
Hawaii pt.1

The gentle sound of waves lapping against the sandy shore created the perfect ambiance for relaxation as I lounged on a chair by the beach. We had arrived in Hawaii yesterday evening, to the Kona-Kohala coast, a region on the western side of the Big Island of Hawaii, known for its stunning ocean views and pristine beaches.

Our private villa was nestled amidst lush tropical gardens, offering a sense of tranquility. It was a blend of modern luxury and traditional Hawaiian design, with large windows opening up to breathtaking views of the Pacific Ocean. The private beach access allowed us to enjoy the shoreline without interruptions, making it feel like our own slice of paradise.

It was just me and Alice in the villa now, as Mom and Nathan had gone to the spa in the morning. Mom was very excited for it as it offered Hawaiian-inspired treatments and several other services. It was going to take the whole day.

Alice was sitting on the chair next to me, wearing little sunglasses I had bought for her, playing with a toy and babbling happily. She was a happy baby and rarely cried. Her eyes met mine, and she motioned for me to pick her up.

"Give me a minute, Al," I said to her, picking up a remote next to me and pressing a button on it. After a few minutes, one of the staff members assigned to the villa appeared, wearing a friendly smile and the uniform of the resort.

"How can I assist you, Mr. Adler?" the staff member asked.

"Could you bring me more drinks, please?" I requested.

"Of course, right away," he replied before heading back to the villa.

I sat up and picked up Alice from the other chair, placing her on my lap. "Are you hungry?" I asked her, to which she made incoherent sounds. "Yeah, you look like you are hungry."

The staff came back with my drink, placed it on the table, and left. I walked back inside the villa. We were going to be here for ten days; well, Mom, Nathan, and Alice would be. I was going to spend two more days here, as Haley and her family would be coming here the same day Mom, Nathan, and Alice left for home. I planned to spend two days with her here before leaving myself, though I would have to go to the other side of the island for that.

We had many activities planned starting tomorrow, though I just wanted to lounge around the villa. Mom was very insistent we spend time as a family.

After feeding Alice and getting her to sleep, I spent the rest of the day lounging around and trying out the different drinks that the staff made for me. By the evening, Mom and Nathan returned, and we ended the day with a gourmet dinner at a nice restaurant called Ulu Ocean Grill. The food was great, but the view of the sunset was greater.

The following day, we spent the morning on the beach, showing Alice the ocean. In the afternoon, we embarked on a private helicopter tour of the island, seeing the volcano on this side of the island and the beautiful coastlines. The helicopter was sleek and modern, with large windows providing panoramic views of the landscape below. As we soared over the island, the pilot pointed out various points of interest. The coastline was mesmerizing, with its rugged cliffs, pristine beaches, and secluded coves. The pilot narrated the tour, sharing interesting facts and stories about the island's history and natural features.

On the third day, we chartered a private yacht. The yacht was luxurious, with a spacious deck, comfortable seating, and all the amenities we could need. We cruised along the coast, the gentle rocking of the yacht and the sound of the waves creating a serene atmosphere.

Nathan and I tried our hand at deep-sea fishing, with the crew guiding us on how to cast our lines and reel in the fish. We caught a few impressive fish, which the crew expertly prepared for us to enjoy later. Meanwhile, Mom and Alice relaxed on the deck, enjoying the cool breeze and breathtaking views.

As the sun began to set, the sky transformed into a canvas of oranges, pinks, and purples, reflecting off the calm waters. We shared a delicious dinner on board, featuring our freshly caught fish.

The next activity Mom had planned was hiking. We had a great guide who had extensive knowledge of the flora and fauna of the island. Even I found myself enjoying it. We saw vibrant birds flitting through the trees, colorful flowers blooming in abundance, and heard the distant call of exotic wildlife.

Our destination was a hidden waterfall, the only one on this side of the island that not many are able to visit. It was when we reached the small waterfall that I had my first encounter with some fans since arriving on the island.

As we took photos near the waterfall, I noticed a girl of 12 or 13 looking at me from time to time. It was like she was trying to make sure it was really me.

Finally, after a while, with encouragement from what looked like her mother, she came over to me.

"Are… you Daniel Adler?" she asked.

"Yes, that's me," I replied with a smile.

