
Watch It

The moment Kimberly and Melvin walked through the club's door, they were greeted by the lively atmosphere of the club with music blaring in the background.

Looking around, Kimberly couldn't help but reminisce about the time she had approached Melvin, in her own body, to ask him to marry her just last Wednesday, and today, here she was, as Melvin, and also engaged to him.

"Isn't it funny how things can change in such a short time? This time last week, I was the desperate one in need of your help, and now the reverse is the case," Kimberly said to Melvin as they headed for the VIP area of the club.

"It's even more funny that both you and me in our desperate positions have the same body. Goes to tell you how useless your body must be," Melvin muttered and Kimberly turned to glare at him.

"Watch it, Melvin," she warned.

"Shouldn't it be Kimberly, Babe?" Melvin asked sweetly.
