
Jinx I

***31st December 2020***

The sun shone brightly on the green fields on the CTFD Portogaia where the Oporto players were having their team training session.

It was the last day of the year, which for so many people was the time for a year end break where they would travel to their homes to spend the year end with their factory, but the Oporto team was different in this aspect.

Part of it was due to the professionalism of a top-tier club, and another part was that the manager wanted the players at the training grounds preparing for their next game after a narrow escape against their opponents two days ago.

… Well, maybe that was the major reason the players were hard at work instead of on their way home to their families all over the world.

In a room that functioned as the manager's office at the training ground, the manager was seated at the table drawing some things onto his pad.
