
Chapter 105

Percy smiled at this and closed his status box. They quickly walked away from the tunnel but as they walked away Grover spoke up.

"Guys the juniper leaves scent is getting stronger now," he pointed at a turn in the tunnel, "it should be right there."

Percy readied his sword, last thing they needed was some kind of monster that loured demigods with a sweet scent only to kill them in cold blood. As they took the turn in the tunnel they were released to see no monster there hiding in wait for them. Inside all they found was a scarf;

Scarf of Aphrodite,

Enchanted to smell like the perfect scent for each individual person, this scarf is charmed with love magic causing the wearer to have +10 levels in all skills that involve seduction, example, Kissing, flirting.

Percy picked up the scarf, "it feels like the Aphrodite kids."

Lie success!

"So it must be Aphrodite's scarf," Luke deduced, "must be who Ares was on a date with. It also explains why it smells so nice. It must be charmed to smell like whatever the smeller thinks is a beautiful scent."

"Which is why Grover smelled Juniper leaves," Percy said with a grin.

"Oh isn't that sweet," Luke said in a mocking tone, "Grover thinks the most beautiful scent in the world if Juniper!"

"Knock it off you guys!" Grover cried as PErcy and Luke chuckled in his expense.

Percy put the scarf in his bag and the three quickly got out of the god awful water park and quickly drove back to the dinner where in front of it Ares was waiting for them. He was on a motorcycle and when he saw them he smirked.

"Well, you three got in half an hour. I'm impressed," Ares replied smirking, "did that spiders give you any trouble? I remember Aphrodite saying how much they scared her."

Percy smiled back, "no they didn't give us any trouble. Although I am surprised they were still there surely the god of war could have killed a few bugs to impress his date."

Ares grumbled, "yeah well I needed to leave something for you kids to do."

Luke then handed the vest over to Ares, "your shield my lord."

"Thanks kid," Ares grumbled and took the vest. He snapped his finger and suddenly the vest turned into a shield which Ares gave to Percy, "here consider it a bonus for getting rid of the spiders. Those things are nasty, one of them once caught me in the shower."

Percy reached out nervously but took the heild anyway, "thanks."

Ares nodded. He then took out the three rings, "here as promised, three rings of invisibility. Use them wisely."

Each quester took a ring and put it into their pockets. Luke then spoke up, "thank you so much for helping us lord Ares. It means a lot."

Ares grumbled like worker being forced to clean up the store by his boss. He then looked at Percy and glared, "stay alive kid."

Percy then watched Ares ride away in that loud thing he called a vehicle, "could that be considered as a warning or an order?"

"Oder most likely," Luke replied as he sighed, "let's go get some sleep you guys. We will need it tomorrow we reach LA."

Percy nodded as they all then wene to their motel. Percy put his bag and the new shield of Ares to the side. He couldn't put it in his inventory because Grover and Luke would then ask questions so he was forced to carry the stupid thing.

After a nice hot shower and a later night movie Percy and the rest of the quest members crashed. Only Percy wasn't asleep, he had his eyes closed but he didn't let sleep take over. He stayed awake waiting. Waiting for something to happen. Luke was up to something, and is Percy was right about his suspicions he will do something tonight.

As the clock struck 12 Luke started to move. Percy opened his eyes slightly and watch Luke as he put on his shoes to step out. Percy immediately reached out with his mana and thought out, 'Shadow Spying.'

Percy felt his mana infect Luke's shadow as the son of Hermes closed the door behind him. Now all Percy had to do was wait and hear what Luke was up to.

Percy closed his eyes and he heard footsteps. Not his or in this room, but Luke's. Luke was walking on hard concrete now tiles. The swimming pool outside the motel then. He then heard something ruffle as Luke then spoke out, "Oh Iris goddess of the Rainbows accept my offering. Show me Lord Ares."

Percy's eyes widened at that but he quickly focused back on Luke, this was it, this was Luke's dirty little secret.

"I was wondering when you would call," came the rough voice of Ares.

"I waited till everyone was asleep," Luke replied, "did you hide the lightning bolt in the shield?"

"Yes, I put it in the handle, exactly as planned. Just make sure you get the sea scum to Hades and make sure he delivers it to Hades before you toss him into the pit."

"R-right," Luke's voice was hesitant.

"Why the hesitation? This was your plan from the start, don't tell me you're backing out now."

"No I am not! The plan will go on schedule. You still have the helmet of Hades yes?"

"Yeah I got it. I still don't know how you managed to steal the Lightning Bolt and the Helmet of Darkness."

Luke replied something but Percy wasn't paying attention. He cut off his shadow spying skill and sat up from his bed. He walked over the Are's shield that was propped up and felt around the ends of the handle. He felt something in the corner of the handle, something stitched in. Percy ripped out the threads and there poking out at the end of the handle was a neon blue lightning bolt.

Everything fell into place. Everything made sense now. Luke was the Lightning Thief. Percy felt betrayed, he felt like Luke had ripped his head off his shoulders and then kicked it like a soccer ball.

Why did Luke do this? Why did he steal the Master bolt? Percy knew he was angry at the gods for abandoning their children, but this? Would he really start a war?

Percy pulled the Master Bolt out of the shield handle and held it in his hand. It was a cylinder which had a lightning bolt stuck inside of it and on either ends had a conical structure extending out.

Zeus Master Lightning Bolt,

The ultimate weapon of Zeus this is the most deadly instrument in the Greek Pantheon. Crafted by Briareus, Cottus and Gyges, the hundred handed giants, this weapon in one of three. It's full potential can only be reached when wielded by Zeus or a child of Zeus.

Damage: 9,000,000 Attack!

Percy's hands trembled, this thing was genuine, which meant Luke is the Lightning Thief and that son of Hermes planned to kill him the moment he stepped into Hades.

And just then Percy remembered something. Something the oracle of Delphi warned him about;

You shall be betrayed by one who callssss you friend,

Luke. It was look who will betray him. No...he already did. And just like that another part of the prophecy made scene;

You shall go wessst, And face the God who has turned.

The god who turned. At first both Chiron and Percy thought it meant Hades, but no. It was Ares. He was the god who turned.

Gamer's mind immediately came into effect as it helped Percy process all of this. His emotions came down and ideas on what to do next started to generate.

'Okay Luke wants to kill me. My advantage, my abilities which he doesn't know and the fact that I know it's coming. His advantage, he is being backed up by Ares himself.' Percy knew he couldn't put the lightning bolt into the shield again, it wouldn't be properly hidden. So Percy tossed the weapon of destruction in his inventory and put the shield back where he left it before.

Percy then went to bed just as Luke came in. Luke didn't look at Percy and promptly crashed into his own bed. Percy looked at his friend, no, former friend, and Observed him.

Luke Castellan Rebel




Race- Demigod







Luke Castellan in the son of Hermes, at a young age he saw his mother lose her mind and when father was not there to help her, his hatred for the gods began. Luke loves all of his family, even the extended members and is a person who would help them in an instant. Luke hates the Olympian for abandoning their children and wants to wage war on them all by stealing the lightning bolt and the helmet of Hades.

Luke considers Percy his little brother and wants to protect him.

Luke is feeling conflicted about betraying Percy.





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