
Chapter 31: Unexpected Visitors

Ark One, Part Eleven

(Third Person POV) (Flashback to a few days ago)

It was late at night, and King had finished all his fucking paperwork. The All-Star left his office and decided to stroll through Onigashima. While the Lunarian was walking, his thoughs lingered toward Crow. It had been months since he'd seen or heard from his fellow Lunarian, and he'd be lying if he said he didn't miss the teen.

Despite barely knowing him for a year and meeting under less-than-favorable circumstances, King thought of the boy as his son he could never have, and the Lunarian was sure Crow thought of him as a father figure. It was only natural that they would form a bond of that kind as both were the last members of their race and got along relatively well.

When the older Lunarian wasn't training the teen or when he wasn't working, the two would regularly be seen in each other's company. They'd drink together, converse about random topics, or participate in recreational activities.

Honestly, he's thought about adopting him but doesn't know how to bring the topic up with Crow and didn't know if he was moving too quickly. King thought about bringing it up with the teen after a year or two when he was more certain about their relationship, as he didn't want to make things awkward if that wasn't the case.

"I wonder if Kaido would mind me visiting them for a bit..." The older Lunarian was brought out of his musings when he heard a familiar female voice.

The Lunarian turned his head to the left, and what he saw shocked him. Twenty-five meters away from him was a heavily pregnant Yamato walking out of a Cave.

"Fucking hell, you little ones need to stop kicking so much," Yamato whined, dramatically throwing her head back while gently rubbing her pregnant belly, not noticing King was near her. "I hope your siblings aren't giving Uta and Ulti this hard of a time," she sighed.

King, hearing that information, paled in dread and horror as it didn't take a genius to figure out who the father of Yamato's unborn children was from her statement.

Crow had gotten Yamato pregnant...

Crow had gotten the daughter of a Yonko pregnant...

Crow had gotten KAIDO'S daughter pregnant!!

When Kaido said Crow could have any girl he wanted, King was pretty sure Yamato was the exception...

If Kaido got wind of this, it could end with Kaido beating Crow within an inch of his life, or worse, killing the teen. While the latter may be less of a possibility, the Lunarian wouldn't be taking any chances.

Kaido's temper was incredibly short and had killed many for even the slightest inconvenience, so he could only imagine what the Yonko would do if he found out that Crow knocked up Yamato.

Kaido may not win any Father of the Year rewards, but it's a nigh universal trait that all fathers are overprotective of daughters, and the Yonko was no exception.

King could recall the many times Kaido killed his own men for making lewd remarks toward Yamato or looking at her the wrong way when they thought the Oni wasn't paying attention.

King didn't want to keep this from the man who saved him, yet he also didn't want to lose the boy he considered a son potentially, so he had no choice but to keep Yamato's pregnancy a secret from Kaido.

King inwardly signed...

The older Lunarian would give Crow a piece of his mind when he saw him. 

Before Yamato could react, King stood in front of her, and the Oni princess turned ghostly pale when her eyes locked onto him.

"K-King!" she said in a tone of fear and shock.

"You have a lot of explaining to do," he said sternly. After a while, Yamato reluctantly tells King everything after he promises he won't tell her father about her relationship with Crow or that she's pregnant with his children. "Fucking hell," he sighed once she was finished.

"S-So what now?" Yamato asked.

"...We're gonna go see Crow," he replied, surprising her. "But first, I need to get a copy of the key for your chains."

It wasn't a difficult task; all the Lunarian had to do was get Kaido wasted and then take them off the One when he passed out.

"Not that I'm not happy about this outcome...but why?" Yamato looked at the older Lunarian cautiously.

King was her father's right-hand man, and his loyalty to the Yonko was absolute, so why would he help keep her relationship with Crow and pregnancy a secret?

He looked at her. "Because he's a Lunarian, why else would I protect him?" King lied.

Yamato narrowed her eyes at him, and her lips formed into a knowing smirk knowing his statement was total bullshit. "If you say so."

King rolled his eyes. "I'll be back in a day or two. Until then, don't get caught," he warned before taking off into the skies.

Several days had passed, and as promised, the older Lunarian brought the Keys to the Yamato's chains. When she was freed, King gently lifted her and held her in a position comfortable for her. He then took off into the skies and made his way to Eostia.

(Flashback End)

Before anyone could react, King grabbed Crow by the collar of his shirt and flew to another location so that no one could interrupt their conversation or stop him from giving Crow a little beat down. 

King landed in a forest near Ken and then harshly tossed the teen to the ground.

The teen sat up and looked at King. "Good to see you too," Crow said sincerely, with an amused tone. "But next time, could you set me down more gently," He stood up, brushing off the dirt off his clothes. 

"Why?" King asked with a growl.

"Why what?" Crow looked at the older Lunarian with feigned confusion.