"I'm a huge fan!" she said enthusiastically.

She then went on to speak quickly and breathlessly about how much she liked the Percy Jackson books. I found it endearing.

"I'm glad you liked my books," I replied.

She asked me for a photo, and I obliged. It was not the last, though, as I was recognized a few more times, with some knowing me from The Blair Witch and some from Invincible.

The next few days, I spent lounging around the villa alone while Mom, Nathan, and Alice went to explore the city. I often found myself laying on a comfortable lounger with a good view of the sea and a cold drink that I would often get refilled. A part of me wanted to stay here forever.

Nathan also took me golfing as he wanted to try out the large golf course at the resort. He had to basically drag me there, as I just wanted to do what I had been doing for the last eight days. He told me learning to golf would be very useful for me in the future.

The golf course had stunning views, with the Pacific Ocean serving as a beautiful backdrop. Nathan taught me some basics, and we began to play. Despite it being my first time playing, I managed to keep up with him.

"I think I'm getting why you said this would be useful for me," I said, hitting the golf ball to the next hole.

Nathan looked at me, waiting for me to continue.

"I think I saw one of the executives from Disney when we came in here. I remember seeing him during the Golden Globes," I said.

"See? I told you it would be useful."

By the end, I surprised Nathan by edging out a win.

"I'll be damned," he said.

"So, was that good for a beginner?" I asked.

"That was great," Nathan said. "Come on, let's get something to drink," he added as we headed inside the clubhouse.

As the tenth day of our stay in Hawaii arrived, Mom and Nathan were preparing to leave while I planned to stay one more day and then go to the other side of the island to visit Haley, who would arrive today.

Mom stood by the door, looking hesitant. "Are you sure you're going to be okay, Danny?" she asked, a hint of worry in her voice.

"I'll be fine, Mom," I reassured her, smiling.

She glanced at Nathan and then back at me. "I know, but... just be careful, okay? Call if you need anything."

"Mom, I promise I'll be careful. It's just a couple of days, and then I'll be back home," I said, giving her a comforting hug.

Nathan came over and patted me on the back. "Have a good time, Danny. Enjoy a few more days in paradise."

"You guys have a safe trip back," I replied.

Alice, too young to understand the situation, was babbling happily in her stroller. I bent down to give her a kiss on the cheek. "Bye, Alice. See you soon."

As Mom and Nathan got into the car, Mom turned back one last time. "Remember, call me if you need anything."

"I will, Mom. Don't worry," I said, waving as they drove away.




General POV

Haley: hey u on ur way?

Daniel: ya almost there will come to the place you're staying at.

Haley: k! i'll meet u at the front.

Daniel: No, I'll come inside and say hi to everyone.

Haley: no wait in the front. Plz.

[Haley Commentary]

"Prom was perfect. Daniel and I were the best-looking couple there, and we had an amazing time… but when he was driving back to my house after our perfect prom, we had a fight," she began.

"Our relationship had been a bit strained for the last two months as Daniel had been so busy, and when he said we could make things work while we were discussing our relationship, I felt like he had no faith in it," she explained.

"'Everything could work out.' I mean, who says that?" she continued, frustration evident in her voice.

"It hurt, and I couldn't shake the feeling that once high school was over and he became a big-time celebrity, he might break up with me."

"But then he surprised me when he said we could spend some time together during the trip to Hawaii Gloria was planning to surprise Grandpa Jay with."

"But I haven't told my parents that he's coming. They wouldn't understand. I just want to sneak out with him for a while, have some time just for us."

[End Commentary]

Haley sat on the pool chair by the pool in the hotel they were staying in. She was texting Daniel. He was coming to the hotel, and she needed to find a way to sneak out.

Claire's voice cut through the air. "Haley, that's enough. Get off the phone."

Nearby, Luke was adjusting his swim trunks, which had slipped down a bit. "Luke, pull up your trunks," Claire instructed.

"That bathing suit looks great on you," Phil said, trying to compliment his wife.

"Thanks, sweetie," Claire replied with a smile, before turning her attention back to Haley. "Come on, Haley, get off the phone."

"Give me a minute," Haley responded, continuing to text Daniel.

Phil stepped in. "Claire, consider this a grand gesture of my love," he announced. He took Haley's phone from her hands and, to everyone's surprise, tossed it into the pool.

