
Harmony Haven Orphanage

Calix and his small entourage reached Frostwich Town at a little over nine. The helicopter landed at an open field surrounded by forest. Edward arranged for Calix to meet with the rest of the team there.

Two executive vans were parked near the landing area of the helicopter. Both vehicles were loaded with huge boxes containing supplies for the orphanage.

Multiple types of hygiene products, school supplies, non-perishable food items including cans of formula, books and toys.

Aside from the ones requested by Director Margaret, Edward also added a few more necessary items. 

"Second Young Master Xu, everyone is ready."

"Good. Let's not waste time," Calix simply nodded at the group of bodyguards waiting for him there. He deftly unbuttoned his suit jacket, "How long will it take to reach the orphanage?"
