

Isaiah Salvatore, the young man that completely dominated the entrance exam with his incredibly skills and talent, he broke all previous records set in the exams. be it speed or strength he was unrivaled among the first years

Walking through all the rows, even with everyone staring at him he didn't become flustered and was completely unfazed

Kai was In deep thought because of the whispers he heard around him

"Number one student "

He knew there was something different about Isaiah , but he didn't know he was this special. The looks of admiration and jealousy that Isaiah was given really pissed Kai off

" If only I took that stupid entrance exam"

Kai thought as he clenched his fist with regret

However all the commotion died down after a certain

man walked in

"Alright everyone settle down"

a deep male voice resounded through out the class

Standing in front of the class was an old man of Asian descent with a bald head and brown eyes one could barely see

"My name is Yu linfuei. I will be your homeroom teacher for this year and possibly future years"

"Today is your first day of class, so allow me to give you all a piece of advice, if you haven't noticed already this school is operating a hierarchical system, that means it respects only the strong, no matter your background if you don't prove yourself, in here your absolutely nothing "

He spoke with a cold tone devoid of any emotion

" And I am pretty sure no one here wants that"

Suddenly changing his emotionless expression by laughing

He probably did it to ease the tension, but that kind of laughter didn't ease anything

"That dude is terrifying "

Michael whispered to Kai, pretty much everyone in class had the exact same thought

" All right now that's out of the way, let's take attendance"

Taking out a small tablet he begins to call out names

"Rank 305, Carl jones"


He answered enthusiastically, probably because he was scared of what will happen if he didn't

Mr Yu nodded and continued

"Rank 297, Nicholas bluebird "

"Present! "



Rank 201, Micheal Balogun

"Present! "

Kai looked at Michael, who responded with a wink.

Micheal was the highest ranked of all the shadow retreats, which was impressive in it's own right

"I am your king, nigga"

Michael said mockingly to kai, earning him a laugh

" Dumbass"

"Rank 250, Malakai Blackwell"

Contrary to everyone's, Kai's was a lot more


"Present "

This didn't go unnoticed by Mr Yu, who simply stared at Kai, who stared back without any fear.

"Compared to Azrael this is absolutely nothing "

Kai thought

After a few moments, Mr Yu broke contact

"Interesting "He muttered

He continued calling the names in ascending order which took quite a while

" Rank 10, Brandon wesler"

" Present! "

Rank 7, Rebecca Chronoa


"Rank 5, Fex caster"


Rank 3, Alexandria Morningstar

"Present! "

Kai's eyes widened as heard the word Morningstar, that was the same name the flame king had, Alexander Morningstar. The man regarded as the most powerful man on earth.

"But Alexander is gifted, so why is she wearing red? "

Only the cursed wore red, so something was severely

wrong somewhere

"Interesting "

Kai thought, this was definitely something he would want to investigate

"Rank 2, Damian knight "


Rank 1, Isaiah Salvatore


"Rank number 1" Mr yu spoke, " very nice, very nice indeed"


After homeroom, it was time for battle class, after registering what type of class you wanted to attend, a teaching staff directed the students to their desired classes

Battle class was popular among those that had abilities that can enhanced using weapons or martial arts

The battle hall was an extremely large one room building. It had simple decorations with a large elevated stage at the center, the room was completely filled with different varieties of weapons

Standing at the center of the stage was a green haired woman with a Bo staff. The bo staff had beautiful inscriptions and symbols. It definitely wasn't a regular Bo staff. Kai could only assume the woman was the teacher.

The room slowly started to fill up with students, everyone was talking excitedly. Scenes like that happened everywhere as students had already formed cliques

But there was something going on that couldn't be ignored

" They are avoiding each other, aren't they? "

Kai spoke noticing the anomaly

"Yep, I have been here since the entrance exams, from what I could see, red and blue don't mix around here"

Michael answered

Everyone in the world had a bad image about the cursed, The worst of the cursed had done things so horrifying that they would forever go down in history.

The school was a way of unifying both Gifted and cursed. But not everything was going as planned

The highest ranked students were immediately swarmed by the other students

Isaiah, Damian,Alexa, and Rebecca all had people around them

They were all already used to situations like these and were able to remain in different towards the waves of flattery towards them, well all of them except Isaiah,

He was helpless, he could only put on a polite smile to anyone that approached him

"I think we are supposed to be picking out weapons, aren't you coming?"

Michael asked

"Nope, I already have mine"

Micheal with a raised eyebrow asked

"Which is?"

Kai smirked as he heard this

"You'll see"

"Attention!! " A loud voice resounded throughout the entire hall drawing everyone's attention. The beautiful green haired teacher finally spoke up

"Greetings students, my name is Eris Johnson and I will be the teacher in charge of battle class"

Your first task is to pick your weapon, you must think carefully. Your weapon can become a lifeline, when your ability fails, the only thing that save you is a good weapon and skills. Now go and choose a weapon "

As they started fanning out, Mrs Eris added you can "scan the weapons with your watches to get more information about it".

The watch given to Kai at the order was also given to every student at this school, after a few tweaks, they could perform a lot of tasks around the school

Since Kai had nothing better to do, he walked up to the walls and started scanning random weapons

<Garja axe>

<basic tier weapon>

<strength +2>

<agility 2 ->

" This is pretty impressive," Kai said as he looked at the watch, he scanned a few more weapons and realized that they were all basic tier weapons, the lowest tier of weapons.

"I wonder what would happen if I scanned Bane"

"Say hello to my little friend"

Michael said as he showed Kai a pair of Grey daggers

" They give a stat boost of +5 for speed, it's perfect for me"

" Not bad "

Ever since what happened that morning, Kai had been curious about how Micheal's ability actually worked. Hopefully he would find out today

Soon Mrs Eris called everyone to gather round the elevated stage

"Now that everyone has selected a weapon, we will be having sparring matches. Two people at a time. Who wants to volunteer first? "

Several hands could be seen which made it difficult to pick anyone

" You there, you were ranked number one right?, why don't you show us what you can do"

With a smile Isaiah spoke

"Of course, Mr Eris "

He headed for the stage and stood, Ready to take on every and anyone

His weapon of choice was simple longsword, at first the students were all hesitant of going against the strongest of the first years

But a blonde haired boy wearing a dark red uniform stepped up, if he could beat Isaiah here, he could become an overnight sensation

"Brace yourself, Blue eyes"

The boy said as he held a large mace, preparing to attack

"Don't worry about me, after all.... You look pretty weak"

The condensing tone in Isaiah's voice made the blonde boy's blood boil, his eyes glowed red as he lunged at Isaiah