The older Lunarian growled louder. "You know what I'm talking about, Crow, so stop with the bullshit before I lose my fucking shit."

Crow, knowing he shouldn't push it, sighed. His amused expression vanished. He went toward a tree, leaning against it, and looked at the sky.

"Originally, I only got with Yamato to get back at Kaido for forcing me into this life," he admitted with a guilty tone, as he was ashamed of himself for using Yamato to get back at her dad. "However, the longer I got to know her, the more I fell for her. She's funny, can't lie for shit--" he chuckled at that part. "--kind, selfless, blunt, and one of the strongest women I've ever met...it was impossible not to fall in love with her...when I realized I fell for her, I abandoned the thought of using her...Yamato doesn't need any more bullshit in her life, as she's already been through enough. All I wanna do is make her happy," he looked at King with an expressionless look. "Does that answer your question?"

"...It does..." While King is upset with Crow for using Yamato, he's glad that Crow has come to his senses and formed a genuine bond with her. While he and the younger Oni weren't on friendly terms due to his loyalty to her father, he didn't wish to see her get hurt more than she already did. "But I have another question: what will you do if Kaido finds out? He might be drunk more than half the time and isn't exactly the sharpest, but he'll eventually notice Yamato isn't trying to challenge him, and sooner or later, he'll figure out something is up," King pointed out, making Crow grimace. "Also, how will you deal with your guy's kids? Yamato told me she's with five kids...those numbers won't add up."

Kaido was aware of how many kids Crow would have, so if five other kids appeared randomly, the Oni would get suspicious, especially if they had Oni features. All it would take for Crow's life to become forfeit was for Kaido or anyone else to look at them closely, and they would be able to see their resemblance to Yamato.

Crow thought long and hard about King's questions for several seconds and found a solution. "When Yamato has the kids, and when I rid the enemies of the Shield Alliance, I'll have them live here," he looked at King. "You have the Key to her chains, right?" King nodded. "Good, then we can make another copy so that whenever she wants to see the kids, those chains won't hold us back, and we'll leave in the middle of the night to lower the risk of being seen...I know it's not perfect, but it's the best I got..." Crow looked away. "There will be times when Yamato may not be able to see them for a while, and she or I won't always be around, but it keeps us and, most importantly, the kids safe...for now..."

King nodded in agreement with the younger Lunarian. His plan was good.

"You still haven't answered one of my questions," King pointed out.

Crow sighed. "If he does find out...I'll try and talk him out of punishing me or at least get a light sentence, but if I can't..." he looked at King. "Please get my family away from him. They don't deserve to be used as tools. Can you do that for me?" 

King reluctantly nodded in agreement. "Yeah...I'll try."


After their little talk, Crow returned to Ken while King went to one of many holds within the East Blue as he was too large to stay at the castle. 

When he returned, everyone was still in the courtyard waiting for his return. They asked him if he was alright, where King went, and what happened between him and the latter. Crow told them he was fine and told them what King and he talked about.

"So you got him to agree to help us?!" Celestine asked, both excited and shocked at the news.

Crow nodded. "Yeah, it wasn't hard to do since I'm pretty much a son to him, and he doesn't want anything happening to me. Plus, he despises the Black Dogs, so convincing him to join us wasn't too hard."

"This is amazing news! When will he be back?"

"Tomorrow morning since he's got some things to do beforehand."

Celestine nodded. "Then I'll take my leave and let you four catch up," she smiled at Yamato. "It was a pleasure to meet you, Yamato."

"Likewise!" she smiled back.

After that, everyone besides Crow, Uta, Ulti, Paige, and Yamato went their separate ways.

Crow looked at his other girlfriend and smiled. "I missed you," he said before bringing Yamato into a firm yet gentle hug.

She smiled and happily hugged back. "I miss you too, my love. You have no idea how lonely it was without you."

"I'm sorry," Crow said in a sorrowful tone. "This mission is longer than I expected it to be."

"Don't be. You had no way of bringing me with you until now," she replied, brushing her hand through his hair.

"I still can't believe King would go behind Kaido's back," Paige commented.

"I guess thats the power of Lunarian kinship," Ulti chirped, making everyone slightly chuckle. 

"Did you get taller?" Yamato asked, noticing Crow's head could somewhat touch the underside of her breasts. 

Crow grinned. "Yeah, when I left, I was 6'1. Now I'm 6'8, pretty neat, huh?"

"It's not fair that you're still growing while I remain forever short," Uta pouted, crossing her arms.

Crow playfully rolled his eyes and smirked at her. "Guess it sucks to be you~" he teased, causing Uta to give him a playful glare and stick her tongue out at him, making him laugh. "I love you~"

Uta continued to glare at him, but she eventually relented. "I love you too, even though you're mean."

The small group would hang out for the rest of the day, and when it became dark, everyone except a particular duo went to bed.

