
Chapter 147

"Well he is impressive," Argo said rubbing his chin, "to use your will to form a pocket dimension is something very difficult to do. Tell me where did you learn to do that?"

"In, 'Kiss-My-Ass High School', care to join?"

Luke laughed as Argo frowned at the insult. Soon however Luke's smile faded and he stopped laughing, "Percy…..come with us. You can help us save the demigods Percy. Together-"

"-Oh shut up already. Gods it's always the same thing with you! Read my lips dipshit, Fuck you and fuck Kronos!"

Agro chuckled, "kid's got balls I'll give him that," the suited man then reached into his suit and pulled out two pink balls covered with red markings. He threw it into the sky and they slowly transformed into two Gergosas, each 20 feet tall one blonde with short hair, the other with long red hair.

This wasn't good; they needed to get out of here, now. Percy needed to hold them off long enough for Annabeth and Clarisse to run.


Quest Alert!

Survive the ambush!


You live!

30,000 $

Skill disk, Lv-2


Make Argo and Luke run away!


Weapon! Light Beam Cannon!


You die

Everyone you love will die

The Earth will turn to dust

The moon will turn to cheese


Percy sighed reading the quest. This thing was starting to bug him but at least it had a sense of humor. He pressed yes and took out Riptide while turning to his friends, "guys I'll hold them off, you two run."

"But Percy-" Clarisse began before Annabeth stopped her with one hand raised; "he's right Clarisse. We need to get out of here, Percy can handle himself."

"Oh but you two aren't going anywhere," Argo said in his soft and creepy voice, "you two are going to be my new test subjects, isn't that right Luke?," Argo said turning to Luke who simply nodded.

"That was the deal," Luke then took out a new bronze blade, his old one was cut in half thanks to Riptide.

"Luke, you aren't actually going to let him...experiment on us, are you?" Annabeth asked in a voice filled with fear.

"I made a promise Annabeth," Luke said in a sorrow tone, "one which I intend to keep."

Annabeth looked at Luke with fear and anger in her eyes. Her worst nightmares were coming true. She didn't want to believe Luke was their enemy, she still held out hope that he wasn't, but seeing him right there in front of her promising a madman that he could do whatever he wanted to them, it was too much. Her anger slowly began to take over, pushing her fear aside, "fine then," Annabeth said drawing her dagger, "bring it on!"

Argo giggled like a schoolgirl, "Oh I like this one, plenty of fighting spirit."

Percy didn't like that man, not one bit. Before they could say anything else though the two Gergosas charged Percy and his group with their mouth filled with drool all the while eyeing them like chocolate treats.

Percy dashed forward and jumped up bringing Riptide down on the blonde one, but before it even reached it something blurred collided with Percy pushing him off course and into a building.

Percy smashed into the wall cracking it and slowly the last of his marble skin defense points went away leaving his skin vulnerable. Percy fell down but managed to land on his feet before looking for who pushed him aside.

In front of him Luke was slowly approaching him with his blade in hand doing his best to look intimidating. But after that time he called Artemis a crazy bitch Percy doubted anything could ever come close.

Percy smirked and readied his blade, "let's see how much you have improved," Percy said as he got up, "if I recall correctly last time I kicked your ass and broke your sword in half."

Luke raised an eyebrow, "I didn't take you for a shit taker Percy. It doesn't really suit the whole Hero thing you got going on."

Percy scoffed at that, "who the hell said I'm a hero? I sure didn't."

"You save people, fight monsters and kill demons; you're a freaking hero Percy."

"Hm, well I suppose that does make me kind of like a hero huh. So does that make you the villain?" Percy asked tightening his grip.

"If that is what I need to be, then yes, that is what I am."

Percy groaned but instead of replying he dashed forward striking out against Luke sending him back with his ferocious strikes. "You still can't keep up with me Luke!" Percy called out as he swung Riptide at Luke's left ribs only for the son of Hermes to move back just in the nick of time.

Percy however kept the attack going forcing Luke towards the main gate. Luke then slipped inside Percy defense and grabbed Percy by his jacket, "never underestimate me!" he kneed Percy in the stomach and threw him back.

Percy moved back holding his stomach. Gamer's mind and body helped numb the pain but Percy still felt uncomfortable. Percy spat out the extra saliva that was gathering in his mouth and readied his blade.

Before Luke could even blink Percy vanished activating his Speed demon perk. Just as Luke wondered where Percy was he appeared right in front of Luke and kicked him in the shin with an mana filled earthquake kick.


"AH!" Luke called out as he fell to his knees holding his leg in pain.

Percy stood and smirked, "I win Luke."

Luke looked up from his broken shin, "are you sure?"

Percy raised an eyebrow, "yeah, I'm sure." but just then;

Warning! Attack from behind you!

Percy threw himself to one side just as a black fist found itself where Percy's heart was just moments ago. Percy got up and saw Argo there helping Luke up with his palm completely covered in some kind of black ink.

"Don't give him hints like that Luke," Argo said helping the demigod up, "it's almost like you don't want him to die!"

Percy looked back and saw that Clarisse and Annabeth were still alive, that was good, but the Gergosas from before were still attacking them that was not so good. Something had to be done, those two didn't look like they could last much longer.

Percy turned to Argo and Luke, "time to end this," Argo raised an eyebrow but Percy didn't say anything else. He reached into his inventory and pulled out the gauntlet of Kefka and started to put it on, but suddenly Argo blurred into motion snatching the gauntlet from Percy's hands before Percy even had a chance to react.

"Where did you get this?!" Argo screamed, "where did you, a stupid little shit get this gauntlet?!"

'Fuck! He knows what it is! But how?!' Percy activated his Speed demon perk and dashed forward, if Argo used the gauntlet the chances of him surviving the night would go down to 0%.

Argo tried to put the gauntlet on but Percy swung Riptide at him forcing the man to block the strike with his black palm. The sword struck the palm head on and a chime rang out. It sounded like metal had struck metal; it must have been some kind of spell Argo used, like Percy's marble skin.

Percy grunted and kicked the man man's shin with an Earthquake stomp but again his foot hit metal, his kick didn't do shit. Percy however didn't care about that, he moved to get the gauntlet back only for Argo to back away a few feet back....
