
Chapter 71

Give me Powers Stones!

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Choso had thought countless times…

Over the past few days, watching his younger brother striving to save people, fighting to continue living as a human, he had reflected. He had worried about Itadori.


Did he have the right? Did he have the right to feel bad for Itadori? Even when he was one of the forerunners of so much disaster?

Men, women, children, the elderly! He had killed so many people in Shibuya... What would Itadori think if he knew? Would their friendly conversations still exist?

Would he be able to see him as an older brother in the future?

No, of course not! If Choso were in Itadori's place, he wouldn't forgive him for that.

But... if Choso had forgiven Yuji for killing his brothers, then he—


No, Yuji hadn't killed Eso and Echizu.

Choso was responsible for their deaths. He couldn't run away from that fact, no matter how hard he tried.

If instead of choosing to live as curses, Choso had chosen to live as humans, Eso and Echizu wouldn't have needed to die. Nor would he have killed so many innocent people.

The "if" was something painful to imagine, but undeniably necessary.

If Choso had made different choices, all of his brothers would be fighting side by side...

Maybe Noritoshi Kamo wouldn't have been able to go so far.

Choso blamed himself for that.

"What's this darkness?"

As the room's light suddenly turned on, Choso squinted, confronted by the sudden brightness, turning to see Yuki Tsukumo at the entrance of the room.

"Oh, it's you, Choso." With a smile spreading across her lips, the woman approached, noticing Choso sitting in a chair near the table. "What are you doing in the kitchen at this hour?"

"I can't sleep." Responding blandly, Choso crossed his arms with a shrug.

Yuki observed him for a few seconds before moving to the fridge and filling a glass with milk, turning and sitting in the chair across from the death painting. "You seem down, care to share a bit about what's on your mind?"

Faced with the question, Choso just turned his gaze to the table.

Yuki Tsukumo was an energetic woman. Choso didn't really have a solid opinion of her, except that she seemed bold.

They had spoken a few times, conversations the woman herself had initiated.

She seemed particularly interested in talking to him, Choso could tell that.

The reason? Choso had no idea.

But as much as he could appreciate her attempts to get close, Choso had no intention of opening up. To the death painting, Yuki was nothing more than an ally.

"Is it about Itadori?"

Choso's eyebrow twitched at the question, Yuki noticing it with a smile.

"I see... He seems to like you." Yuki said as she took a sip, her eyes never leaving Choso, just to see the face of the death painting light up.

Her bait seemed to have hit the mark.

"Did he say something?" Choso asked a bit more eagerly, his eyes turning to the woman, who looked back at him with a satisfied smile.

"Well, this is based on what I've noticed. Besides, he spoke well of you to Principal Yaga."

"That's good." And with a small smile forming on the death painting's lips, Yuki let out a light laugh.

It seemed that even a death painting couldn't help but be pleased at the realization that someone important had spoken well of him to others.

"You and Itadori seem to have become quite close since Shibuya. I'd like to know more about that, if I'm not being too intrusive..." Resting her chin on her hands, Yuki asked with a curious tone.

Choso observed her in silence, his gaze wandering around the room for a moment before he turned back to the woman with a shrug.

At the end of the day, they were allies. There was no need to hide, especially when it was something Choso didn't care to keep secret.

"Noritoshi Kamo was the one who violated my mother... He is my progenitor and my brothers'." Choso explained with a sigh. "I can feel my brothers, our souls are intertwined by brotherhood, and as the older brother, I have a heightened sensitivity to them...

That's how I discovered that Yuji was actually one of my brothers."

Yuki blinked, clearly surprised by that information. From conversations she'd had with Todo and the second-year students, she believed that Choso thinking Itadori was his brother was due to an unconscious ability of the boy.

Strange pheromones, as Panda believed.

But this changed things a bit.

"Somehow, Noritoshi Kamo switched bodies and continued with his goals of spreading misery... At some point, he must have impregnated a woman, consequently giving life to Yuji."

Yuki narrowed her eyes. If that were really true, it was impossible that Yuji's abilities were just a coincidence... A powerful innate technique, and a body capable of imprisoning the King of Curses without giving in.

Yuki would bet her hair that this wasn't just chance... Noritoshi Kamo must have something planned.

"It doesn't matter if we're not bound by blood, I can feel our connection. I am his older brother." And with a satisfied nod, Choso declared confidently, turning to see Yuki observing him in silence.

"Oh, a stubborn man..." Yuki smiled, clearly enjoying the death painting's attitude. "Can I ask you a question, Choso?"

Choso raised an eyebrow, signaling for the woman to continue.

"What's your type of woman?"


What a strange woman Yuki Tsukumo was.


Appearing on top of a building, Naoya Zenin observed the devastated scene of what was once the bustling city of Shibuya with narrowed eyes.

"This smell of decomposing bodies is disgusting." Spitting, he shrugged, his eyes moving as he noticed numerous cursed energy signatures. "There are still many curses around here. What are the incompetent Jujutsu school people doing?"

Firmly positioning himself at the edge of the building, he continued searching for different signatures. "It's not an unexpected result when so much responsibility is placed on a bunch of useless people."


As his eyes wandered over the city, he stopped when he noticed a different signature, a smile spreading when he spotted a boy with black hair accompanied by two others finishing off a large curse.

"I've found you, Megumi Fushiguro."
