

Everything in the brittle hatchet or shack or dilapidated cabin, or whatever one wished to call it, calmed down with no movement or sound.

Only the breathing sounds of two people were resonating, one panting and gasping for air while the other took peaceful, slow breaths.

Raon was sprawled on the ground as he was injured, his internal organs shaken, blood spurting from his mouth, and his orifices becoming outlets of blood.

His vision was blurry, and his consciousness was on the verge of fading as he saw Lia fainting before his ragged breathing also declined.

The last thing he did was put a Grade-2 healing pill in his mouth and swallow it as he fainted.

In that silent hatchet where two humans lay unconscious, an ethereal figure appeared out of thin air as it gently stroked the heads of both humans, who lay quite a distance apart.
