
Hocus Pocus with the NFF IV

Jason and Adele took their time at the table, not hurrying themselves in the slightest as they weren't rushing anywhere.

The thing about them having a flight back to Porto at 3 pm was a bluff.

Adele had tried to book a flight, but there was no way for a single person of their level to tell an airport when to arrange a flight so the whole thing about a specific time should have made it clear that it was a bluff, but Jason didn't expect anyone to notice the bluff.

In the end, Jason had told Adele to hold off on booking a flight and they would only leave if it was clear that there was no way back... There was no point in wasting money on booking a flight and then canceling it because even if he would be refunded, the money wouldn't be returned in full.

With no pressure of time on their necks, they ate slowly, savoring the handwork of the hotel's chefs.

