
Class A

The buzz in the courtyard of the Ninja Academy began to calm as Tsunade decided to formally introduce Chen and Nawaki.

The young Senju, with his characteristic energy and charisma, approached Chen with a broad smile.

"Hello, Chen-kun!" exclaimed Nawaki, giving him a friendly pat on the shoulder. "It's a pleasure to meet you! Don't worry, when we get into school, I'll have your back!"

Chen responded with an enigmatic smile that didn't quite reach his eyes. "Thanks, Nawaki-kun. Just make sure you don't regret those words later."

Nawaki, not catching the warning tone in Chen's voice, straightened up proudly. "Ha! I never go back on my promises! After all, I'm going to be the future Hokage of Konoha!"

Before Chen could respond, a murmur of anticipation swept through the crowd. All eyes turned to the stage where an imposing figure had just appeared: Hiruzen Sarutobi, the Third Hokage.

Hiruzen, in the prime of his youth, radiated power and wisdom. His dark brown hair framed a young yet experienced face. His sharp, penetrating eyes scanned the crowd with a mix of pride and hope.

He wore the traditional Hokage attire, the hat casting a shadow over his face that only accentuated his aura of authority.

With a gesture, Hiruzen called for silence and began his speech:

"Young people of Konoha, future guardians of our beloved village, I welcome you. Today, as you stand here on the threshold of your ninja journey, I want to talk to you about our origins and our future."

Hiruzen's voice, strong and clear, resonated throughout the courtyard.

"Not long ago, our revered First Hokage, Senju Hashirama, founded this village with a dream: to create a place where children could grow up in peace, where clan rivalries would dissolve in favor of a greater good. That dream became Konohagakure."

Hiruzen paused, his eyes sweeping over the attentive faces of the young students.

"Today, Konoha prospers. While other ninja villages are agitated by conflicts, we remain strong, united by a bond more powerful than any technique: the Will of Fire."

The children listened in fascination, their eyes shining with excitement. Nawaki, standing next to Chen, practically vibrated with enthusiasm.

"The Will of Fire," continued Hiruzen, his voice filled with emotion, "is the indomitable spirit that defines us. It is the legacy that the First and Second Hokage left us. It is the force that drives us to protect our village and all who live in it, even at the cost of our own lives."

Hiruzen extended his arms as if to embrace the entire audience.

"I look at your young faces and see the future of Konoha. I see powerful ninjas who will protect our village with bravery and honor. And who knows, among you could be the next Hokage."

Nawaki's eyes lit up at these words, his determination burning more fiercely than ever.

"Always remember these words," Hiruzen concluded, his voice resonating with a nearly mystical strength. "Where the leaf dances... the fire burns... the shadow of the fire will shine on the village... and once again, new leaves will sprout. This is the Will of Fire, and it is our most precious treasure."

As the crowd erupted into applause and cheers, Chen struggled to keep his eyes open. The speech, which had ignited the hearts of the children, had only managed to make him drowsy. His mind wandered, disconnected from the grandiose words about the Will of Fire.

'What nonsense,' thought Chen, yawning discreetly. 'People only care about themselves. This 'Will of Fire' is just a pretty fantasy.'

Tsunade, who had been observing Chen, leaned toward him with an amused smile. "It seems someone isn't very interested in Sarutobi-sensei's words," she whispered.

Without turning, Chen responded in a neutral tone. "I could say the same about you, Tsunade-sama."

Tsunade let out a small laugh. "Well, after hearing this speech hundreds of times, one tends to get tired of it."

Chen nodded slightly. "The true Will of Fire died with the First Hokage. What remains is just a shadow, an ideal that no one really follows."

Tsunade was silent for a moment, surprised by Chen's insight. "You're right," she finally admitted. "The internal situation in Konoha is... complicated."

As the ceremony continued, Chen reflected on his true desires. He wasn't interested in dominating the ninja world or following empty ideals.

Deep down, what he truly longed for was something much simpler and more personal: to have a true harem of beautiful and voluptuous women who would accompany him throughout his life.

'The Will of Fire,' thought Chen ironically, 'is a fantasy suitable only for a few pure souls like Hashirama or Naruto. For the rest of us, reality is much more prosaic.'

The sun was already high in the sky when Hiruzen Sarutobi finally concluded his speech. Chen, who had been struggling to stay awake for most of the morning, couldn't help but feel a mix of relief and admiration.

'Impressive,' thought Chen, stretching discreetly. 'Hiruzen's ability to talk non-stop is truly formidable. And by the looks of these idiots, it seems the brainwashing has been a complete success.'

A murmur of excitement swept through the crowd of students when it was announced that it was lunchtime.

Chen pulled out his lunchbox. However, what he extracted from it made more than one person turn to look at him in astonishment.

Chen unfolded a small stool and began to take out dish after dish of food. There were onigiri, tempura, sushi, yakitori, and a variety of vegetables and fruits. The amount was enough to feed three adults.

Nawaki, who was nearby, looked at Chen's food with wide eyes. "Chen-kun, can you really eat all that?"

Chen simply smiled and began to eat enthusiastically. "Watch and learn."

Tsunade couldn't help but giggle. "Don't be surprised, Nawaki. Chen-kun has an impressive appetite."

Around them, other children and parents watched in amazement as Chen devoured his lunch without seeming to get full.

Chen, for his part, ignored the stares and continued to enjoy his meal.

After lunch, a teacher at the academy began dividing the students into classes. Chen listened attentively when his name was called.

"Hyuga Chen, Class A," announced the teacher.

Chen nodded, noting that several familiar names were also assigned to his class: the future Ino-Shika-Chō Trio, the Hyuga twins Hiashi and Hizashi, the future Fourth Hokage Namikaze Minato, the young Uchiha Mikoto, and of course, Senju Nawaki.

As they headed to the classroom, Nawaki approached Chen with enthusiasm. "Chen-kun! We're in the same class! How about we sit together?"

Chen considered the offer for a moment before shaking his head. "Sorry, Nawaki. I prefer to sit alone."

Disappointment flickered across Nawaki's face, but he didn't insist. "Oh, alright. I understand."

Entering the classroom, Chen quickly scanned the room for a suitable seat. His eyes settled on a young girl with dark hair and very dark eyes. Without hesitation, he walked over to her.

"Excuse me," said Chen with a charming smile, "is this seat taken?"

The girl looked up and for a moment seemed lost in Chen's eyes. A faint blush spread across her cheeks as she shook her head.

Chen sat down gracefully. "Nice to meet you. I'm Hyuga Chen, and it looks like I'll be your seatmate. I hope you can take care of me."

The girl blinked several times, as if coming out of a trance. "I-I'm Uchiha Mikoto," she finally managed to say, her voice barely a whisper.

Hearing this name, Chen's smile widened even more, causing Mikoto's blush to deepen. "Mikoto-san, what a beautiful name. Is it alright if we call each other by our first names? I wouldn't want us to feel strange being seatmates."

Mikoto quickly nodded, her eyes fixed on her hands that were nervously playing with the edge of her kimono. "Y-yes, it's alright... Chen-kun," she stammered, her voice barely audible.

"Excellent," said Chen, leaning a bit closer, causing Mikoto to hold her breath. "I hope we get along well, Mikoto-chan. Don't hesitate to ask for my help if you need it."

Mikoto looked up, her eyes briefly meeting Chen's before quickly looking away. "T-thank you, Chen-kun," she managed to say, her face now completely red. "I-I'll help you too if you need it."

From the other side of the classroom, Nawaki watched the scene with an amused smile. "Well, well, Chen-kun," he murmured to himself. "It seems you've found a very interesting seat after all."


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