
Clovis's Choice

"The total will be 167,355 union dollars. Please check." The receptionist showed the list of items as well as their price.

Clovis remained silent while Kanaria carefully examined the list. It was a huge transaction, so they should be a bit more careful. 

"Indeed. Everything is correct." Kanaria nodded with a serious expression. "Please proceed with the transaction." 

"In that case, where would you like to receive the money?"

Kanaria grabbed Clovis's ID card and handed it to her.

"And it's done. Please check the money." The receptionist took a moment to send the money before giving the ID card back.

As soon as Clovis saw the figure on his account, he gave a nod to Kanaria, concluding the transaction.

"Thank you for choosing Essence Bank. Please come again next time." The receptionist politely bowed to them.
