps if they attacked him all four together, but he managed to defend himself anyway.

A solution to this was presented to him by little Professor Flitwick. After his duel in the next day's charm class, he proposed that he join the dueling club.

There was only one problem: the schedules coincided with his quidditch training. Under no circumstances would he stop going to quidditch training to go to the dueling club.

'Go into the forbidden forest and fight strong creatures?' thought James.

With his invisibility cloak, he could get out of the castle without being caught, and he could go into the forest. Thanks to the stories Hagrid told him, he managed to find out what creatures were to be found there. Also, he had defeated a stronger-than-average mountain troll.

'No... it's still a reckless action for now...' thought James, shaking his head.

Without concluding anything, he moved on to his next current problem. The subject of Lupin.

He was already sure that Lupin had monthly werewolf transformations, as he always disappeared on a full moon and was weak and pale the next day. He could ignore it, but he didn't want to, and somehow he wanted to help his friend, but he didn't know how to face him and start talking about it.

If out of the blue, he tells him that he knows about his lycanthropy he might get the opposite effect and make Lupin defensive, "Ugh... it's complicated I better keep practicing,' thought James standing up.


Monday, April 11, 1972.

The first day of the third and final term began. James was with the marauders having breakfast as usual in the Great Hall. Just then the mail arrived, and Shadow threw two letters near him.

The first letter he opened read as follows:

[James Potter of Gryffindor house. We are expecting you today at 19:00hs in the disused classroom on floor seven.


A question mark formed on his face. Who the hell was DC? It looked like he was being summoned for a job interview or something.

'Is this some kind of joke?' thought James suspiciously. His prime suspects were Rabastan or another Slytherin boy. After all, he had humiliated them too much in the duel, mocking pureblood supremacy.

He closed the letter and put it away. Then, he would think about whether or not to attend such a suspicious meeting. He opened the second one, and what he read left him more confused than before.

[James Potter of Gryffindor house. We are expecting you today at 19:00hs in the disused classroom on floor seven.


'First DC and now SD? The message is the same in both letters, minus the strange firm,' thought James puzzled.

"What's with that face?" asked Sirius as he noticed James looking strangely at the letter he was holding in his hand.

"It's nothing," James said as he pocketed the letter. He had already decided to go to the disused classroom on the 7th floor. Although it looked suspicious he didn't think anything deadly could happen at Hogwarts.

Besides, if it was Rabastan or other Slytherin students wanting to attack him it would be for the best. He was looking for opponents to put the charms he learned into practice, so he would come out on top either way.

'I hope they're stronger older students,' James thought with some expectation. If it was someone in his year or a year older they would be wimps.
