
Not connecting

Jia had her palms and face glued to the helicopter's window as she watched the outside view in awe. As the helicopter soared over the shimmering city below, Jia gazed out of the window, mesmerized by the breathtaking view.

The evening sky was painted in hues of burnt orange and soft lavender. The bright yellow sun now seemed to melt one with the sky. The buildings, now specks of light, sparkled like stars beneath them. The rhythmic hum of the helicopter's blades filled the air but all Jia could feel was a serene calmness as the world seemed so distant from their altitude.

She had passed and navigated through many of these routes in her daily life but those same paths now seemed to converge themselves into one big scenic beauty. The trees looked like a huge green stretch akin to a forest. A strange feeling encapsulated her chest. People below roamed the streets where their everyday lives took them but here she was watching them from miles away.