"What did you do?" Haley exclaimed, covering her mouth in shock.

Claire stared at Phil, her eyes wide. "Phil, that was an expensive phone!"

"Prepare yourself to be wooed, lady," Phil said to Claire with a dramatic flourish.

"I can't believe you did that," Haley said, glaring at her father before walking off in frustration.

Phil watched Haley go, looking a bit sheepish. "Maybe that wasn't the best idea," he muttered to himself.

"Ya think?" Claire replied, shaking her head. "We'll talk about this later, Phil."


Outside near the hotel entrance, Daniel got out of the taxi. He had been trying to call Haley after she stopped responding to his texts, but she wasn't picking up. It kind of worried him, as Haley was never away from her phone.

As he walked to the entrance, he spotted two familiar faces: Cam and Mitchell, with Cam holding Lily.

Cam's eyes lit up when he saw Daniel. "Oh my god, there's Daniel!"

Mitchell brushed off Cam, saying, "You're mistaking him for someone else, like what happened that other time," but as he finished his sentence, he saw Daniel too. "Hey, that is Daniel!"

Cam happily rushed over. "Daniel! What are you doing here?"

Mitchell followed, adding, "Mary told us you guys were going to be here till the 25th."

"Oh, I stayed behind for two more days to see Haley," Daniel explained.

"Oh, how sweet," Cam said, beaming.

"She's going to love this surprise," Mitchell said.

"Actually, she knows," Daniel clarified.

"Oh, she does? She didn't tell us," Cam said, looking puzzled. "I don't think Claire mentioned it as well," he added.

Suddenly, everything clicked in Daniel's mind. "Yeah, I don't think she told them," he realized. "Haley told me not to come in, to wait outside," he added.

"Ooh, a secret getaway," Cam teased.

A taxi pulled up, and Mitchell said, "That's ours. Goodbye, Daniel. Don't get into too much trouble with Haley!"

Cam smiled and said, "Have fun!" before they left.

As Daniel looked around, he noticed some teens glancing at him with recognition. One of them even took a picture. He sighed, "Now what?" he muttered.

Inside the hotel, Haley was pacing around the pool in frustration. She couldn't contact Daniel, and she knew he must be outside by now.

She went to find Claire and Phil. She found them at a pool on the upper level.

"Mom!" she called out, but Claire didn't look.

"Claire Dunphy!" Haley called more loudly.

Claire turned around and asked, "Yes, honey, what is it?"

"I saw one of my friends here, and she's in the other hotel. I want to go see her," Haley said.

Phil, without missing a beat, answered, "Go ahead."

"Thanks, Dad," Haley replied happily and left quickly.

"Wait, what friend? Haley, what friend?" Claire called out, but Haley just increased her pace.

As she walked outside, she saw Daniel at the entrance, talking to some girls.

'Really?' she thought, narrowing her eyes, and walked more briskly towards them. Daniel saw her coming and immediately walked over to her.

As he reached her, she grabbed his arm and started walking away from the girls. "What, no kiss?" he asked.

"Oh, I don't know. I could see you were very busy," she replied snappily.

"Haley, they are just fans," he answered. "And why didn't you pick up your phone? I've been here for an hour."

"Dad threw my phone into the pool," Haley explained.

"Also, I just saw Cam and Mitchell. They told me they had no idea I was coming," Daniel said.

"I didn't tell anyone," Haley admitted.

"I thought so…. What should we do?" he asked.

"Well, some kids our age invited me to a party on the beach. We can go there," she answered.

"Sure, let's go there," he said.

"You know, you could also buy me a new phone as an early birthday present," she said as they walked.

"I think I'll just wait for your birthday," Daniel said with a playful smile.

"Jerk," Haley said, hitting him on his arm.




Alex had been searching for Haley for a while and finally spotted her walking towards the entrance. Curious and a bit suspicious, she decided to follow her. By the time she got there, to her shock, she saw her sister leading a man away from the hotel.

She couldn't see his face, but it was not her father, grandpa, or two of her uncles.

"What the hell?" Alex muttered in confusion.

She got closer and noticed that the man and Haley were walking hand in hand. Her eyes widened in shock.

"I can't believe this," she said, her voice filled with disbelief.


